Well, the waiting is almost over...

on 3/31/05 9:54 am - Oak Harbor, WA
I've not posted for a while because I didn't really have anything to say as nothing has really been going on WLS-wise. I have been going to school, homeschooling my kids, and busy doing lots of other things (eating a lot, too, unfortunately). Tomorrow I finally meet with Dr. Weber 1-on-1 for the first time and hopefully we can set a date. At his seminar he said the first appointment was to meet with you and give you all the testing that you have to do then the 2nd appointment they submit the paperwork. Well, I've already done all of my testing (he may require a few extra labs but I'm not expecting anything else) and the 3rd appointment is pre-op. So since I've already done everything required for visit #1, hopefully we can just skip all of that and make this like my visit #2! Are you all lost and confused yet? LOL! For those of you who don't know or don't remember, way back in January I met with another surgeon and had planned on going with him and got all of my pre-op stuff done, got approval from my insurance and decided to switch surgeons. The one that I had chosen had only done 3 WLS and that was fine with me until I got the approval and realized that would actually be cutting into me. I just couldn't justify that in my mind and decided to not let my excitement about getting the surgery cloud my better judgement and decided to switch to Dr. Weber. I went to his seminar on Valentine's Day and couldn't get in to see him until tomorrow. So, as I said, tomorrow is the big day. I just want this all to be over and have the surgery already, LOL! Send lots of prayers and well wishes my way, please that things will go well and that he will be able to get me in sometime soon. Timing is very important because my mother will be coming up here from Arizona to watch the children when I have the surgery. My husband will also be taking some time off of work to come with me to the hospital. Now the problem is that my mother and father will be going to Thailand on May 26th returning the beginning of June. My husband's boss is leaving in June and he won't get another boss until August. This wouldn't normally be a problem except the only people in the office are my husband and his boss and one very inexperienced person. So, once my husband's boss leaves he won't be able to take leave until September which means that if I don't have the surgery by the beginning of May then I can't have it until September. I would be totally crushed. ANYWAY ~ just wanted to post what's up with me and say hello and ask for prayers and good wishes tomorrow. I've missed you guys~ Michelle
mary F.
on 3/31/05 11:00 am - gig harbor, WA
Good luck at your apt. tomorrow hope you can get the surgery date you want! I had to wait longer than I wanted for surgery but in the end it was just the right time and worked out well for me and my family. I am sure yours will too!
Rachael E.
on 3/31/05 2:43 pm
Hi Michelle, Good luck with Dr. Weber tomorrow- it's your first visit and that's pretty exciting! I remember going through it. I will be in to see Dr. W at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon. What time is your appointment? Maybe I'll see you there. He usually reserves his Fridays for his pre-ops,but it's the only day I can be kid free for a visit with him. As yo may know Dr. W is pretty strict with his patients, but it's worth all the hard work. Good luck! Rachael
on 3/31/05 4:22 pm - Vancouver, WA
Hey there Michelle! This is Tammy (in Vancouver). I haven't heard from you lately. I'm glad that all is moving right along! I am so happy that your consult day is here! You deserve it! I hope all goes well and you get to have your surgery sooner rather than later as you wish! Keep me posted, I would love to hear how it went. Always, Tammy
on 4/1/05 2:30 am - Bonney Lake, WA
Michelle, Good luck on your appointment today. I hope that everything went as well as you hoped, and that your surgery is scheduled soon! Btw, how is your friend's baby? I was hoping you might be able to give us an update! HUGS, and Prayers! Laura
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