Doesn't look good for PS

on 5/25/05 1:29 pm - NM
I have tried to wait nicely. But, every Thursday since my plastic surgeon said he would send in my request for plastic surgery, I have called. I was so bored at work today that I pushed it ahead by a day. It has been 4 weeks since I saw him. He said that they would have the request sent off within a week of my appointment. For the sake of keeping the story short, I will skin the run around I got and just say they said they sent it in yesterday. Although, I am not all that sure it has gone in yet. The doc's insurance gal was a ray of sunshine. She said that she is 100% certain I will NOT be approved for a TT. It is a complete flip from the surgeon being so sure he could get me approved. She said that Tricare is hardly approving anyone anymore. And, she said that she has seen women with skin hanging down to their knees approved. So, it doesn't look good for someone like me that just wants to look better when those *****ally need it can't get it. She went on to say that as soon as I am denied, she will get a quote for me so I can go ahead and make plans to self pay. Hum, I have four kids to support. My husband still is unemployeed. And, I am making $8 an hour with no benifits. We can't even afford water for the money tree. At least I can still enjoy hearing about everyone else. Sad but not bitter here. Hat
on 5/25/05 3:24 pm - Vancouver, WA
Don't give up until you have exhausted all resources!! I know that Tricare changes their policies almost weekly if not daily. When I was going through my requirements for the consult for WLS, they stopped covering lap procedures....then about 2-3 weeks later, they were covering them again. So don't give up until they have told you no four different ways from Sunday! Good luck. Keep us posted...I know that I'm interested...I will have to go through the same thing with them when the time comes. Tammy
on 5/28/05 5:12 pm - NM
I know the ever changing answer is standard for Tricare. The time before last that I called in, they told me the computer wouldn't even tell them that a request had been made. Then the last time I called, they told me that of course it showed there was a request. It seems there is no standards in Tricare. I guess by now I just accepted this as the way it is. I got the same song and dance when I applied for WLS. Tammy, if you expect to have problems or even if you expect to request plastics, start your medical trail now. Someone on the plastics board suggested starting at 6 months out. But, I don't think you can start documenting things too early. I actually have a better case for my breasts than my tummy since I have been complaining for 3 years. They even told me that if I lost 50 pounds, they would do my breasts. Good luck, Hat
Rachael E.
on 5/28/05 6:39 am
Don't listen to that girl- she obiously doesn't know much about tricare...tricare IS approving TT all the time and breast lifts. They will especially have a hard time not approving you since there aren't any military facilities near you that can do the job for you....if a PCP from the military has requested that you have a TT then tricare will do it. I am not having any run arounds this time....yet anyway. One of my friends tried to get a PS appointment with Dr.Cole at UW and they told her they were into next summer (06) with her PS appointments...I called a week later and I am going in on the 13th of June for my consult with Dr. Cole and the gal who helped me with my paperwork said they do reconstruction for tricare all the time......and man does my body need an overhaul. She said typicall surgery is about a week after your consult, I thought my ears were dirty and asked her if that was typical of tricare members and she said yes. I will be waiting until the 2nd week of July for my surgery though because I am giong to Hawaii the end of June ALONE with my hubby and NO KIDS! YAY! I even bought a two piece and I am going to wear it with all my extra skin- I don't care- it's a size small and I look damn good even with the skin if it bothers people then they can look the other way. I wouldn't be discouraged with your TT Hat....I think I would be discouraged with the surgeons office for not having sent your paper work in yet...I would have given her an ear full. I know I have heard of people flying back up here for their PS...and if tricare approves they pay for your travel....maybe you should have a consult over the phone with a tricare provider up here and have them put in for might be faster. Dr. Dry over here seems pretty easy to get into....when I called I got an appointment a week later, but ended up canceling because I got into Dr. Cole. If you need any help let me can make it work somehow....just hang in there. Rachael
on 5/28/05 5:04 pm - NM
Hold on just a second. You got approved AND a trip to Hawaii AND no kids? Now that just isn't right. You are one lucky chick. You know how it is with Doctor's offices. They pass the buck like everyone else. The insurance gal told me it was the transcribers fault. I already knew that they take forever to send of the request. So, that didn't shock me. I had just hoped that since I am under a time limit, they would take pity and rush things along. I check into their paying for my travel. That is true of Tricare Prime people, but I have standard. The way they figure it, I chose standard, so they aren't going to pay for such things as travel. Never mind that I had to take standard because prime wasn't a choice. But, oh well, until you mentioned it, I didn't even know they paid for some people's travel. I will probably know by next Friday. I doubt Tricare will take much time deciding. Do you have any pictures you would want to email me so I could see how much extra skin you have? I am betting you look better than I do. Your younger and carried the weight for less time than I did. Although, you did have twins. But, I had 10 pound babies. So, I got pretty big. Just not as big... Has your weight stablized? I am only losing 2 pounds a month. And, it only happens during my period. My normal weight is in a 3 pound range. But, the second day of my period, I drop 2 pounds. There was something I wanted to ask you. I just can't remember right now. I was thinking of it earlier this week. I will remember eventually. Hat
Rachael E.
