March 24 daily exercise post!

on 3/24/06 2:21 am - Bellingham, WA
Sorry about yesterday! Thanks Molly for keeping the post up for me! I am still sick. I now have a cough too! Along with the ear infection and cold. UGH! I hate not being able to walk! It's driving me crazy! I am hoping to be well enough next week to start up again. I hope everyone else is keeping up their exercise! Kelly, I had no idea that you were that close to surgery! WHOO HOO!!! All this exercising is only gonna help you! The good news is that I am dropping weight while sick. I haven't been eating much and have been drinking a ton of fluids. So as of this morning, I am down 89lbs! I am weighing in at 192! Keep up the good work everyone! Lori 281/192/140 52lbs to goal!
on 3/24/06 10:50 am - Clarkston, WA
Hi all, I didn't do any real exercise today, I had a dentist appointment today and it was an hour and half away in the town I grew up in. I just can't bring myself to find a new dentist, when the one I have is so great. Anyhow, I was pretty much just lazy today, I will make up for it tomarrow. Lori- I am glad to hear you say that you are drinking lots of fluids! That is so very important, not to sound to much like my mother! Glad you are still losing too. We have a very busy weekend planned, gotta put in a sprinkler system for the entire yard, we'll see how that goes Molly
on 3/27/06 1:41 am - Bellingham, WA
Thanks Molly! How did the sprinkler thing go?? I love my dentist too. I would drive just about any distance to see him. Lori
on 3/24/06 11:44 am - Graham, WA
Hi Lori, So sorry you are sick, yuck. Keep up your fluids! Great job. I have missed posting a couple of days, as I have been sick also. I got so I couldn't even look at any food, nausea, weak, and liquid intake way low. Being 2 weeks post op, I am still on the liquid diet. Today I had an EGD which said I have a "marginal ulcer". Dr. upped my previcid, and gave me nausea meds. I am waiting test results from my Cat Scan. I have a sharp pain in my left side. Anyway, back to the exercise. Yesterday I did walk 15 min. after my cat scan. Today they told me to rest and take it easy, so I did, and no walking. I plan on starting right back up tomorrow to do 2 fifteen minute walks. Thanks for your post. It gets me going!! Janice B P.S. Congratulations on your weight loss. Terrific!!!
on 3/27/06 1:39 am - Bellingham, WA
Thanks Janice! I am still fighting this cold. Now it's turned into a cold/cough. ugh! Good job on the walking. Every little bit helps! Sorry about the ulcer, take your meds and get that puppy taken care of! I did manage to get out hiking in the woods yesterday for about 2 hours. We love to hunt for morel mushrooms. Didn't find more than about 10 but got some exercise anyway! Lori
Diane DeSeranno
on 3/24/06 2:49 pm - Long Beach, WA
I was doing great at my execise, then I got sick and have not got back to it and it has now been like 6 weeks and all I have done is walk like 3 days. I have got to get going again. This is the hardest part for me. I have never been an exerciser. Guess that's why I ended up fat. LOL
on 3/25/06 9:45 am - Camano Island, WA
Hi Lori: Been reading your exercise posts and just wanted to say, "Keep up the good work" You look great! Sorry you haven't been feeling well, but keep up the encouragement. Lord knows we need it. I've been increasing my walking each day, until now I am able to walk 3 mi/hr. Either on the treadmill or outside. After that, I swim for an hour. I feel so blessed to able to do this exercise when I could barely make it to the mail box before surgery. I am no spring chicken, so I have to work especially hard. My surgery was Oct 10, 2006. I didn't really get going on the exercise until December, but now I love it. I have lost 76# gone down 5 sizes, and yesterday, I bought my first pair of jeans. Hooray! We're going to France April 24th and I can hardly wait. Thanks for all your shares and letting me share. Love, Santina 306/230/150
on 3/26/06 4:01 am - Everett, WA
Wow, I am sorry to hear about all you guys being sick. That is NO fun! I am blessed with a healthy body, (for the most part-- if you don't count almost being diabetic, having sleep apnea etc....) any I rarely get sick. But I do get stressed out a lot. I take way too much on (don't we all!). I am getting nervous about surgery! This morning-- I did my 5.5 miles again-- I was thinking about why I needed/wanted the surgery, if I am doing so well with the exercise, I could "jus****ch what I eat" and lose weight without surgery, but I know that this exercise kick won't last-- something will come up and get in the way (life--- other committments etc....) and then jus****ching what I am eating won't do it, and any weight I have lost will come back on! So I just need to keep remembering that! Take care all, and get healthy! Thanks for the encouragement! Kelly
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