unfriendly businesses for bypass people

on 2/28/05 12:42 am - tacoma, WA
I need to get this off my chest and ask if anyone else has had the same kind of experience. I went to dinner and asked if I could order from the childs menu, I explained that I had had gastric bypass and could only eat a small amount. My God you would have thought I asked for a free meal or something. The manager came out and I asked him and again was told no way could they do that. I talked to a friend who had surgery the day after I did and she had the same experience at a different restaurant. I really don't see the problem of letting people order from the kids menu unless they are afraid of losing a buck or two. In my case they lost a lot more because I didn't order anything and just ate a few bites off of others dinners. The waitress was really rude and told me I couldn't "sample from others plates and wanted to charge me for an extra plate. I was so angry when I left. I wanted to them all. Has anyone had a similar experience? If so what restaurants? My trouble was at Azteca in Tacoma. Coni P
on 2/28/05 1:08 am - Washington State
Well, I cannot answer your question totally because I haven't had WLS...But what I can say is that Azteca is one of the most greedy resturants I've ever been to! When my husband was stationed at Ft. Lewis we were wanting some good Mexican food...WRONG PLACE TO GO. Their food was alright, BUT their service sucked! I ordered a Shirly Temple (LOL!!!! Yes, I'm 26 and still ordering those...LOL!!! *blushing*) and of course MOST resturants re-fill your pop for free...NOPE, not them...They were going to charge extra...PLUS they wanted 50 cents extra per cherry IF I got a refill. We never went back...Greedy jerks! Plus, one of their waitresses was really crude...She was talking to someone at a different table and was saying F*$& this and F*@$ that! She WAS NOT professional. Mind you, this was 2 years ago that this happened...I STILL have a nasty taste from them...NOT because of their food...But because of their service. A GREAT Mexican resturant with GREAT service is Moctuzma's...They're really good! Hope that helps.... ~Darcy in Yakima
on 2/28/05 6:04 am - NM
Having a kid that eats an adult size meal has really paid off. If I want something off the kid's menu, he orders it and then we swap meals. I doubt I will ever ask to order off the children's menu straight out though. It hasn't been an issue for us so far except this last week. In the past 4 nights, we have been to a buffet twice. I would rather go without eating than pay full price for a tiny bit of food. I know it is wrong, but I sampled a little off of the boys plates when they were done with them. The way Azteca treated you surprises me. I am not surprised they wouldn't let you order off the child's menu. But, it seems to me that if someone wants to share a meal and it isn't an all you can eat meal, then that is your business. Now that I think of it, this happened to me last year at some place before I had surgery. We can't remember where, but I pointed out that it was our food and paid for. My or one of the kids picking off the plate was no different than asking for a doggy bag at the end of the meal. I got pretty mad and they took off the extra charge. It is a really bad policy. Now it is bugging me that I can't remember where it happened at. Anyway, I know we have never had trouble sharing meals at any of the big mexican food places in Tacoma. The kid's meals are so expensive that we order one adult meal and they all split it. Pre surgery, we would order 3 meals for 6 of us and still take some home. Now we can get by with 2 meals. For the last year, our favorite place to go was El Toro. I can't brag about the service, but the portions were really big. And, we liked most of the food. No one really cared for their tamales. We always order the combo plates. And, they have a buy one get one 1/2 off for mlitary. Funny side note, the last place we ate before moving to Japan was a Chinesse place. The last place we ate before moving back here to New Mexico was El Toros. You would think that we would just wait and have it for real when we got to the place where we were moving. I hope you let them know why you wouldn't be back. And, I hope you find a place that you like much better. There are enough Mexican places out there that at least you'll have fun trying them out. Hat
Paula W.
on 2/28/05 7:13 am - Des Moines, WA
I can understand a bit about not wanting to sell a childs plate to an adult as if they do it for one person everyone could ask for it However the waitress telling you that you can not sample other peaples orders is deplorable. My goodness i wonder if the manager knew she had said this to you. If I were you I would call the manager and inform him of this if he is unaware The way I see it what your party buys is just that the parties property. If they were to have a rule such as that a minimum charge should be posted by the front door. But that would be horrible for business so I dought they would . They have no right to do that. That just really upsets me. I was in the restaurant business for many many years and that was just awful. It seems like service and a good attitude towards working is more of a thing of the past these days. Try some of those real small places it seems they often have good service wonderful prices and actually authentic.
