on 4/3/06 7:30 am - federal way, WA
I feel so pathetic but I havent lost a pound in over 6 months... I am a year and 3 months out and am not losing. I have been very bad eating the wrong foods drinking soda.. doing everything I know Im not supposed to do but I feel so lost. I have no idea what to eat or how often. Im hungry a lot and don't dump unless i eat more than 20 grams of sugar at one time... I really want to get back on track but I don't know how. My surgeon was in mexico and i have no support here. No doctors will take me because I had my surgery out of country.. Can someone please help me get back on track. I don't want to fail at this surgery. I've lost 105 pounds so far and i have another 80 to go to get me to goal... Im so scared and upset and mad at myself and I don't know how to do this anymore.. Someone please help me... I don't know what to eat or how to eat anymore. I know im eating more than I should too. I feel so helpless.. I have tried the atkins diet.. weigh****chers everything and i always go back to what im used to eating.. someone please give me some advice.. I desperately need it... sad in federal way
on 4/3/06 8:08 am - Bellingham, WA
First things first....calm down. Second.... you have to change what you are doing. You need to go back to basics. You need to make sure you are eating your proteins first (chicken breast, deli sliced lunchmeats, tuna, canned chicken, etc.), then veggies (broccoli, green beans, carrots, salads, etc), then starches (potatoes, brown rice) if you still have room. I eat very little potatoes or rice. Cut out drinking soda, especially if it isn't diet. Stop eating sugar laden foods, try sugarfree, it's AWESOME! I haven't had anything sugary since my surgery almost 8 months ago. I don't do protein shakes. I get all the protein I need from my food. I get most of my carbs from fruit. I don't eat alot of white flour type of carbs, i.e. bread, crackers, etc. If you feel the need to snack, make sure you have string cheese, carrot sticks, sugarfree jello, fruit, etc. Don't keep junkfood in your house. I sure don't. And my kids and husband don't mind a bit. They have also been eating way healthier since my surgery. FIND A SUPPORT GROUP YOU CAN GO TO! Are you drinking your 64 oz of water? Are you getting any exercise? Do you still take your vitamins/supplements? When did you get your bloodwork done last? Have you had any kind of postop check up? I have started a daily exercise post that you are more than welcome to join! We post daily what we did to get our butts moving! Please don't give up hope. You can ALWAYS come here for support. But please try and find a support group where you live. They can help trememdously. Take care and keep your chin up! You can do it! Lori
on 4/3/06 12:38 pm - Clarkston, WA
Yeah, I just wanted to say ditto to everything Lori said. I wanted you to know that I am thinking of you, I know how easy it is to get back into those old habits. Work on, like Lori said, getting back to basics. It will be hard, but it will help. Check in here to help hold yourself accountable, join the exercise post that Lori does everyday, it really does help me with the accountability factor. We are here for you and we understand. Molly
on 4/5/06 1:07 pm - Seattle, WA
A number of folks are tracking their eating on fitday.com -- it provides an opportunity to see what you are really eating, and will help you in deciding what you should be eating. -Pam
on 4/5/06 3:46 pm - Kent, WA
Sad, Maybe joining a support group would help hon. There is one that meets in Puluap. I can't remember when but I kow if you check out Michelle Carins, think that is her name it is her group. Or go to Vitalady.com. . It will be ok we all get off track. The important thing is you realize it and want to stop. Email me if you want to meet for coffee or something. I live in Kent. It will be ok Michele [email protected]
(deactivated member)
on 4/6/06 4:33 am - Kennewick, WA
Okay, sit down ... take a breath, and take in the info from all the posts sofar, especially Lorlee's post. My doctor didn't provide a support system either and he retired so now I'm left to my own devices, although I follow up with my PCP who has been very helpful. Personally, I get all the support and advice I need from OH and dont really need a face to face support group, although I wouldn't mind attending one every once in awhile. First of all, stay away from the bad food, yes, I know easier said than done ... I have to admit that once in awhile I do succomb to bad eating (pizza, cookies, beef-a-roni) but I do that once every other month or so and I still do dump on too much sugar (cookies) so if I eat one, I'm fine. In general, I TRY get in enough protein +100grams (I do drink 2x Nectar protein shakes a day, but that's cuz I really like em and drink them as a snack.) I TRY drink more than 100fl oz of water, and try to keep my carbs under 50g (good carbs). I track this on www.fitday.com. I TRY to exercise 3-4 times a week, although past couple of weeks I've only gotten in 2x a week. I TRY not to eat white rice, bread or paste ... notice all the "TRY'S" ... it's hard but we are the only ones that can make this work. Here is a typical eating day for me: Morning: 1/2 cup Scrambled egg w/ lots of veggies (i.e. green pepper, onion, mushrooms) or Protein Shake Snack: Protein shake or 2x teaspoon crunchy peanut butter or FF mini- popcorn Lunch: 3 cups seafood salad (my lunch today - yummy!!) OR 1 - 1 1/2 cup (depending on how hungry I am) of turkey/chicken stew/curry OR Healthy Choice or Lean Cuisine Frozen meals Snack: same as above Dinner: usually 3oz chicken made in my George Foreman grill OR beef/pork roast, with 1/2 - 1/4 cup baked potato, and 1/2 cup veggies (brocolli, peas and carrots, squash, ect) Try to do my treadmill or workout videos although its been rough lately but with it being lighter earlier and later, hopefully this will be easier and more motivating. Okay, enough blabbering from me, I really hope this helps and if you need to talk or vent, PLEASE feel free to email me!! We are there to help each other no matter how and what!! Hang in there and sending you a hug!! M. 318/210/165
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