Self-pay question

Kelly O.
on 7/14/05 4:57 am - Cheney, WA
Can anyone give me a ball park figure of how much bypass surgery costs? It looks like that's going to be me only option at this point. My insurance has said no. Thanks. Kelly
on 7/14/05 8:27 am - Surrey, Canada
I think the price Wish Center quoted me was around 22,000 for self pay. That is for the RNY, I believe the band is cheaper. Sorry to hear about your insurane company, I am waiting for approval from mine. Can you switch carriers? KM
Kelly O.
on 7/14/05 11:13 am - Cheney, WA
Thanks for the info Kathy. That's about the same figure that I've been told elsewhere. My work only offers one option for health insurance so the only way that I could get another company is to sign up as an individual. It's too bad because my current health insurance is great in every other way. Do you think that you will get approved? I sure wish you luck! Kelly
on 7/14/05 10:12 am - marysville, Wa
Hi Kelly, If you're willing to go out of the states and into Monterrey Mexico, Dr. Roberto Rumbaut does Lap RNY for 14,600.00 whi*****ludes pre-ops, hotel, transportation for all hospital/dr. visits and immediate aftercare in Mexico. Surgery can be scheduled in 2-3 weeks. Liz
Kelly O.
on 7/14/05 11:20 am - Cheney, WA
Wow! That's much cheaper than any other figure that I've been told. But is it too good to be true? I have no problem traveling but I'm a little weary of a deal that is too good, especially when surgery and my health are involved. What kind of history has this Dr. Rumbaut have? I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the info! Kelly
on 7/14/05 1:22 pm - marysville, Wa
Do a search for him on OH (obesity help). Click on the left of this page under Bariatric surgeons, you'll find answers there. Dr. Rumbaut is considered "higher end scale" in his field in Mexico. Read up on his credentials and amount of surgeries he has completed lap. If you look at his conversions from Lap RNY to Open RNY it might be like 3 or something close to that. You could also click on my name, takes you to my profile and click on the Dr.'s will lead you from there. Have a good evening! Liz
karen C.
on 7/16/05 2:41 am - Kennewick, WA
Kelly, I was a self pay also after almost a year of trying to get approval from Uniform Medical. In the end the policy says: "Even if medically necessary we won't cover it!" Great insurance huh? At any rate, my 93 yr old mother offered to pay for it. It's considered a loan but probably will come out of her estate which is fine with me. I'm 5 mos post op., started at 377 lbs. (5'3") This is by far the best thing that I have even done for myself. I'm 56, high bp, high chol, bilateral knee replacements, high blood sugar, acid reflux, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome. . . Now 5 mos later I'm down almost 110 lbs, bp normal, cholesterol normal, no acid reflux, no sleep apnea, normal blood sugar. I get around so much easier and can do many things that I haven't done in years. I've been camping several times, go on long walks, and exercise at a gym. Dr. David Lauter in Kirkland did my surgery. I've also heard very good things about Dr. Rawlings (sp) in Spokane. Wishing you the best. I know it's hard to come up with the money. I know of people who have taken out seconds on their homes, opened up a new credit card just for the surgery, etc. I believe my surgery came to about $23,000.00 when everything was factored in. Money well spent, you must feel confident in your surgeon. Best wishes, Karen
on 7/16/05 5:33 pm - Washington State
Kelly, Hey there! I KNOW EXACTLY what you are going through...But, step back from the situation, take a DEEP breath, and then let it out slowly, CLAIM IT in Jesus Name, and have FAITH that EVERYTHING will work out according to God's will. All that being said, I don't have insurance that will pay for the DS...My husband has a job that pays $14/hour (which I am VERY thankful for) and I don't have a job...So, needless to say, we don't make or have a lot of money. But, GOD made a way for me... I am a self pay patient of Dr. Marchesini's in Brazil. He is one of the best surgeons there are. He is a kind, caring, and compassionate surgeon that cares about his patients, not the all mighty dollar. The hospital he works in is the 3rd CLEANEST hospital in the WORLD. They are VERY STRICT and have VERY HIGH standards that they have to meet. To be honest with you...The