Medicare In Washington???

Happy Clam
on 8/17/05 6:09 am - Seattle, WA
Hi Everybody! I'm asking this for a friend. Does Medicare cover WLS here in Washington? I looked at the insurance board and saw a few entries where people were approved, but that was back in 2001 and 2002. I've seen people posting they've been approved from time to time, but don't know if they were in Washington. Since Medicare is Federal, shouldn't the coverage be the same in every state? As for me, I went to my surgery orientation class last Friday and still do not have a date. BUT I got to make an appointment with the surgeon for August 26th, so maybe I'll get a date then. Wish me luck! Oh, and I'm 43 days smoke free today!!! Happy Clam
Tom A.
on 8/17/05 8:03 am - Puyallup, WA
Great job on bieng smoke free! Way to go. I know how tough it can be as I quit 7 years ago. Anyways Im due for Lapriscopic Bypass at the end of next week as long as my labs come back ok which I will find out within the next two days. Anyways I have medicare part A&B and live in washington, and they are paying 100% of my surgery and hospital stay, I am going thru virginia mason tell your friend to give there local virgina mason a call, theres also the wish center who will do your surgery but they make you wait longer and require much more time and effort to get you approved through medicare. And they require a 2000$ fee out of your own pocket to join thier support network , which you must pay for before they will do your surgery. Goodluck to you and your friend both please let us know how it goes for you both.
Happy Clam
on 8/17/05 9:24 am - Seattle, WA
Hi Tom, Thanks for the Medicare info. Wow! 7 days to go!! You must be excited!! Best of luck to you. Hope your labs are okay and you come through surgery with ease. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Happy Clam
Jerry W.
on 8/17/05 11:31 pm - Mount Vernon, WA
Tom I hope this won't burst your bubble but medicare doesn't pay 100% of your hospital stay or your surgery ....I had mine done at Virgina Mason in Febuary of this year and you can expect them to pay around 80 to 85% of your bills after they make the doctor and the hospital take a cut on there rates..Medicare will also not cover the dietation costs either.. You didn't say but which doctor are you having it done with Dr Hunter or Dr Thirlby ? On the up side with medicare you don't have to wait to be approved alongs as your regular doctor is on board with you having the WLS...You will be more than happy with the way they treat you at Virgina Mason I had a great stay I hope your goes well too.Oh By the way if you haven't talked to Myrne Bruce At Virgina Mason you might want too she can pretty much tell you what your out of pocket costs will be I believe she is the one to talk to no matter which doctor your using Hunter,Thirlby or Moonka..If you have any question you can write me and I'll do what I can to answer them Jerry
Mari J
on 8/17/05 7:54 pm - Kent, WA
How exciting to have your orientation scheduled. Let us know if you get a date. Congratulations on being smoke-free! Must be very hard, but you can do it! Mari
Happy Clam
on 8/18/05 5:20 am - Seattle, WA
Hi Mari, I'm hoping to be able to announce a date after the surgeon appointment, but we'll see. As far as smoking goes, I truly can't believe I have done it myself. Especially with a roommate who smokes! But I really want the surgery and I've been trying (half-heartedly) to quit for a looooooong time. I just hope I never start again. I'll keep reminding myself that after this surgery is the plastic surgery, which smoking would be bad for. How are YOU doing? Is everything going down okay? Happy Clam
Tom A.
on 8/18/05 5:55 am - Puyallup, WA
I talked to Myrne Bruce and was curious as to how much out of pocket expenses I would have to pay and she got back to me very quickly, and its 0% , and this includes the dietician, I have medicare A and B and also Medicaid for supplemental, I asked many questions about what was covered and what isnt, and was told I would be recieving no bills and that they had already taken care of the neccessary paperwork, so I dont know how or why I got such great coverage but Im not going to argue with them lol. They did explain that depending on what types of medicare and medicaid you have can determine what costs will be paid and which ones wont. Also they said because I have a history of psoriasis, that medicare will pay for a tummy tuck once Im near my correct wieght to avoid major skin problems, maybe Im just lucky I dont know , but I dont want to ask any more questions maybe the good lord is just smiling down on me but It doesnt matter the truth is no matter what the cost was or is or will be I will be much healthier and happier. Id rather live in debt, than die without bills lol.
Jerry W.
on 8/18/05 3:31 pm - Mount Vernon, WA
you didn't say you had medicaid with your first post Tom but I'll give you a headsup with what a friend of mine is going through with medicaid now .He just like you was told he wouldn't be facing any cost but when medicaid got the bills they wants his regular doctor to give up his records on his having 6 months of doctor controled diets or some crap I just tried to call him to get everything that he is going through now ..So I wish you all the luck and if you do get it all paid for please make sure you post your regular doctors name and stuff there are alot of people out here that need all the help they can get.. Goodluck Jerry
Jerry W.
on 8/18/05 3:36 pm - Mount Vernon, WA
Oh and when you find a Plastic Surgeon who will take medicare let me know I have just started making some calls and yet to find one ..I'll let you know If I find one and if you do I would like to ask you please pass it on to me Thank s Jerry
Tom A.
on 8/19/05 5:06 am - Puyallup, WA
I dont know who will do it, but I was told because of past skin problems is why I would be able to have it done, so I believe the idea is that if you have medical reasons to have the surgery other than for cosmetic reasons that you can get them done. I appreciate your trying to warn me of the costs I hope I didnt sound argumentative, if so I didnt mean to, If I end up in debt so be it, it will be worth it. I have such a large medical file my spans over 400 pages with my regular care physician , Ive got the 6 month diet plan and seem to have come down with everything from back spasms, diabetes , congestive heart failure, neuropathy, restless leg syndrom, severe psoriasis, severe sleep apnea, pod, the list just goes on and on but Im happy to say most of these have recently seemed to just go away, just this year Ive gotten control of my blood sugars finally and have been losing wieght over the last three months, im sure some of you must be thinking whats yoru secret, well all I did was stop drinking diet pop, no more aspartame for me, since Ive stopped I dont have severe thirst or hunger, and I feel much better, anyways so my doctor suggested I get the surgery done before I became uneligble for it due to improvement, lol sounds kind of funny to me, get surgery before you end up to healthy to get the procedure. I still believe I do need the surgery Im still just a hair over 400lbs. Anyways it would be a while before I could get a tummy tuck but if I find anything out I will post it. Good luck to you and your friend.
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