Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm!!

on 1/9/05 3:50 am - Bonney Lake, WA
Okay, if people are so offended by the posting that goes on, on this website, and we are just a bunch of middle aged whining women who are obscessed with our WLS, then why on earth would they even bother coming to this site OR taking the time to post???? I think that is a bit odd. To make statements that you are "sick of this sight", that your husband finds it "disgusting", yet he took the time to post, and the wife took the time to post and slam everyone that she could. I don't know either one of them, but if I truly hated this site, I CERTAINLY would not bother even coming and reading posts on here. I know of several other forums that have to do with many other things besides WLS, the ones I like to read, I go to, the ones I do not like or are of no interest to me, I do not. Seems a bit masochistic to put yourself through the torture of reading posts, if it is so painful! Oh well, to each his own, just seems little bit like "double talk" to me! Laura 203/153/110-120
on 1/9/05 4:25 am - bellevue, WA
Here, Here. I am a little taken aback by the nail biting, stereotypical comments that were made about the posters as well. Kind of thinking it's a little discriminatory and defamitory. Good thing us "middle aged, whinnining women" have each other to keep our insatiableness in check.
on 1/9/05 4:33 am - Edmonds, WA
WELL SAID, Laura! I'm not sure I get it. It saddens me somehow. I personally am grateful for all the "whining, middleaged women" here who have helped me along the way. This has been a big year of change for me - This site and the support I have received have been a real blessing. Thanks to all you who contribute and share your stories and experiences. Blessings! Nancy
on 1/9/05 4:43 am - Bonney Lake, WA
I have one more question...since when is 34 middle aged??? LOLOLOL Heck, I thought middle age happened when you were like 50 or something. Of course, maybe I keep changing the middle-aged mark the older I get I will continue to post on this board. I do not post too much on the main board, but I DO enjoy reading the posts. I have a little different take on this surgery than many people do, in that I refuse to stop living my life and enjoying food. I follow the rules as best I can, but I am not going to torture myself for the rest of my life and not allow myself things I like. My goal is to learn to eat healthier, not stop eating everything I enjoy I still need to work on the whole exercise thing, and if anyone has any suggestions for that one, I'm all ears! Take Care you middle-aged broads!!!!! ;) (of course meaning that with nothing but endearment)! Laura
on 1/9/05 6:33 am - NM
Good afternoon Laura. Another (good) hmmmmm thing came to mind. Unles I over looked something, this is the first tiff on our boards. I have been reading the board for almost a year. That ain't bad at all. If we can keep the tiffs down to once a year, then we are doing so much better than the main board. I think it is great that some poeple don't need any support beyond their surgeries. Back when I was trying to get my ducks in a row, I received some help from some OH members. I decided then that I was going to give back. I know that some people are takers. They post when they are trying to get surgery. They complain if they don't get enough responces. And, then when they get what they want, they move on. They offer nothing back. They basically turn into the person they were complaining about. I believe in returning the favors I received. So, like it or not, you all are stuck with me. For me, my life isn't all about the surgery now. Back a few months ago, it was all I could think of. Now it is just something that I did in my past. My focus now is on making each day work for me. I know myself. If I don't make it a focus, then the surgery will be a waste. I don't want to be one of those people that had surgery, lost weight and refused to focus on why I needed surgery in the first place only to gain it back in a few year. I have to remember that even though some carbs do go down really well, I still can't have them no matter how hungry I am. I want to obtain my goals and then stay at that level of fitness. And, I can't think of any sitituation where you can obtain your goals without staying focused on them. I am going to have to go back and read my posts. I didn't realize that all of my posts came across as whines. Then again, when I started having problems, I wish someone would have been around "whining" about the same things that were going wrong with me so I could have gotten help from them. Have a happy day all, Hat
on 1/9/05 6:49 am - Oak Harbor, WA
I think it is great that some poeple don't need any support beyond their surgeries. Back when I was trying to get my ducks in a row, I received some help from some OH members. I decided then that I was going to give back. I know that some people are takers. They post when they are trying to get surgery. They complain if they don't get enough responces. And, then when they get what they want, they move on. They offer nothing back. They basically turn into the person they were complaining about. I believe in returning the favors I received. So, like it or not, you all are stuck with me. **************** Hat, I have to agree with you 100%. I have to say that even though I've not posted much until recently I've read MANY of your posts as well as many others. I was just sitting thinking the other day that after I have the surgery, I will stay on this board and help as many people as I can. I have found this site completely invaluable in my research, comfort, and peace of mind. I will volunteer for any help that I can give on this site!!!
on 1/9/05 12:36 pm - Gig Harbor, WA
I agree that it's not "whining" on this site. We need to read about negative things that happen to others. Even if we don't have any postop complications, we'll know what to look for......or may, all of a sudden, have the same symptoms someone else is having and they already have found out what's wrong. It gives us a "heads up" reading about what everyone else is going through. Most of my questions about eating have been answered by other WLS patients. Who better to ask or tell than OTHER people that have been through this surgery? Laura, don't feel bad about not knowing what protein drinks to have before your surgery. We change our taste for protein drinks like we change our underwear!!! Oh, and I guess I'm one of those "middle-aged women" we're all talking about...........REALLY middle-aged at 52! BUT, after losing 70 lbs so far, FEELING 29 again!!!! Sue
on 1/9/05 7:00 am - Bonney Lake, WA
I guess I do not considering talking about your experiences "whining". Maybe some do, I don't know. I personally feel that if someone is throwing up daily, and not feeling well, they have a right to a little bit of whine time. I whine a lot to my DH. He is so good though, he just says, I'm so sorry honey, and we go on with our day. LOL I had times in the very beginning where I wished someone would shoot me and put me out of my misery. I did not realize, even after reading everything on this site, researching online, and literally reading everything I could get my hands on regarding this surgery, what it was really going to be like. It is life changing, and it is a wonderful thing. However, as with anything with the good comes some bad. I wish people had told me prior to my surgery to find a protein I could tolerate. So that I was not trying to find one when I already felt a little yucky. I wish I had been taking the vitamins before surgery, so I had the concept of what taking 27 vitamins a day is like. I wish someone had told me that when you eat, you better be near a bathroom, as you do not have a lot of time afterwards before you need to be ON THE TOILET!!! I wish I had known A LOT of things that I know now, before I had the surgery. So I am like you. I am going to say what I think and how I feel, and hope that it helps someone else out there! Have a happy, snowy afternoon all Laura
on 1/9/05 7:02 am - Edmonds, WA
You are right, Hat, there have been very few incidents of heated debates. That says a lot about our group here. Kudos to the WA state boards! I too think participation is giving back to the community. I think you made some dead-on observations in paragraph #2. I NEVER read you as a whiner! I think you've been very gracious and honest about your experience. It's helpful to everyone. Keep it up and thank you for your help along the way! Nancy
Cori T.
on 1/9/05 7:38 am - Neah Bay, WA
{{{hat}}} I don't consider your posts as whines. Everyone can and should post about their experiences! That's how I made my decision! You may have a negative post about something, and I may have a positive one. Doesn't make your post wrong or mine wrong...just varying degrees of what someone has experienced. KWIM?
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