April 6 Exercise Post

on 4/7/06 3:07 am - Bellingham, WA
Hey All! It's Friday!!!! Yeah! How is everyone doing today?? I walked 2.5 miles yesterday at lunchtime! Yeah me! How did you all do? Everyone get their butts up and moving? My goal today, since I have errands to run, will be one mile at lunchtime. I can do that in about 15 minutes or less. I have to continue to walk even a little bit each day. I feel so much better when I do! Come on in and join our exercise post! We welcome you all with open arms!!!! TGIF!!! Lori
on 4/7/06 7:14 am - Bellingham, WA
Geez! Somebody shoulda smacked me! I forgot to post yesterday and thought today was the 6th... Sorry about that people! Today is the 7th and this should have read "April 6th & 7th exercise post!" Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will post again on Monday! Lori
on 4/7/06 11:39 am - Everett, WA
Lori, you are forgiven! For both yesterday and today my daughter and I walked to the store and back (I had to have a "carrot" for her to come with me-- so we got videos). Round trip it was 2 miles. Yesterday was tougher than today, and tomorrow will be easier-- although we won't be going to the store. I am still really bloated so I am walking rather gingerly, and not trying to do "cardio". Antonio is doing just fine adjusting to me, or I to him. Today was my first day off clear liquids! I was sure happy about that. The liquified soups sure taste good. Well today is the last day of spring break (the weekend doesn't count) and I am a little bummed. I had so much to do, but being in TJ it just didn't happen! Oh well, I am happy about what did happen. I think getting hitched to Antonio will be the best thing I could have done for myself! I am already seeing results (though I don't own a scale so I can't tell pound-wise)-- of course those results are just from having been on liquids for 5 days! have a great weekend. Kelly
on 4/10/06 4:06 am - Bellingham, WA
Good job not overdoing it Kelly! You will be back to normal with your walking in no time. I tried pushing it in the beginning and was sorry. I got so tired and felt really crappy. I finally figured out that I was trying to do too much. Sounds like everything else is going good for you too! I bet you are just dropping the pounds! Take care sweetie and keep us posted! Lori
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