Happy Thanksgiving All

on 11/26/05 7:25 am - NM
I hope everyone had a great day. I spent the day cooking a turkey and a few side dishes. Then we packed it up and took it to a family diner. It wasn't too bad. I didn't over eat. And, now that I am over a year out, I can taste everything I want. It is a far cry from last year when I spent the day cooking and the afternoon watching people eat. I was really looking forward to going home and visiting my family. Gas prices had kept us from doing it until now. But, about two months ago, my dog got knocked up again. With her due any time, we couldn't chance a trip home. Now that it is Sat. and she still hasn't popped, she is getting an ear full for blowing my weekend. At least it is giving me time to get some stuff done. People ask us if we are glad to be civilians again and are surprised when we say no. Every holiday is filled with memories of the past and thoughts of where we should be. Even so, we are adjusting. I mentioned that I had been busy. Work keeps me busy. The kids hate that I work now. I thought they would get used to it, but they haven't. I start my work day at 5am. The plan is so I can get off at 1pm and be there for them. But, for whatever reason, it never works out that way. I always seem to be running around doing stuff that had to be done yesterday. Many nights, I don't get home until 5. And, that is just in time to start diner. We moved again. At least this time we were able to buy a house. I have been trying to unpack and set up a home. I really like my new home. And, if I ever get the small stuff, like the plumbing leaks, fixed, I will love my new home. The down side to the new home is that we are back on dial up. The computer room is coming together. But, so far, I just have the basics set up. I do read every email that I get. But, I don't come to the site on my work computer. And, with being out of the loup with my home computer for so long, I haven't been to the site in ages. I learned over Halloween that I won't die if I eat some candy. That sucks. I also had a hard time because we couldn't afford protein bars. So, nutritionally, I was all over the place. I am about 5 pounds up from my comfort zone. DH says it is a good looking 5 pounds. But, I don't like it. I pushed my luck last weekend with a slice of my MIL's cake. I figured one slice wouldn't hurt me. But, that woman knows how to pack in the sugar. I was sick (feeling) and then I passed out. There was no doubt that I dumped. And, it served as a reminder. My tummy looks so great. I love to be naked now. My breasts look good too. She did a great job. But, in the fluffing, so mild ugly things happened. Probably no one but my surgeon and myself would notice or care. DH sure doesn't. He loves them. I have some ugly scars under my breasts. Strange since the TT scar looks fine and great. While I don't care for the scars, it isn't a big deal. I see my surgeon sometime next month to see if she wants to do some touch up work. The only complain I have is that my breasts hurt. There is some deep tissue pains that show up. I thought by now it would have gone away. I really have to be careful which bra I wear and for how long because it seems to make the pains more. Over all, I think it is money well spent. I just wish I had money to fix my rear side. It is very frustrating. Well, back to the grind. Hat
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