on 2/28/05 1:22 pm - Roy, WA
Hello Coni P, I have learned that people in general are not nice to bypass people. Why? I have no clue. I have learned that what I had done is my buisness and no one elses. I let them think I am on a diet(I am for the rest of my life) I also order off the kids menu, I say I just want a snack. or better yet I order appatizers. As for Azteca. I dont go there for mexican food we go to Josephinas in Tacoma off of Pacific. They are nice and the food is great. PS they don't understand we have this done for our health. Besides they dont know how many people will read your mail and tell others not to go there. That is payback( sorry for the spelling)
Joel D.
on 3/1/05 9:25 am - marysville, WA
Hi Coni, Well I too am getting ready to have bypass surgery but I am going to come at this from a different direction. I am also a chef and I can explain why the restaurants won't let you order off the kids menu. A kids menu is produced not as a money maker for the property as most of them make little or no profit. The only reason they exist at all is because the restaurant wants to feed mom and dad and know if they want their business they also need to feed the kids. Most families could not afford to eat if kids food was sold for what it needs to be so restaurants discount this food so they could at least get mom and dads money. I do however think it is short sided that when a guest has a legit reason for ordering off it the manager should allow it. I was told that my DR. would give me a card stating that I had Gastric Bypass surgery and I needed to order off the kids menu.Is this not true? Restaurants need to get a clue on this as they did with low carb food. Keep asking and eventually they will "get it" and be able to fill your request. I hope this answers your question, although I am sure it will not make you feel any better about Azteca. Crummy food you bet!!!!!!!!
on 3/2/05 5:25 am - tacoma, WA
Joel, It is true that they will give you a card but don't rely on the card to help. I have been told that alot of restraunts don't care if you have a card or not they are not going to accomidate any special requests. I have also worked in the restraunt business so I know that kids meals are not money makers for the business. In my case I had 6 others who were ordering full meals, even the children. I had offered to pay more for the one item i was requesting. The point of it that the restraunt just didn't get was that I wanted a much smaller portion and the only place that smaller portion was available was on the kids menu. I could have left it alone with the no from the waitstaff however they were the ones making a bigger issue of it and who were using foul language not just near the children in my party but throughout the place the waitstaff was very inappropriate. Needless to say I will never go there again. Coni P.
sharon M.
on 3/4/05 12:12 am - everett, wa
Hi Coni I am just recovering from being banded, and I haven't yet gone out to any restaurants, but I can Totally agree with you and I would have felt the same. I feel, that when I start to "eat" again, (I am on total liquid diet at the moment), I will probably order appetitizers. I don't know why they wouldn't let you "pick" off other people's plates though. Heck, I used to do that even before surgery and I was doing it the WHOLE time I was in Mexico before my surgery. Maybe just some places are more picky than others. I would wonder, if eventually restaurants would offer a smaller portion for those of us who can't eat that much? I mean, they offer kids meals and most offer a "lite/senior menu". Why not just take the "Senior" off and let anyone order it? Seems that should be brought to 'Someone's' attention as a way around this problem. Restaurants are getting the idea about low carb meals etc, I guess just making a smaller portion menu will take time too. Sharon
Mary T.
on 3/5/05 5:29 am - E. Wenatchee, wa
I would remind that for them to refuse you serve due to your medical disability at this point is a possible lawsuit againest them. I spoke with an attorney and the need to have lower food intake now buts us in a medical disability status that they have to abide by. I would drop them a letter on this if I were you.
on 4/23/05 5:26 am - Port Orchard, WA
Coni, I'm sorry people were so rude to you. We have enough to deal with as it is. I had a horrible self-esteem and was very cautious about where I went. If I didn't know exactly what was on the menu, how it was served, and the people who worked there, I wouldn't go. So that pretty much left eating at my mothers and my house (my hubby was out to sea much of the time). But it does get better. You learn to speak up at the moment and make a stink when things aren't right. Write letters, pass the word. Those who don't do right by good honest people lose their business. Have a wonderful day, be good to yourself, there are some wonderful restaurants out there. Cheryl date of surgery:06/1996, lost 205 lbs
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