(PS) Biker Rally

on 9/4/05 5:14 pm - NM
I had a blast. We started off at the parade. My parents and DH really didn't want to go to the rally after the parade. OK, everyone wanted to go. But, they didn't want me to go and over do it. I have to admit that I was tired after the parade even though it was short. I almost said we would just go home. If anyone had been hungry, we would have hit this very tasty BBQ place (that I can't eat anything at because BBQ makes me puke) and gone home. The rally was 25 miles from where the parade was. So, I was able to rest. When we got there, it was filled with shopping, bikes, funky looking people to look at and food. It was my first rally ever. And, it was hot. We did some window shopping and hit the food venders. I had steak on a stick. What a great idea. I didn't eat the stick so it was a carb free meal. We found our way to the bull riding and had a seat. I needed to sit by this time. After an hour in the sun, my mom was dying and the beer barn was sounding rather great. So, we ditched my dad, DH and the boys and headed off to the barn. For what ever reason, I forgot that I don't drink beer since my GBS a year ago. I ordered the darkest beer they had and started to enjoy it. Then I felt bad because the men were all out cooking in the sun. We had thought that kids weren't allowed in the beer barn. As it turns out, they aren't allowed in at night when the 'real fun' starts. So, I went to get the boys/men. We got the boys some drinks and then someone had the wise idea that we needed food. Not just any food but funnel cake. I had a small taste. Beer brain struck and before I knew it, I was dumping. Now let's review. Over the last year you all have learned just how stupid I am. I am out pushing my limits with walking and the heat. I am drinking beer which I know will make me sick. I am eatting funnel cake which I know will make me sick. The punishment was quick and hard. And, last for quite a while. At one point, I was doubled over trying to puke. But, my belly is too weeks from the surgery actually get anything out. And, it hurts like hell. I grabbed ahold of DH's pants and held on. My parents freak. Dh doesn't know what to do to help. And, my poor boys. You can imagine. I played it down to calm everyone. But, I kept having to stop and bend over. The kids had to be out of the rally by 7 and we still hadn't done any shopping. Basically, it sucked and I deserve the swelling and pain I am currently in. We moved to one of the vender's tents that we knew we wanted to buy some stuff from and I sat. On the plus side, when I didn't look like a really stupid drunk (even though I wasn't drunk just stupid), I had a great time. I bought 3 shirts which I can't even think about wearing until the swelling goes down. The boys did really well for themselves because it was the last day and they threw everything on sale. And, I got some really good ideas one what not to wear. I am going to try and post interesting things (at least to me) that come to mind each day. I know you all might not care. But, I want to keep a record somehow. Posting is easier than updating my profile for now. My belly is mostly numb. But, there is a little feeling in all parts of it. That is weird enough. But, when I get an itch, I reach down to scratch it only to find that the place I am trying to scratch isn't even close to where the itch is. The deal is that I got to where the skin used to be. I wonder how long it will take to get used to the new location of my skin. My incision (sp?) is so pretty. That is wierd to say. But, when I had my wls, he closed it up wiht stapples that were just randomly placed. I don't fault him. PS isn't his deal after all. But, my PS did such a great job that my cut is a thin line. It should heal nicely. She said we could address fixing my wls scar at some future date when we see how her scar looks. She isn't excited about fixing it. But, it bothers me. I guess it will come down to how much it will cost. When I came out of surgery, my surgeon told DH that she was concerned that I would have dog ears. She said there was more puckering than she expected. There is some there espcially the more I am swollen. But, it is far from bad. I have a question about the drain for any of you bored enough to have read this far. I didn't have any when I had my wls. Now I have one. Everytime I empty the tube, you know that stretch and squeeze thing, it hurts. In fact, it is probably my greatest pain. I am carefull to not pull on it so it pulls at the skin. But, for hours after I empty it, it really hurts when I move. It doesn't do it when I just empty the bulb. Did any of you have this happen? Also, how is it attached to me. Are there stitches somewhere involved to keep it from pulling out? The tape on it fell off. So, we put on new tape to anchor it better so when I snag it on something, it doesn't yank my skin. That really smarts. And, finally, when the doc removes it, what will she actually do? It is in there pretty deep. Will she just give it a big yank? I admit I am a little more than scared of having it removed. Althoug, I don't really want to keep it for the rest of my life. OK so that was three questions. I guess you can tell I am on the pain meds again tonight. I hope my spelling isn't too bad. Hat
on 9/5/05 2:55 pm - Seattle, WA
I know nothing about drains, but I did read the message all the way through. Thanks for sharing your story. It was interesting and ever so real. Sometimes we just end up relearning a lesson we've learned before a time or two. You have a great writing style. -Pam
on 9/5/05 3:00 pm - NM
I kind of wondered if people wish that I would hold off a little and just post short facts. But, I guess it is easy enough to ignore a post if someone wants to. I am glad you find my drug induced writing style interesting. I need to go back and read what I wrote to see if I flooded you with TMI.
on 9/5/05 8:37 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
theres no stictches...when i had mine removed after my surgery it hurt like hell. he laid me out on the table, wrapped the stretchy plug around his hand and yanked it out.... and i was bawling like a baby, so much that he refused to take my staples out and sent in the sweet looking devil nurse who pretty much told me to suck it up and deal with it. a tip on draining it though, is use a pen and run down it, hurts a lot less than using your hands. hope this helps.
on 9/7/05 12:38 pm - NM
I remember your story of your removal. And, that is probably why I am so chicken about it. It was scheduled to come out tomorrow. But, I am still draining too much to have it removed. So, I get to keep it for another week. I also remember watching your pull your tubing clean. And, I rmember it not bothering you one bit. I had new respect for you. Hat
on 9/5/05 11:43 pm - Surrey, Canada
Hi, I liked all of your extra info, it felt like I was there along with you. Although, I think we felt like crap for a lot of the outing. These answers about the drains are coming from my husband, he has had the surgery 5 years ago and his extra skin removed 2 years ago. His drain was sutured at the entrance point of his skin. He held the tube against his skin to anchor it and then pulled to do the stretching. He is wondering if the tube is touching a nerve inside you to cause the pain. When it was time to remove the tube, he cut the suture and pulled. He does not remember any pain just a "weird" feeling on removal. Hope this helps. Lookinf forward to hearing more. Kathy
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