The Rice Diet anyone?
I have been reading up on the Rice Diet and have ordered the book. Has anyone ever tried it? I am at goal and have been there since September, but I wanted to look into something to put hubby in as he has a few pounds to lose (about 30) and he has not had WLS so I can't instill my rules. Since I will be cooking for him, I wondered about eating the same way myself. Any "Ricers" out there????
You can read about it here: Low-fat, low-salt, mostly vegetarian (fish is the key meat).
Well...basically its a more vegetarian version of the southbeach diet. If your hubby isn't a big meat eater, then he should do fine on it....I personally couldn't live on this. I love my meat, eggs, etc. But that's me lol. Good luck! I will say, it is NOT recommended to be on this 'diet' without doc supervision...but most will ignore that warning

I am so glad I found this board.
There was actually an article in Woman's World Magazine a bit ago about this...
I will look to see if I still have it & retype it to post.
I do remembrt that you can swap out other whole grains for the rice in this version.
I may just try this over the weekend...