Where is Kiki?
We must go to the same grocery store. Everyone there is watching me and thinking about everything in my basket. I know it's because of this surgery. They all think I took the easy way out.
I tried o tell them all that this surgery is certainly NOT the easy way out and I have to work at it. I have explianed that to anyone who would listen. I just can't understand why they all think they can discuss my private business.
So glad somebody understands me.
By the way, I heard your SIL is cheating on her husband with the grocery clerk.
I know where you've been...... ya know that all nite buffet that gives discounts to WLS grads, over on the interstate..... well, Kiki and I spent a week there one day last month....until they asked us to leave..... Seems I was constipated and the only way for me to get relief is to eat a few pounds of mashed taters and gravy, thro in a few pieces of sf pie.......We're fine now tho?
Will it get moderated out?
Seriously guys, it's all in fun.... there is no buffet... really, just trying to get a laugh...
Wish me luck...
Laurie - minus 186 lbs!!