first time someone mentioned ME having surgery out side of the US I thought that whoever mentioned that HAD TO BE NUTS...But, I NEED this surgery and NEED to have it done. THIS is the only way I could have it done... Here's the costs that you will have to consider when going to BRAZIL: You need a passport which is $120.00 (per person), then you need a Visa which is about $155.00 (per person). You also need airfare which for 2 people is about $2,800.00. The surgery itself is $8,300.00 (for up to 2-weeks if needbe) and the hotel for 2 weeks is about $4-600.00...But, the person that comes with you gets to stay in the hospital and eat for free for as long as you are in there. There are also meals that you need to consider...They are REAL cheap though...$3-10/meal for the same thing that you would pay $15-30 for (so I'm told). Plus, you need a binder (the kind that goes around you)...those are about $30. Since it's somewhere you've never been, you will probably want to bring some extra moolah (if you have it) for souviners and train trips and the Sunday flea market where things are DIRT CHEAP. They even have a Wal-Mart...How cool is that! LOL! Plus, AFTER the surgery, it will cost you at least 100 pounds...Pounds of nasty, disgusting, sick, and just plain horrid FAT that gets flushed down the toilet or sweated out of your body...Ugh! But, Who cares about getting rid of that stuff!!! That's what we're going there for, right! I know that the cost seems a little high IF you're paying for it yourself...BUT I SO TOTALLY think that it is worth it. Here's what you have to gain: Self respect, esteem, dignity, and worth...NOT to mention those things that you will get from others. No more looks or dirty thoughts sent your way. I'd pay all the money I could earn in a lifetime to get those things...So, what's $10,000??? A car, a down payment on a home, upgrades to a current home...YES...It's A LOT...Especially to someone that doesn't have money...But think of how many cars you will go through...I'm going to be 27 on the 26th...I've had my license since I was 16...I've had 5 cars...One thing that this $10k will give me...IS MY HEALTH!!! Something that is more valuable than ALL the money in the world! I can't wait. Don't panic...That will get you no where...Especially with those STUPID money grubbing, s****ucking, slime-ball insurance companies...Think about it...They get rich off of people being sick...Then when there is a "cure" for an illness, such as obesity and diabetes, they won't pay a penny. Hey, they're the ones that have to look at themselves in the mirror while having the 'blood' of so many people wanting a WLS, on their hands...NOT ME! I am having surgery with Dr. Marchesini on July 21st at 7:30 am...The day I become a LOOSER that will stop hanging her head in shame, and raising it in GLORY and VICTORY! Here is the link to Dr. Marchesini's yahoo group: Here's a GREAT comparison chart for you to send to your friend: IF that doesn't work click on this one and have her click on the HTML one. This is a GREAT chart! Hope it helps...Let me know. And here's the link for Dr. Marchesini: I am having ALL of my pre-op testing there (except for the psych eval) and those all cost about $550.00. Also, IF you need any dental work done...Brazil is the place to go...It's REAL cheap and they do a BEAUTIFUL job! Well, now that I've probably talked your eyeballs off I'll let you go. I hope that this helps. IF THERE IS ANYTHING I CAN HELP YOU WITH, PLEASE LET ME KNOW...I AM MORE THAN WILLING to help in ANY way that I can...It's kind of my way of 'Paying it forward'. Good luck in your decision making and God bless! BEST Wishes, ~Darcy
on 7/17/05 10:36 am - Las Vegas, NV
I spent about $16,000 or so on the DS surgery with Dr. Baltasar in Spain. I have also heard good things about Dr. Marchesini in Brazil and Dr. Ungsen in Mexico both for the DS. Dr. Rumbaut in Mexico has been doing the RNY a while I believe. Self pay for Dr. Oh in Federal Way for a distal RNY would run less than $28,000 I believe, because that's what I was quoted for a revision. He's considered quite a pro for RNY and folks come from all over the country to see him for revisions, especially. If you haven't heard about the DS, check out and there is a link to compare the procedures. I love mine! Good luck in your research. Jill 440/435/348/140 hw/sw/cw/gw
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