She said I am one of the 'petite' patients. . .

Waiting Hoping
on 11/21/05 6:46 am - seattle, WA
I am 150 pounds overweight, more or less. I wear mostly 2X and 3X. Seats in movie theaters are tight. Seats in airplanes are even tighter. I take up more than half the seat on the bus. I am fat, I am obese. And I am aware, as I plod my way through my days that I bump into folks in crowded places because I am fat. I am aware that for some people, I am invisible: these people look at me, register something about how fat I am and I cease to exist for them. It often hurts to walk just cause I am hauling around all the fat on my arthritic joints. last week, I attended a mandatory information session for bariatric surgery at my hospital (UW). The patient coordinator told me I was one of the petites, which is why I have been assigned to the particular doctor I have been assigned to. My doc only does laprascopic (sp?) bariatric surgery and this can only be done, as the clinic coordinator phrased it, on the petite patients. What an odd juxtaposition. Petite, morbidly obese patient. I have a couple friends who are horrified that I am considering this surgery. It kinda hurts my feelings that they continue to oppose it after I point out to them that in addition to lugging 150 pounds of extra weight around with every step I take in life, I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea, esophageal reflux and arthritis, these friends still tell me I should lose weight the right way, which is diet and exercise. To this nonsupportive friends, I say "I have days when I cannot get out of bed because the athritis in my knees hurts so much that I can't bend my legs and rise. If this keeps up, I won't be able to move in ten years. And when I am ten years older, docs are going to be less willing to give me the surgery." "You could do it with diet and exercise if you really wanted to." These same naysayers do not want to listen to me tell them about the myriad weight loss efforts I have already made. They flatly don't believe I exercise five times a week. They don't believe I don't really eat more than they do. What would these friends say if they knew I am one of the 'petite obese'!
on 11/21/05 7:35 am - Bellingham, WA
Hi there, I too am one of the "lightweights" since I only had 140lbs to lose. I have never been considered lightweight in my life! Now I have lost 50lbs and no longer would qualify for surgery. It is a wonderful feeling that with every passing day, I am getting farther and farther away from the morbidly obese catagory. You will be there too. As far as the friends go, mine did the same thing. I just told them that I know the risks of the surgery and I also know the risks of staying the way I was. This was my decision and mine alone. And it didn't just come to me overnight. I researched it for over 2 years. Now the remarks I get are positive. They know that I made the right decision for me and I am living proof that the surgery was worth it. Take care and welcome to the board. Lori
on 11/21/05 10:09 am - Kirkland, WA
I've been getting the same stuff. Someone at church told me yesterday not to have the surgery. I'm so beautiful and not that big! Hello I'm 270 pounds!! She probably weighs 115 soaking wet. My dad says that I lost some weight so just keep going. I told him sure I can lose weight but If i overeat I put on the weight fast plus an extra 10 pounds. I'm done with the yo-yo and guilt everyday. I find out my date on the 28th but my doc said it will be before the end of the year. Let's hope we both are very soon.Carol
on 11/21/05 10:55 am - Spokane, WA
I also am a "petite" patient...ha ha ha since when is 150 pounds petite? No one believes me when I tell them how much I weigh, Look at me I wish you all the best and welcome to the PETITE comittee.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi ya Lori you are doing good! I cannot wait til January to join you!!
on 11/22/05 2:35 am - Bellingham, WA
Hey J, thanks! And I cannot wait for you to join me in January either! Whoo hoo! It's a heck of a ride! I have my 3 month check up next week with Dr. Au. I wanna lose about 5 more lbs by then since their scale is 5 lbs heavier than mine. So it will be officially 50lbs! Let's hear it for the "petite" girls!!! Lori 281/231/140
on 11/22/05 9:42 am - Mountlake Terrace, WA
Hi and welcome here too. I also am one of the "petites" I guess. I haven't told many of the folks I work with about my upcoming surgery. The few I have told have all said its so drastic and why don't you just exercise and take it off that way. My own daughter says I am cheating by doing this. I just tell them I am having it done for myself so I don't get any worse. I want the next 20 years of my life or more hopefully even longer to be healthy ones. This is the only way I see it happening for me. My surgery is coming up fast. Dec 14th!! I can hardly wait!! Alittle scared too but also so anxious!! Take care!! Pamela
on 11/22/05 11:17 pm - lakewood, WA
Hello, I just have to put in my two cents. you have to do what is right for you. I had alot of people to support me, however, there is always those who opose. I am a nurse in a clinic, so all of my nursy buddies, where very supportive while all the while they were scared for me as, they know more than they like to admit. I did have one doctor who turned away from me when he heard that I had the surgery. He still rarely speaks to me any more. The one thing I really want to tell him is how good I feel. I have told many people that I feel like I should have felt the prior 45yrs. One of my daughters was very I stopped talking with her in re to the surgery...the other did clear liquids and protien shakes with me the week prior to surgery, she cant' wait untill i am her size so she can wear my clothes, i guess she has earned to the right to as she has stuck by me. Your list of illness sounded just like mine. I am now off insulin, my fibromyalgia is doing so much better, even though it has been cold. My knees do hurt but I think that is because I am going to curves, using my gazelle, and am basiclly nonstop, so I am glad they hurt to a point. I have been getting dizzy so I am going to see my doc to drop they blood pressure meds in half. All this in only 11wks. Well, welcome know that you have an amazing amount of support here and we will see you on the loosing side\ Debbie
Waiting Hoping
on 11/23/05 11:44 am - seattle, WA
Thanks to you, Debbie, and everyone else for their kind support. I know this surgery is right for me and I am pretty good at ignoring the 'friendly enemies' who voice their opposition to WLS. I try to tell myself that they are really voicing their concern for my wellbeing, that they are doing their best to be my friend. I so want my surgery date. I'll have it very soon.
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