April 10th Exercise post

on 4/10/06 4:03 am - Bellingham, WA
Hey everyone! Hope you all had wonderfully productive weekends! I got in 2 hours of hiking yesterday with the dog. We had a blast! Especially seeing her get into the water for her first time! She was a crazy dog! She is a 5-month old golden retriever. We had fun throwing a stick into the water and watching her try and figure out how to get it! She wouldn't get wet at first and then we couldn't keep her out of the water after that! Great exercise chasing her around! How did you all do? Did you get your butts moving? I plan on walking a mile today. Can't do more since I am super swamped here at work today. I only have 15 min for lunch. So....a mile it is! What are you going to do to get moving today? Lori 281/187/140
on 4/10/06 2:08 pm - Everett, WA
I woke up even earlier than planned-- popped awake around 3:30 and told myself to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I finally got up around 4 and headed out. Did 2.5 today slow but sure, and felt great. I don't feel the need to pu**** at all. BUt now at 9 PM I am pooped, so I need to head off to bed. I will have to finish my work tomorrow. My weekend was great. I got rid of all of my winter clothes to my sister-in-law and niece. They are both about the size I am now, so they will be able to use the clothes. I know I won't be able to next year!!! It is SPRING!! My favorite season. I cannot wait to be able to get my bike out and ride to work (4.5 miles). Now that is a workout! Have a great week-- and Lori-- I see you are soon going to be a "Centurion"!!! WAY TO GO!!!! Kelly
on 4/11/06 6:29 am - Bellingham, WA
Isn't it a GREAT feeling to get rid of clothes that you KNOW that you will NEVER fit in again??? Gosh, when I got rid of 4 large lawn and leaf bags full, it was LIBERATING! I was a little sad to see all my clothes go but at the same time, it was very cool to know that someone else was going to get some use out of them too. I love spring too! I can't wait to buy flowers for my garden boxes on my deck. They are in dire need of some attention! I am off work from tomorrow afternoon until Monday so I think that will be my goal. Yes, I am almost in the Century Club... I can't believe it! Lori
on 4/11/06 4:10 am - Clarkston, WA
Hi all, I haven't done anything as of yet, but I plan on walking down to get the kids at school, about a mile. That may be it, because I am working in the yard today, just came in for a snack and I will be right back out there. I love SPRING! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Chasing the dog can be good exercise, they are so cute when they are figuring things out for the first time. That was our springer last summer in the water, just like that, wouldn't get in, but once he was in wouldn't come out...lol. Have a great day. Molly
on 4/11/06 6:31 am - Bellingham, WA
Hey Molly! Workin in the yard is EXERCISE! Aren't puppies funny? Maggie absolutely loved it. I know now that whenever we go to that spot, she will be in the water! I can't wait until summer when I can get in the water with her. Right now it's wayyyyy too cold! You have a great day too!!! Lori
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