Daily Exercise Post March 16

on 3/16/06 1:28 am - Bellingham, WA
Wow, we are almost through another week! Great job on the exercising people! I know there are more of you out there who are exercising but not posting your exercise for the day. Let's all post it here so we can motivate each other!!! Thanks to Kelly and Molly for posting along with me everyday! I appreciate it girls! I had big plans to walk my 2 miles and then walk the dog later.... well I didn't do either of them! Had errands to run at lunchtime and it was pouring down rain last night. So..... I will get my butt in gear today and at least get my walk in! Keep up the good work everyone! Lori
on 3/16/06 4:56 am - Bellingham, WA
I walked in the RAIN! Good thing I brought my umbrella! Lori
on 3/16/06 12:17 pm - Graham, WA
Hi Lori, I am so glad to see you keeping up the exercise post. I am 1 week post op. March 9 was my surgery. I immediately walked in the hospital and did fine. I came home and walked a little on the first day, and on the 2nd. day I went outside and walked around 10 minutes. Today I am walking 15 min. twice a day. I just wait for the rain to stop or slow down. Walking makes me feel so much better after being in the house. Next week my goal has been set to 20 min. 2 times a day. Take care, and I will start trying to post every day now that I feel like doing puter work!! Janice B
on 3/17/06 1:27 am - Bellingham, WA
Janice, you are doing FABULOUS! Every little bit of walking you do is wonderful for your body. Especially being so newly post op! I found that I felt so much better when I did that. Glad to see you up and about! Keep up the good work!! Lori
on 3/16/06 11:47 am - Clarkston, WA
Hi Lori, So far just me and you again girlfriend! I did do the eliptical today, I just could not tell what the weather was going to do today, so I decided that I would stay in. I have to go out of town tomarrow morning and will be back in the evening, and weekends are hectic for me too. Soooo I probably will be back to check in on Monday. Thanks for the encouragement, you are doing great by the way too! So proud of you, that you get that walking in everyday! Keep it up! Molly
on 3/17/06 1:31 am - Bellingham, WA
Thanks for your kind words Molly! That is soooo sweet! How do you like the eliptical? I want to buy a piece of exercise equipment for home but am not sure if I want to just get a treadmill or something else... I KNOW I would definitely use the treadmill. My kids keep begging me to get a weight bench too. Hmmm decisions, decisions... I won't be walking today. I have to run errands for my daughter. She has her FIRST DATE tonight for tolo! I am so nervous! She is too. I will post pics this weekend of her and her date. She is so dang pretty! If you click my photobucket page you can see a couple of pics from her the night of the winter ball. She went with girlfriends. They all looked so pretty! Great job on the exercising! You are doing awesome! Lori
on 3/16/06 2:09 pm - Everett, WA
You guys are all doing great! I know I feel SO much better when I have had my walk. What a difference it makes. I get pretty lucky, seems like most mornings it is not too wet out there. I either catch it right after or right before it starts to rain. My Dog doesn't like to get too wet, so she hesitates if it is raining too hard (I do too for that matter!). I did about 50 minutes this morning, but somewhere along the way I popped a blood vessel in my eye. I didn't even think I was exerting myself that much! Take care have a great St. Patty's Day. Remember to wear green! Kelly
on 3/17/06 1:36 am - Bellingham, WA
I have done that before and it isn't very nice looking! It freaks people out more than anything! Great job on exercising! You are doing so good! Thats funny about your dog... my old dog hates to get wet. He cringes everytime I say "bath"... He is a wuss! Walking makes me feel high on life baby! I love love love it! I used to hate hate hate it! BUT NOW....I can't get enough! Keep it up! And yes... I am wearing green! I wore my John Deere tshirt to work today! Hey, it's casual Friday! Yipee! Lori 281/196/140
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