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on 1/6/10 4:41 am - WA
Topic: RE: North West WLS Support Group Update
I recall sometime in 2008, we had a online chat room for the Washington Board--it was successful for about 3 weeks, but somehow it faltered and never got back... I really appreicate the online chatrooms---if we could create a Washington Chat Online support group on OH with an administrator, etc   that would be fantastic...  What does everyone say to that?    
Why not do a Hybrid format (that's the term I learned at the Highline community college) -- a group that does a combination of meeting face to face and also meeting online chat rooms--Maybe for example:
3 mondays of online chatrooms and the 4th monday Face to Face? (that is just a suggestion) with a couple of once every 3 months doing a worthy cause of giving back to the community. 

Just food for thought.


P.S. I do not belong to the Redmond group as it's pretty far --- I belong to the Thru Thick and Thin, -- but that was pretty far for me, too... So, basically, the Virginia Mason support groups...the feel was something that I didn't really care for.... I really enjoyed the Thru Thick and Thin and the Merrilou's(Merrilou's had stopped recently--for reasons that I'm not sure about) groups---the informality, very supportive, and inclusivity... Maybe with your finangling(spell?), you could expand the group to include others?
on 1/6/10 4:25 am - WA
Topic: RE: Does anyone know a good surgeon in Renton/Seattle/Bellevue area?
I believe you can find out by clicking on the tab "Find a Surgeon" which is on the same line as
Forum Home / Message Board /  Recent Posts / Chat / Member List / Find a surgeon / Help

which is right below the "Welcome to the Washington Forum"  It all depends on your insurance coverage as well. I hope that tab will give you all that info as well.  I know Virginia Mason, University of Washington (both in Seattle), Overlake (Bellevue), I don't know about Valley Medical Center (in Renton)-I recall last year or so that their program closed--I'm not sure if it's true right now--Washington peeps--please correct me if I'm wrong or any new additional information that I am not aware of.

on 1/6/10 4:19 am - WA
Topic: RE: What Methods Do You Use to Continue to Believe that Life is Worth Living?
1. Remember how we got there--sticking with the program--planning food meals, exercise, etc
2. thing comes to mind--I was a little down last night-thinking I screwed up about homework but told myself--it'll be better tommorrow and get some sleep-goshdarn it-and I did sleep-and tomorrow (today) was a better day... that quote... not sure if it quite fits "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia."
3. Pace myself, do everything in moderation, otherwise, things will "quirk" one way or another and it'll take time to get back on track.
4. Just make sure to take the vitamins, communicate with my DH, and get some quality sleep!
5. We are "miracles" in the making--everything we do -- I had recently sent a quote to someone--this applies>>> "The [people whose] lives you touch may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."; -- David B. Haight
6. I have no idea how to answer that question.... Do unto others as you want them to do unto you...  

on 1/6/10 4:05 am - WA
Topic: RE: Reactions from friends/family during the holidays??
I'm sorry I had to laugh--he must have thought you were so beautiful and skinnnnnny! Sometimes we need reinforcements from others -- for example my husband, I do sometimes ask him dumb questions, but hey that's all a part of communication---(the following is from a book)
it fills that physical need :
-strong relationships, without them--we run 2 to 3 times the risk of an early death
-terminal cancerl strikes social isolated people more often than who have close personal relationships
-divorced, separated, and widowed people are 5 to 10 times more likely to need hospitalization for mental problems than their married counterparts
-pregnant women under stress and without supportive relationships have 3x more complications than pregnant women who suffer from the same stress but have strong social support
-social isolated people are 4x more susceptible to the common cold than those who have active social networks
It also fills the social need by communicating :
All that from my Intro to Communications class book "Understanding Human Communication",
a college class I'm taking right now.  

Hey, we all need input... I'm sure some people on this board understand where you are coming from--that guy, a total stranger, will probably never know why you asked (by the way, it wasn't really a dumb question, there aren't any dumb questions, we would feel dumb if we don't ask!)--no need to bear everything to that guy...Sometimes I feel like I'm still a big girl, but when I tell myself--hey, you WERE a big'll take some time to wrap my head into this new phase of life. We all go through this. I totally empathize. About that fear of gaining it back, I'm sure some of us have that same fear--I was recently in a face to face support group--it really helped develop some self-awareness and to work the program if we want to keep it successful--it's ok if we fall--no need to beat ourselves up, just get back on the horse and keep plugging away.  No one is perfect-we're all human.

Thanks for chiming in.

on 1/6/10 2:12 am
Topic: Does anyone know a good surgeon in Renton/Seattle/Bellevue area?
Hi! I had surgery a year ago in Alabama..and now I need to find a surgeon here for regular appointments and care.  Does anyone know of a good surgeon in the Renton/Seattle/Bellevue area that I should try out?

