WISH Center happiness and frustration

on 3/30/05 6:19 am - Port Orchard, WA
OK, I am now getting a bit frustrated with the WISH Center... The good news is that we got our approval from the insurance yesterday and have a date set for my wife's surgery on the 13th of April. The bad news is that during our first appointment in Jan my wife and I were a bit surprised to learn of the lifetime maintenance fee of nearly $2K each, above and beyond what the insurance covers. I guess I can understand that since they will be supporting us both no matter what problems we may have. Where I get frustrated is when they mentioned that we could use each other as referrals and get a $500 discount off of any amount we owed, and that the $2K could be paid over a 12 month period. My wifes pre-op appointment is this Friday and all payments will be due. After talking with them today they mentioned that the referral bonus is no longer offered and the total amount that can be financed has been changed to only 25% of the fee. So, we owe ~$1500 in two days that we weren't planning on. And since I'm on the subject of frustration, this is after they misplaced our medical histories for weeks and didn't cancel our appointments. We took the whole day off for the appointment, drove to Renton and were told that our appointment was cancelled since they didn't have the information we had hand-delivered to them over two weeks prior. We never received a call asking about the records or notifying us of the cancellation. I still like the WISH Center and am planning to have my surgery there in July once my wife recovers from hers. I just hope that we don't have any more problems or surprises. If there's one thing I can really say they have failed on I would have to mention the financial aspect of this whole process. I am paying them a LOT of money through my insurance for two of these surgeries and I am a bit frustrated. Thanks for listening to my ranting and raving. In the end, I still haven't considered anywhere else and am looking forward to this. Later, Greg and Jenny Taylor
Melinda J.
on 3/30/05 10:41 am - Seattle, WA
Wow... I am sorry to hear that. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed at the hard sale that they presented. Actually Northwest Weight Loss was really disappointing. I had a lady call me and pushed and pushed for me to take out loans, to consider it a "car payment" etc. I was very turned off by this approach. When I told them I had insurance they told me that they would expect cash or me to finance it and after they would help me apply for the insurance afterwards. The lady had the nerve to tell me "Obviously you are not committed to the life change" - What an obnoxious and annoying statement. I won't be guilted into surgery with organizations that take like selling a car. A surgeon and hospital should support you no matter what. The average WLS is about $25,000.00 they are making plenty of money and it is normal to expect follow up - I think the $2,000.00 is absurd. I am having my surgery in a few days, and my after care and follow-up is included, and my insurance pays for it. That is normal. If you have any surgery they should follow up with you, even months later to make sure it was successful. Good luck to you both... if you have approval, maybe you should look at some of the hospitals in the area that are not so money hungry. Anyway, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Melinda Seattle
on 3/30/05 11:34 am - Bonney Lake, WA
Greg, I too found that the Wish Center changed their policies all the time. I also felt that they were trying to "sell" me something. I chose to have them send ALL of my preop testing to another surgeon. That took an act of God in itself. After 7 attempted faxes (supposedly), I finally drove to Renton PERSONALLY and picked up my records and hand delivered them to my surgeon. After my surgeon's office received all of the paperwork, I had my surgery date within the month. My surgeon provides after patient care free of charge. He has also been very helpful any time I have had an issue. In fact, I have been seen on two different occasions the day I called in with the problem. I am not trying to knock the Wish Center, I know they have helped many people. I am just saying they were definitely not the place for me to have my surgery. $2000.00 for after care is a rip off...PERIOD!! Good luck to both you and your wife on your surgeries! Laura
on 3/30/05 10:43 pm - Port Orchard, WA
Thanks everybody, I guess I just needed to vent a little. I'm so frustrated because after a year and half of persuing this surgery it seems like we are getting so close only to be hit with surprise after surprise. I think the reason I like the idea of the WISH Center is that they focus on this one surgery and a few variations of it. The hospital and staff they use is well trained in obesity care and some of them have had it done themselves with outstanding results. But I'm finding out that when you are part of a larger corporation or business like the WISH Center chain, you are subject to their corporate money making schemes. So, I feel like I need to decide between where I want to go and how much I want to pay. Now that I've had a day or two to mull it over I still don't see the need to pay the support fee above the full coverage of the insurance. From what I hear this is unusual and probably a part of the corporate ploys that they use to prey on people who desperately want something. At least be realistic and consistent with the policies so that I know what to expect. Maybe I should check other places now that we have everything we need. Thanks again, Greg and Jenny
Beverly A.
