Dr. Oh - pre-op weight loss

Cheri C.
on 3/15/06 2:22 pm - Juneau, AK
For those of you who had Dr. Oh, can you tell me how strict he is about pre-op weight loss. When I saw him in December he told me he wanted me to lose 15-20 lbs. before surgery. Well, I quit smoking on New Years and gained 15 pounds during January. I have since lost 8 pounds but am currently 7 pounds higher than I was when I saw Dr. Oh. I'm hoping to have surgery the first week of May. If I am to lose the 15 - 20 lbs that Dr. Oh wants me to lose, that means I need to lose 22-27 lbs. in about 6 weeks - almost 4 pounds a week. I'm trying but its coming off slow. Was Dr. Oh strict about the pre-op weight loss? My PCP says its great that I've quit smoking and that it's the best thing I could have done for myself even with the weight gain but I'm worried about getting the weight off before I see Dr. Oh again. I'm hoping he'll count the weight I've lost since I quit smoking in January. Cheri
on 3/16/06 12:12 am - Oak Harbor, WA
Hi, Cheri, I'm not a Dr. Oh patient but my surgeon wanted me to lose weight before I had surgery, too. Most of them do because it helps to shrink the liver a little and gets your brain in the right mindset pre-op. I think that as long as you show him what you have done (keep a record of it - food log, exercise log, etc.) that he'll be okay with it. That's just my opinion, though! Michelle 340/216/???
Cheri C.
on 3/16/06 12:44 am - Juneau, AK
Thanks, Michelle, I have been keeping good documentation because I'm going through the 3-month pre-op required by my insurance company. I'm thinking I will just kick it in to high gear and maybe go on liquids early to lose the weight. As long as I keep up the protein and supplements I should be ok. Looks like you're doing great with your weight loss. Cheri
Patricia F.
on 3/22/06 4:16 am - Tacoma, WA
Dr Oh was my surgeon and I just had my bypass March 7th. When you meet with him and he starts you on the liquids, he tells you "Don't Cheat". I have been to several seminars that he gave prior to my surgery and by listening to some of his previous patients, they said he can really be harsh. My friend had Dr Oh also and when she saw him in August '05, she said he told her to lose 65 lbs then come see him. She went home in tears and then called Tina. Tina said make another appt and come back to see him. She did and he set the surgery. She had to go on liquids for 2 weeks. Her beginning wt was 417#. My beginning wt was 222#. I had to be on the liquid for 1 week pre-op and then 4 weeks post op. I still have 2 weeks to go. It is tough, but I found after the first 3 days, it was not a big deal anymore.. I think you will enjoy having Dr Oh as your surgeon and he has a spotless record of these surgeries. Go see him again and I bet he will go ahead with your surgery date as your weight loss shows, you are determined and I truly think that is what Dr Oh is looking for......committment....... And.....congratulations on your quitting smoking.
Cheri C.
on 4/4/06 12:27 pm - Juneau, AK
Patricia, I just now saw your response to my post about Dr. Oh. I apologize for taking so long to reply to you. Thanks for your response. How are you doing? You are just over a month out now. How did the liquids go for the last month? Is it clear liquids or full liquids? What kinds of foods can you eat now that you are more than 4 weeks out? I'm sorry....so many questions!! I am still trying to lose the weight and am still at the same weight. It is so frustrating as I am doing everything I know to do other than quitting eating all together. I am walking 2 miles per day and eating mostly protien. If it is committment he is looking for, he will sure see it here!! I will be submitting for approval next week. Nerve racking as you know. Good luck with your journey. And any other words of wisdom you care to share, I'd be happy to soak up your knowledge!! Thanks again. Cheri
on 4/4/06 9:20 am - Eastside Seattle 'burb, WA
I find DocOh to be a sweetie . . . of course, he's operated on me twice, I've seen him pick up a patient of the bathroom floor (she was having bad reaction to EGD anesthesia) and half carry her to car. Yes, he can seem harsh at times, but it's all a front. Be honest with him, and don't talk while he writes . . . be friendly, and he is more receptive. He's just human, a stoic Asian male with tender heart that he protects behind a brittle glass shell. Like a Christmas ornament filled with marshmallow.
Cheri C.
on 4/4/06 12:30 pm - Juneau, AK
Hi Rachel, Thanks for your advice on dealing with Dr. Oh. I have heard so many good things about him. Cheri
on 4/11/06 4:15 am - Eastside Seattle 'burb, WA
Typo - he's operated on me three times! RnY, emergency bowel obstruction where he operated late into night after a full day of surgery, then TT this Jan. And he gave me the "sexy tummy" he promised!
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