on 5/30/05 12:34 pm
I lose weight then I stop for a few weeks then I lose then I stop....and so on. I lost 9 pounds over the last two weeks....I dunno why though....sometimes by body just decideds to finally drop a few extra pounds. I will take some pictures just for you....just give me a few days to get my act together....I have been SO stinkin' busy....and I am so tired lately. My tummy looks worse than yours and my boobs...are worse too.....same situation, just worse. Remember I had awlays been overweight my entire life I never was I may be younger, but I was born obese. I have been taking more and mor epictures lately and I just sit and stae at them....they make me a little high to look at's almost like I am dreaming. I have to tell myself that's's unreal. then I get nekd infront of the mirror and get sad again. I use to not be able to wait to take my bra off every night and now I never take it off...only to change it and shower.....I just can't stand to see how far they makes my eyes feel funny. So they won't let you change to tri-care prime? I would definately battle that would change your situation dramatically. It may be a battle, but one well worth it. How's your stricture? Mine is good and bad....somedays it's ok...and some days it acts up so bad I can't get any water in. I live with's really something that helps me in a lot of ways....mostly my battle with head hunger. I know if it will hurt my stricture I usually stay away from it...if I don't then I pay big time for it. Hawaii should be fun....I am hitting the depression mode on the moving away from my family situation. I will be ok though.... I'll get those pics to you soon. Rachael
on 5/30/05 2:42 pm - NM
I have never been this thin. I was 160 in high school and college as an athlete even. Then at 19, my thyroid went out and I ballooned up. I never actually thought I could be this weight and strong enough to walk. One time I was down to 150 and I was so sick and weak. I know what you mean about the boobs sort of. It is depressing that they aren't recovering. From the day I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I wore a bra for 23 1/2 hours a day. I only took it off to shower. I can only imagine where they would be now if I hadn't keep them so well supported. I was pregnant or nursing someone for 9 out of 11 years. A couple of weeks ago, I finally gave myself permission to go braless at night. The one thing that I noticed is that while they used to point at the floor, they now point out. Strange. But, it makes me happy. They may be way down there, but at least they are looking around and smiling. (Why don't we have a swinging boob icon?) I know what you mean about being happy until the clothes come off. I think I have spent more time in front of the mirror this last 2 months that I did the last 20 years. That is one of the reasons I took the "honest" pictures. I look so different in pictures than in the mirror. And, in the case of my rear, I was better off not knowing. But, from the front, it has helped me to deal with it all. I could change to Tricare Prime...I think. But, I only have 2 1/2 months left. By the time I was able to get into see a PCP, get a referral and maybe see a surgeon, it would be too late to actually have the surgery. I have learned to live with my stricture. I still barf a lot. This weekend, I threw up 3 or 4 times. I couldn't even say because it is just part of my life and a nonissue for me. When something needs to come back up, I don't even think about it. I just do what I need to do. If I hadn't been with my parents, I wouldn't have even noticed the times this weekend. But, they still worry when I get sick so it makes me think about it. Of course, I doubt mine is as bad as yours an Arlene's. I am really thankful that either it hasn't gotten worse or at least I have learned to live with it. I was afraid it would get worse again and again. There have been a couple of times that it worried me. But, I just went to liquids and it relaxed. I look forward to seeing your pictures. Hat
Chanise D.
on 5/30/05 10:36 am - Lakewood, WA
Why are you Standard and not Prime..... I still think they will approve it... I saw my PCP last week and my tummy is not bad yet...but my thighs (inner) is starting to look aawwfulll....and she said that they would do my thighs.... ONE MORE THING what kind of protien bars do you eat...I am cutting out regular food until I find out what's up w/ my tummy...
on 5/30/05 2:25 pm - NM
We are standard because we don't live near a base. So, Prime wasn't much of an option. I could have chose prime, but would have had to travel 3 hours each way every time I needed to see a doc. When we first got here and talked to the Tricare woman about it, she said standard would be a much better choice. And, because I thought I would be going to the doctor a lot more often, I didn't want to have to be driving to appointments every week. I figured it was worth the 20% just to not have to travel. This was before I knew they would pay my travel costs. Also, it has allowed me to bypass that whole referral part of the process. And, finally, DH wanted me to have an experienced PS not someone at the military hospital that was in training. Plus, (just one more ) if I am going to have a TT, I want the muscles tightened. I don't know how they do it here, but Madigan will only tighten up the skin. As for the protein bars, I absolutely love Zone Perfect. CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER Calories: 210 Total Carbohydrate: 20g Sugar: 13g Protein: 16g My favorites are Chocolate Almond Biscotti and Chocolate Caramel Cluster. I also like Morning Start by Atkins. But, you have to be carefull to pick a flavor that has about the same amount of carbs as protein. I didn't look closely enough recently when I stocked up and came home with a bunch that were nothing but carbs. You wouldn't think that would come from Atkins. I try and not eat anything or meals that has more carbs than protein. Or at least I try and make sure they are close. I also have some other brands. I bought them cheap and would choke them down because it was something I could eat. But, now that I have found these, I am happy, happy, happy. I eat the bars for all but one or two meals a day. I don't like to take meal breaks at work, so I keep a case of bars at work and grab one when I realize it is time to eat. Just remember to chew well. Every once in a while, I barf one up because part of it gets stuck. That is good news that they will even consider your thighs. I didn't think they would. Hat
on 5/30/05 2:44 pm - NM
There was something I wanted to warn you about concerning the protein bars. They give me really bad gas that will run even the dog out of the room. There have been days that I have been really glad I was the only one in the office. And other days where I had to get out and walk around the block just so they wouldn't think I was decomposing from the inside out. Hat
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