
on 2/1/05 5:30 pm - NM
Last Thur. was my 6 month anniversary. Beside all of the other things going on in my life, I have been reflecting a lot. My weight hasn't changed much recently. I had oped to have hit my goal by my anniversary. My weight loss has been up and down. Month 1 30 lbs 2 22 lbs 3 14 lbs 4 19 lbs 5 8 lbs 6 9 lbs The last two months don't seem fair. I wasn't ready for the honeymoon to end. It looks more like I was on a regular diet. But, at least I haven't felt like I was starving (at least most of the time). It seems like forever since those really hard first months when I felt like I was being left out of the fun of food. Pizza was almost painful for me to give up. Dr. Weber said I would be able to eat pizza again as long as I didn't have cheese on it. But, now, I don't even care for the taste all that much. Every once in a while when the kids order pizza, I will have a bite. Maybe it is all of that chewing that kills the attractiveness. Chewing forever does that to a lot of foods. Burger King still smells really good. But, it is nasty. I can eat steak now. I credit jerky with allowing me to learn to do so. But, hamberger isn't happening for me unles it is in a patty. I think it is because it is harder for me to chew smaller pieces. I find this is true of a few other foods, but I can't remember what right now. I am still puking about 4 times a week. But, I am getting better at figuring out why. Apparently, I do dump. I didn't think I did. And, the dumping causes me to puke. Then I get the chills and want to sleep. I had thought the puking was all from the strictures. It wasn't until I asked the board about the chills that come with it that someone suggested I was dumping. I can have a tiny taste of sugar foods or a medium amount of fatty foods without trouble. But, when I cross that line, I feel horrible. Last week we had pork and beans that I thought would kill me. I was passed out on the couch minutes after the puking stopped. Head hunger has kicked back in. It is sometimes a battle to stop eating when my pouch says no more and my mouth is demanding more satisfaction. In the end, my pouch wins or teachs us a lesson. The other day I sat on the floor for an hour. A year ago that would have left me with days of pain. Very cool. A funny little side thing that I am really enjoying is shaving my legs in half the time because of half of the surface area. Plus, I can reach a whole lot better. I received a late anniversary gift. We found out that we will probably be given 180 days of medical coverage after they give DH the boot. That means that I should be able to get my TT. I almost got up on the desk and did a happy dance when I found out. Heck, if someone would have handed me a Bloody Mary, I probably would have. This also means that I will be able to do the follow up on the lump they found in my breast. And, more important, my son will be able to continue with his medical needs. After the 180 days is up, we have the option to buy medical care at the price of $8000 a year for the family. Ouch. I have started to get nervous about telling my parents about my surgery. I find that when something is tearing me up, I have bad dreams about my parents. I have been having them a lot recently. I know it will be fine, but it still plays on my nerves. What is the worst that can happen? They could gripe at me. My dog really loves me. After I chew the heck out of my meat, she knows she is getting the part too big to swallow. DH did my inches the other day. Even with a 9 pound loss, there isn't much happening with my body. My cup size has gone down a little as well as my arms. But, my thights got 1/2 bigger. How the heck? Oh well. There wasn't that much of a difference. So, that leads me to believe that I lost 7 pounds of hair last month. The good news is that the hair loss has slowed down. Saggy skin is really sad. The other day I asked DH if he could see my panty line. He said oh yeah, right there. I was wearing a THONG. I guess I might as well wear the panities since my rear skin gives me the look aways. And, you have already heard me complain about my tummy. So, I will spare you. Time to go fold towels. Does it seem to anyone else like all I do is laundry? Too bad it isn't a cardio activity. Hat
Cori T.
on 2/2/05 12:11 am - Neah Bay, WA
hey Hat, so glad you checked it! Been wondering where you've been! Good news about the extra medical time, I still don't get how they're able to totally end your benefits w/all the time your hubby has in. How is the process to get Tri-West to approve TT? Is there a civilian Dr. that does it (accepts Tri-West) or are you going thru Madigan? I have had rash issues that my PCP has documented as I hear that's a factor. Really flares up along my c-section scar if I don't stay on top of it.
on 2/2/05 3:04 am - Oak Harbor, WA
Cori, I can so relate with the rashes along the C-section scar line. I'm still pre-op but I've got the 'dun-lap' sag over tummy and I get rashes under there all the time. If I don't clean the area VERY well when I shower and keep it as dry as possible (like wiping it off after I work out or something) I will get a rash, almost guaranteed. I've already got it in my mind that I'm going to have to have a TT post-op and from what I understand there won't be any problems getting approval. Michelle
on 2/2/05 3:01 am - Oak Harbor, WA
HAT!!!!!! I've been wondering where you've been! Good to hear from you again and I'm glad all is going well. I'm sure that it's frustrating to you that the weight isn't coming off faster now, but at least you're not where you were!! (I can say that cuz I'm still pre-op, hee-hee!) Anyway, as I said, good to hear from you and yes, it does seem that all you do is laundry! But, I'm there with you today. Hugs~ Michelle
on 2/2/05 3:35 am - Spanaway, WA
Hey Hat, You are so funny. I always like to read your posts. Did you find out if Madigan or someone else would do your TT? Last I heard if we didn;t have our surgery done there, then they wouldn't do a TT. Glad to see you posting again. I miss you when your silent. Arlene
on 2/2/05 3:49 am - NM
Since we won't be in the area, Madigan won't even be an option. I am trying to make contact with someone in NM to find a surgeon. I still have a few months before I will qualify. But, I want to start complaining about rashs and such now. Plus, I want to know what Tricare in that area will pay for. Since we won't be near a MTF, I will probably have to switch over to Tricare Standard. That means that my surgery won't be completely covered. But, paying 20% is much better than paying 100%. "You are so funny." Well, if I type long enough, your sure to find something good in there. "I always like to read your posts." Long bathroom reading, eh? Oh wait, your still not spending much time in the bathroom, are you? Hat
Cori T.
on 2/2/05 5:45 am - Neah Bay, WA
Double check on the whole tricare/standard/prime etc...thing We live no where near a MTF (nearest one is Bremerton, 3 hrs away) and we're on Tricare Prime if that's what we choose to enroll in. People can still enroll if standard if they wish, but the only plus I see in that is you can go to any Dr. you want. I'm happy with my PCP and she has had no problems referring me out to other network drs. for specialized care. Haven't paid a single copay since we moved here. No deductables either. Only pay my share of RX's.
on 2/2/05 6:11 am - NM
I will. Tricare hasn't been all that helpful. They will neither confirm or deny that we will have coverage beyond his kick out date. Although, unles they dork it up (not unheard of as we know) it is written in our orders. I have read that we can't have Tricare remote on this program. And, I don't know if that means that if we go prime at the nearest base, we have to travel to that area to get appointments. Are you just Prime or Prime remote? I sure hope all of this works out. I am open to any and all advice. Hat
Lena Kay
on 2/4/05 11:42 pm - WA
I really enjoy your messages. I put diaper rash cream on my C-section incision when I get that rash. Why do you have to tell your parents about your surgery? Maybe it's something you should just keep between yourself and your husband.
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