Question for Debbie, Arlene, and Shelly

on 9/2/05 2:27 pm - Bonney Lake, WA
Hi girls, Just another quick thank you for the other night, I really enjoyed myself. Now I have a question for you. My hubby informed me tonight, very firmly, that I was "too skinny"....Okay, now first of all I have NEVER in my LIFE been told I was TOO I just laughed it off. Now I want your opinions...I personally feel I am just right. I am a small person, and he is not used to seeing me small, as I have been heavy since the day we met. Is he just not used to looking at me like this??? Or do I need to stop the ole weight loss? Thanks for your help!!!! Laura P.S. I think I just look "normal" now...LOL
on 9/3/05 2:17 am - lakewood, WA
Laura, I thought you looked amazing... i am sure my husband is going to be having that same conversation here real soon. I think the better question is how do you feel? and what is the goal weight you and good ol dr oh set up? and what did your blood work say?? I am sure it is hard for our spouses to see us in a different light. I know there are rough roads ahead for me and mine. I am looking forward to seeing all of you again real soon, hopefully as soon as i get back on my feet!! oh yeah he said that would be 1 hour after surgery!! lol I raise my cup of chicken broth to you for all your success!! Debbie.....
on 9/3/05 2:25 am - Bonney Lake, WA
Hi Debbie! Thanks for the reinforcement. I feel labs are I think I'm great...HAHAHAHA I told Dr. Oh I wanted to weight 110 pounds, and he said, he thought I would look too skinny at 110, and that 120 might be better, but that it was totally up to me (you know how he is with letting "us" make the decisions)...LOL As I told you all at the meeting, I am not actively trying to lose anymore weight, it is just kind of coming off slowly. I'm sure it will stop and I will have some bounce back...I sure do dread seeing those days. BTW...I DID make an appointment to see Dr. Oh on the 7th. I am going for my 1 year follow up and to talk about a possible tummy tuck. Do you have enough company for while you are in the hospital? I can always make a quick drive over there and take you for a walke. Let me know how your support system is. I would be glad to help out. I did need help getting in and out of bed and what not...cuz of those darn circulation socks...they make you feel like you are tied up and can't move. LOL Good luck, and I am so excited for you! *raising glass of flat, ice cold, diet coke....errrrrr I mean protein drink"* Here's to you and good luck! Laura
on 9/3/05 2:30 am - lakewood, WA
Laura, Please come see me weds!! my poor husband will be the only one up there during the day.. and i am sure i will just about abused him enough by then!!! My surgery is at 3:45 pm so I am sure that i will still be hurting but ready for a walk..... enjoy that errrrr ........protien drink. btw congrats on that appointment I was just getting ready to call Tina and rat you out!! Debbie
on 9/3/05 3:14 am - Bonney Lake, WA
Hi Debbie! I will plan on seeing you Wednesday afternoon!!! I went and saw one other gal that had the lap done...and by the next day, she was bouncing in and out of her bed like no tomorrow. I could not believe it...LOL I didn't bounce for a few weeks...okay a few months...LOL So hopefully, you will be like her See you Wednesday!! Laura
on 9/3/05 8:16 am - lakewood, WA
Laura, That is what i am hoping for.... reinactment of tigger.... bouncing all over the place... i really want the quick recovery thing.... i am alittle anxious about it.. i really hate pain but i have to remember what the goal is and keep my eye on it... thanks for your support...i sure need all i can grab at this point debbie
on 9/3/05 3:08 pm - Spanaway, WA
Hello Laura, I thought you looked great. I don't know that I would want to loose anymore that what you already had. I didn't think you were to skinny, I thought you were just right.'s your body. I'm sure your alittle like me. Just really glad to have that body looking the way you do? And again, it was really, really nice to talk to you the other night. I was so happy to hear that we know other people in common. Talk to you soon. Arlene
on 9/3/05 4:25 pm - Bonney Lake, WA
Hi Arlene, Thanks so much for the compliments. I think I look just right too. I am sure it is because my current husband has never seen me this small. I am soooooooo happy I have this sized body now, I NEVER EVER NEVER want to go back to the is almost frightening to think of it. How is the protein thing going? Are you able to get in 90 to 100 grams per day? I know it is rough, but it will become habit, believe it or not...LOL Take care, and let me know if there is anything I can do to help in that regard! Laura
on 9/4/05 12:23 am - Spanaway, WA
You know Laura, I have noticed that when I am off work and at home, I am really bad!!! We are so busy that I put my self and what I need pretty much as a last priority. That is why I can't wait to get this house done. I worry about getting it done before the rain really starts here. I'm sure you know how much it can rain here. I am a worry wort. And my poor husband is just worked to death. He does most everything in this project. You know, they have to do it or it won't be done right attitude. I do most of the caulking, patching holes, and painting. Man, it doesn't sound like I do much but it sure takes a long time. Oh yeah, and pushing him as I go. But I did notice when I do get the protein like I should, the scale finally, finally, finally moves. So, I know the secret. I just need to make sure I do it. I am going to try that protein that you suggested. What flavor's do you like? By Dr. Weber's calculation, I need to get in 104 grams a day. So, now I need to go get my DH up and at it. Time is wasting away. Arlene
on 9/4/05 3:20 am - Bonney Lake, WA
Wow Arlene, sounds like you guys do have quite the project going!!!! I will pray that the rain holds off for a while, so you guys can get things finished up. It seems it usually does not start too hard and heavy until late September/Early October, but you never know around here, that is for sure. As far as the protein goes, I like the Raspberry flavor and the Citrus berry the best...the melon is "okay"...and I Have not tried the other one. I do not even bother refrigerating them, but they do taste a little better when you do. Have a great and productive day!!! I have to take my 3-yo to a b-day party next door (at least I don't really have to go far), and then all 6 of us are going to Lynnwood for a hawaiian leua *sp* that should be fun! Take Care! Laura
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