Struggling on the liquid diet

Melinda J.
on 4/15/05 12:37 pm - Seattle, WA
Okay... I really need some help or suggestions. I am really REALLY struggling to get my daily water and drinking. It is often 11:00 AM before I can get started on drinking milk. I hate it. I cannot tolerate the SOY milk products. Everything tastes so nasty and I have no appetite at all. In my mind I think of food, but to taste it... UGH! It seems like I can only stomach soup one time and then I can't manage to taste it again. Like I had some chicken noodle, minus the noodles, and now the thought of it, makes me ill. I can only manage about 4 to 10 oz. of food a day. I have a miserable dull headache and my fingers and toes are tingly. I can't seem to drink enough water. I am only able to manage about 24 oz a day. When will this past? I am supposed to see the Doctor on Monday and the Nutrionist as well. I guess I move to the next diet... soft foods. What is involved in this level? I am so sick of drinking everything... Yesterday I had dumping with some low carb HOOD Orange Juice. I had drank it before, but no problem, and yesterday - icky. I am so tired of the sugar free jello, sugar free pudding - it all seems like slime in my mouth. Am I crazy. Oh my... my energy levels are so low. Any suggestions or help.... help me know that this will pass. I need your support.... Melinda Seattle
on 4/15/05 1:10 pm - Bonney Lake, WA
Melinda, I would suggest Crystal Light Lemonade (that really got me through the liquid stage), and also Propel. The Propel is WAY sweet, but I crushed up ice in the blender, and just put a little bit of Propel in it, and crunched on the ice, it was like an icey from 7-11. The Crystal Light Lemonade helped me out, as I could not do water at all after surgery, it just made me feel YUCKY! The good news is, I can down about 60 ounces of plain water, doesn't even have to be cold anymore, at this stage. It's wierd how our bodies change throughout this process. I keep a couple of the individual crystal light mixture thingies in my purse, so if we are out, and I want something to drink, I buy a cold water and will throw the crystal light in it and shake it up. I would also suggest Tomato juice. I am assuming you are supposed to be on clear liquids, but my doc okayed tomato juice during the clear liquid stage. Believe it or not, just small sips really settled my tummy. Please believe me, this will all pass. Give it 2 or 3 weeks, and you will be feeling much better. I know it seems like an eternity right now, but before you know it, you will be 6 months out and feeling great Hugs! Laura
Jerry W.
on 4/16/05 1:00 am - Mount Vernon, WA
your feeling of no energy is from not getting enough protein.You need to get the fluid in some how or you will become dehidrated(spelling?) and if that happenes some bad things can start to take place and you could end up in the hospital. I'm sure if you tell the nutrionist everything she or he will be able to come up with some kind of diet plan for you to follow.. I'm sorry your having all the trouble thats the funny thing with this surgery some people have all kinds of problem eatting things then there are other at the other end of it that can eat and drink anything they want and I'm thankful that I'm one of those that can eat or drink anything....Just keep in mind this surgery is a tool to lose weight each one of us just has to learn how to use the tool to get the weight off. I'll keep you in my thought and hope that you find a way to make this work for yourself.. Goodluck Jerry
Chunky Dunker
on 4/16/05 5:22 pm - WA
I don't know if it will help- but I've been drinking the following for the last 10 days 1 packet Carnation Instant Breakfast - choc w/no added sugar 1 cup ff milk 1/4 to 1/3 package ff sf banana or vanilla pudding 8-12 ice cubes, all blended up until thick and smooth it tastes like a chocolate shake made with ice cream- maybe that could get you through another day?
karen C.
on 4/17/05 5:26 am - Kennewick, WA
Melinda, I ordered protein samples from I ordered about 10 and tried a different one each day. I found a couple that I liked and ordered more of them. Most foods really taste different to me still at 8 wks post op. I rely on two protein shakes a day to make sure I get enough protein in. Re: water. I keep a insulated cup of crushed ice with me all day. Our fridge has a "crushed ice" button. I chew on it all day and add water to it sometimes. Seems to help me get in my liquid and I like the chewing action. Be patient with yourself but really do your best to get in that liquid and protein. After about 2 weeks I started eating about 1/4 cup of Cheerios with milk and enjoyed. that. Best wishes, Karen
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