on 3/30/05 11:17 pm - Seattle, WA
I was horribly underwhelmed with the Wish Center. Just the tone of their free information session alone was that they were simply a "factory" for this sensitive surgry, their rep kept pushing me to give out a lot of personal information even though it was just an informational semeinar, and the surgeon they sent to answer questions seemed bored, uninterested, and couldn't wait to get out of the room. This is an expensive surgery. You shouldn't have to deal with upselling and rudeness during this time in your life for this very serious decision. The Wish Center failed to keep me as a client so I went to Dr. Ki Hyun Oh in Federal Way. He is one of the best WLS surgeons in the nation, and he keeps his practice small and personal. He and his staff are amazing! They did all of the insurance approval, and I didn't have to do anything except get my medical history from my family doctor, and they did the rest. I was approved in 2 weeks, and my surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday the 5th of April! And there is no added cost for my lifelong follow-up consultations and NO SURPRISE FEES. $2,000 for continuing care is outrageous. You should seriously consider leaving The Wish Center, and moving your surgery to another surgeon. Only you can make the decision, but that's just my 2 cents. Good luck!
on 3/31/05 3:41 am - tacoma, WA
Wow!! I am really surprised at all the negative feedback about the WISH center. I had my surgey through there and was more than pleased. I dealt with people that were very straightforward and did not get any surprises. the fees were all broken down and I thought very reasonible. If you look at lifetime aftercare for any other addiction, and face it food is an addiction, the cost will far exceed 2,000. I personally and glad I went through the WISH center and would do it again. Coni P
on 3/31/05 6:26 am - Port Orchard, WA
To be fair, we did hear from the WISH Center today that they will be willing to work with us concerning the payment due tomorrow and allow us to make the payments as we discussed. However, they still asked how much of a "Down Payment" we could afford at this time. Once again I want to point out that a down payment was never mentioned until today, the day before it's due. I'm not a person that likes to complain, as a matter of fact I try to avoid creating conflict and try to get along with everyone. Jenny and I have been very open and willing to do whatever we are asked from the beginning. Please don't take my experiences as a personal attack on the WISH Center. I believe that they are currently my best option, I just really don't like surprises when it concerns money. We don't have much and this is a very large sum to come up with with 2 days notice. Thanks and be advised, Greg
on 3/31/05 9:50 am - Sahuarita, AZ
Hi Greg, I had my surgery done by the WISH in San Antonio,TX (I sometimes read the washington board because I am orginally from Bellingham ) My bill for the additional support was $1800.00. Too be honest, I paid for it and I don't use it. The support meetings are held in San Antonio which is 2.5 hours drive from where I live in Laredo. Too far to drive for an hour or so support meeting once a month. The $1800. does pay for access to the online 'patients only' section on their web site.. but, there really isn't anything there that wasn't explained at one of my appointments. Do I feel it was worth the 1800?? NO!... but, I appreciate EVERYTHING else about WISH. They work like a well oiled machine. From my first appt I was scheduled for surgery approx 10 weeks later... some people wait months and months just to get their 1st appt!! I am almost 5 months out and I feel better than I have in years. WISH has a wonderful surgeons that really know what they are doing with loads of experience.... So, I guess wait I am saying is I would pay for it again to have everything work out as well as it has so far. Good luck to you and your wife ~Jackie
on 3/31/05 1:20 pm - Seattle, WA
I don't think it would be unreasonable of you to tell them that considering you were only given 2 days notice the down payment you are able to pay is zero. Work with them on a payment plan but under no cir****tance would I stress myself over getting a payment in the I was given no notice that I was going to be asked for. That being said, I have lap band surgery scheduled for April 15th through the Wish center in Renton and could not be happier with the care that I have been given. I shopped around at other programs and physicians and CHOSE the Wish Center, and at this point would recommend them to anyone. Good luck to both you and your wife.
on 4/1/05 7:10 am - Port Orchard, WA
Well, Jenny and I just got back from her pre-op appointment. I was once again overwhelmed with how professsional and knowledgeable the entire staff was. We were treated great. I may have come across hard on the maintenance fee, but that's the price you pay when it's a business and not a private practice. I would definitely recommend anyone to the WISH center, but I would warn them about the fees first. The way I look at it is that if that's all I have bad to say about them, then they have done a wonderful job of taking care of my wife and making us comfortable. Thanks, Greg and Jenny
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