
on 2/25/05 11:03 am - NM
I thought I would check in. We are all alive and well. Although, there was one Motel 6 we stayed in that was so small I thought we were all going to kill eachother. I hate not having a home to escape to. Living in hotels is not all it is cracked up to be. Most of the places we have stayed at have allowed Mocca (our dog) to stay with us. And, since that Motel 6 was also in a very questionable area, I was glad to have her close. I don't think she would ever bite anyone, but if we are attacked by a herd of poodles, I know I will be safe. 2 people have approached us already about buying puppies from us when we breed her. I have already promised that we would breed her one more time so we can keep one of the puppies. There were a couple from her first liter that I would have loved to have kept. But, there was no way I was moving with her and a puppy. Personally, I am happy with just one dog. Anyway, eating has been a challenge. I know I have eatten too much junk. Well, not that much. But, I have been drinking sodas and not enough water. We need to go to Costco tomorrow and pick up some bottled water. I have tried to stick with jerky and such foods. But, when there is so much junk around, well, you know. I miss my scale so much. I was battling the same number for the week or two before the movers came and kidnapped my scale. It is killing me not knowing if I have won yet or not. I have been using my hip bones to gauge how I am doing. At least I don't think I am gaining. Tomorrow I see my parents and come clean. I am more and more nervous each passing moment. I told her today that I cut off about 12 inches of my hair. That shocked her. I just don't know how they are going to take it. I have thought about the different ways to present myself to them. I even thought about walking by them in the hallway to see if they would realize it was me. One would think your parents would recognize you no matter what. But, I have heard stories where that didn't happen. As for DH's family, I have seen two of them. His brother was shocked to say the least. It took him less than 5 minutes to start asking everyone other than me if I had surgery. We aren't telling. His (adult) neice wasn't all that shocked. It is weird, but I am kind of uncomfortable with the attention. I didn't mind before. But, I guess the combination of knowing that I face my parents tomorrow and knowing that there is going to be so much gossip going on is ridding on my nerves. To make myself feel better, I went to Ross tonight. I bought a couple of cute t-shirts with prints on them. Shopping with the family is fun because everyone is pulling out clothes and saying they think I should get it. Who can argue with that? OK, so I just wanted everyone to know I am alive. My internet time is limited. I am going to try and catch up. I hope everyone is doing well. And, thanks to everyone that came to B&N before I left. It was a great way to say goodbye. I loved every minute of it and wished I had more time. Even though I am not going anywhere on the board, I am going to miss getting to see you all in person. Hat
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