RNY 9/24/08
Surgery Weight - 344.4 
Revision to DS 9/22/10
Surgery Weight - 231.0 
Plastics 4/14/11 
Surgery Weight - 211.0
Current Weight - 179.8
Goal Weight - 160.0
I am staring at Ambition, shaking hands with Success, and smiling at Determination - What are YOU doing? *smirk*

"They ON IT cause they WANT IT!"

on 1/6/10 1:09 am, edited 1/6/10 5:44 am - Kirkland, WA
Topic: RE: Reactions from friends/family during the holidays??
Sounds like an interesting holiday. I can relate. My mom used to give me all her tops back when I was heavy and now I have to tell her most likley I'm not gonna fit in your cloths anymore, I can tell she still doesn't get it, yesterday I showed her my pants which are almost falling off, she said "Oh, don't worry about it, just cover it up with your top, noone will see it."  Yea, sure. I love going to goodwill and places like that, they really are the best way to go. My only wish is that I'm still very insecure and I always have a fear of gaining it all back, the otherday, I had a new pair of jeans on and I asked a guy that I like if they made me look fat ( I know, dumb question ) Well, he looked at me like I was crazy, and said, "no, they don't." then he shook his head. I don't think people get it. I know in my mind I'm normal weight, but sometimes I still feel like big girl. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's just how I'm feeling now.

 From: 216  Now: 125   From: 38C Now: 32B From: Size 16  Now: Size 6


on 1/5/10 1:44 pm
Topic: RE: New to the WA State board & 7 days postop
Welcome to the Washington boards! Looking forward to watching your progress over 2010~ Congrats to you!
Make a pregnancy ticker  
  Hit goal 10/31/09!  RNY!!!

on 1/5/10 7:08 am - WA
Topic: RE: New to the WA board--MAMC patient
Hi there! I too had a VBG revision with Dr. Martin. My VBG had the same problems! My stircture was quite severe as well! I hated the VBG. I did not have RNY, I had DS.

I too would suggest upping the protein in a big way, and also, stalls are common throughout this process. I know how frustrating it is, I honestly do! But it will not last. For me, I tend to lose in chunks, so maybe that is what is going on with you.


229 / 148/ 135
Open DS Surgery with Dr. Martin @ Madigan 
Revision from 2006 - VBG
Hernia repair and tummy tuck - 05/12/2010

Christine Gibson
on 1/5/10 6:43 am, edited 1/5/10 6:44 am - Redmond, WA
Topic: What Methods Do You Use to Continue to Believe that Life is Worth Living?
Greetings everyone:

Here it is 2010.  2009 was a most challenged year for many folks.  We've had such horror stories this year, all the way from learning or knowing folks who suffered the loss of their job, their home, their family, their _____, and perhaps even for some, their sanity, and for us as an entire region -- the brutal, inexcusable, and horrendous loss of 6 of our finest: police officers? 

Since this is the beginning of 2010, and timely for everyone to make their New Year's Resolutions, what methods do you use to help you:
1.  Keep your weight down (or to continue to lose weight),
2.  Keep your mood up?
3.  Keep your energy level thriving?
4.  Keep your mind alert, and
5.  To continue to believe that life is worth living?
6.  What can we each do to make our area a safer place in which to live?


                Christine Gibson, MS, MA
       ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
               Bariatric University Suport Group Coach
               [email protected]
Christine Gibson
on 1/5/10 4:32 am, edited 1/5/10 4:42 am - Redmond, WA
Topic: North West WLS Support Group Update
Greetings everyone!

May we all have a most blessed 2010.  Let this year be one of great successes, humor, happiness, fulfillment, real and fulfilling employment as well as financial, emotional, physical and spiritual stability. 

I am posting this query to the Washington State Board because as the leader of an independent support group serving folks in the Greater Seattle area with meetings at the Redmond Pancake House/Restaurant in Redmond Washington, I am seeking to find out what folks want from their support group, or from any support group.  I would appreciate your responses, positive and negative. I believe I have the only non-hospital and non-doctor affiliated support group in the State of Washington.  If I am incorrect, please let me know.

I'd love to have any and all of you become part of and active in this non-doctor affiliated and non-hospital affiliated group of folks who share a common issue: that of being weight loss surgery survivors in our struggles with obesity.  Our regular meeting is the 3rd Thursday of each and every month except for December.  We meet at 7:00 p.m. in a private area of the Restaurant and pretty much have the area entirely to ourselves.  All the restaurant asks is that we purchase something small to help defray the costs.  But, their food in fantabulous as well as nutritious.  It is easy to get a very nutritious meal if you are so inclined.

But, if some of you prefer, would you rather have a support group who meets by telephone so no one has to drive distances or suffer the long driving times stagnated in non-moving cars down our clogged freeways?

Do you want this support group to have both elements?  Or, what about 3 elements -- adding that of doing something to give back to the community, just as paying for lunches for our police officers, or saluting them as they patrol our streets and cities or collecting donations for orphans, or the homeless, or ....?  Other ideas such as getting together for walks around Marimoor Park, Greenlake, Lake Washington (just kidding on this one but it could be a future goal).

I'd love to receive other comments from each of you regarding the 2010 direction for this group. 


P.S.  To receive information in your In-box that "you have mail from folks" you need to click on Preferences and then check a couple of boxes.  If you don't, then messages sent from my group site will languish forever at only to be seen if you click on and find out that you have a message.  This is such a struggle for me as a leader when I am attempting to reach my members.  
                Christine Gibson, MS, MA
       ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
               Bariatric University Suport Group Coach
               [email protected]
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