Stop bashing Dr Weber

Derek E.
on 1/8/05 11:35 am - Bremerton, WA
What is up with everyone bashing Dr Weber? It's funny the last time I looked at this board "6 months ago" everyone was more or less calling Dr Weber a god! He performs a multitude of surgeries and changes lives including my wifes. Yes, his office staff may not be the best but as a WLS surgeon Dr Weber is at the top of his field and is widely respected and reccommended in the WLS doctor community. He is a pioneer of many of the moderm WLS practices in use today. His mortality rate is near non-existent and he truly does care for his patients. He is not going to give you the face time of a family doc, so don't expect that. He has thousands of past, current, and future patients who all want a piece of his time, and there is only 1 of him to go around, So lay OFF! I have one more thing to add. I had my surgery at Madigan performed by Army docs who gave zero pre op and zero post op support and left me with a 10" scar so you Dr. Weber patients who are complaining, consider yourselves lucky.
on 1/8/05 12:35 pm - Gig Harbor, WA
BRAVO, Derek!! I agree 100% with what you've said about Dr. Weber. I have nothing but the highest respect for that man! (Read my review of him on my profile!) Sue
on 1/8/05 1:06 pm - NM
Nice to hear from you Derek. I haven't bashed Dr. Weber one bit. I have simply told my story. It is what it is. I was deathly sick and couldn't get a call back. Then his office didn't do what it said it would to help me. I doubt that, if Rachel's stoma had been closed for days, you would have looked at her and told her to shut up because he is a good doctor or a busy man and she should just keep going to the ER until he has time for her. I assume you both are able to eat solid foods now. And, that you both don't mainly survive on protein drinks. And, that you and her don't throw up daily or more. And, I doubt either of you wonder if you will be able to ever survive on real foods again. Then again, I wouldn't know because you haven't shared any of your post op story. I wish you would. But, back to my point. I am not sorry that he did my surgery. And, I am completely happy that I had surgery. I do recommend him. And, I would let him operate on me again. But, I feel that I should tell my story because if it happens to someone else, and it has, then I want to be there to support them. I refuse to lie to someone and tell them that everything is peachs and cream. That wouldn't be fair to anyone. I think people should know what they are getting into. One last thing. I don't care how important or busy you are, if one of your patients is having complications, then they have a right to be taken care of. Hat
Rachael E.
on 1/9/05 2:39 am
1st stoma was shut off for quite some time....I couldn't even keep water down. I have had my runs with Dr. Webers staff, but I am persistant and I refuse to let them give me a run around...after all it is are why they are there. I don't wait around for hours on end for anyone to call me back, I call them back..... Tricare allows for after care in some regards.....they simply allow the surgeon to follow your progress....your PCP is in charge of everything else, it's why they are your PCP. The military facilities have knowledge of scoping and swallow studies....Myself and Derek have both had them done in a military facility. Of the thousands of people that Dr. Weber does surgeries on a small fraction have voiced their dipleasure over how his staff conducts business. While the other thousand plus people are satisfied with him. If someone was researching Dr.'s and they formed their opinion from the griping they hear on this forum then they are not making a educated choice. I understand the frusteration you may have with his staff and I believe the frusteration you have with him may be because of his staff. I have had many troubles with his staff, but I am not making Dr. Weber look incomptetant because of it. On behalf of Derek, he hasn't been on the forum recently because when he reads the posts and responds with his no nonsense point of view he usually offends the middle aged female WLS patients in the forum. He has been very successful post op and conducts his life without giving the surgery much thought. He can't stand people who devote their life to this surgery and can't focus on anything else. He exercizes relentlesley and views this surgery as a small tool. He also has very little sympathy for people who whine. The women seem to use each other as crutches, and he feels it is pathetic. Yes I do think people should voice their opinions, but myself, Derek, and a some of my friends on here....are sick of reading about all this drama, it's old, it's boring and we just don't care anymore. We all know Dr. Weber's staff needs a little help....maybe you should tell Dr. Weber his staff tell everyone around here...tell him so maybe he can do something about it. Yeah, I don't care if I make enemies on here....remember this is an opinion board and I have the right to say what I want just like what was said earlier.... By the way HAT no, I don't eat solid food yet. I'm going bald and I feel like I am going to be like this forever. I have stricture so bad I am lucky if I go a day without throwing up ( it rarely happens). I just don't sit and complain about it. I think I would rather be like this then weight 280 pounds anyday. I know once I send this post I will be swamped with replies from the angry hoards of women "yes women", guys roll their eyes at this kind of stuff. Fire away ladies!
on 1/9/05 4:22 am - Edmonds, WA
Whoa! Wow, Rachael. Your post seems so angry. What was said to offend you? I think people really wanting to research doctors will not solely rely on these ever-changing boards! Ironically, this one thread has probably done more damage than any other to date! "If someone was researching Dr.'s and they formed their opinion from the griping they hear on this forum then they are not making a educated choice" You are right - a real "educated choice" could not be made from a heated discussion between a handful of people on discussion boards! That would be ridiculous! People make educated choices by researching. There is quite a bit of information to be learned on this site, people. It is my understanding (and many profiles seem indicate) that DrW's patients experience more strictures and stoma related issues than most. There is a reason for this - he makes the stoma particularly small. This increases the chances of it swelling shut or near shut. I believe that his reasoning is that the final result of a smaller stoma will improve the function of the 'tool' thus be an advantage in the long run. This is a benefit when healing is done, but it was not something I was braced for. Were you? If so, where did you get your information? Your persistence is admirable! To the readers and researchers here: it's good to know that you must be persistent to get the care you need from Dr Weber. One call is not enough, if you need medical attention call and call again. Squeaky wheel and all. BTW, I have very few gripes with DrW's staff. I don't think his staff sucks. I do not remember DrW telling us that aftercare and support are dependent on our PCP and PCFs at his orientation/seminar. In fact, I remember distictly that he was insistent that his patients remain dedicated to see him postoperatively. I certainly was led to think that he would care for medical issues resulting from the surgery he performed. However, it seems certainly reasonable that my PCP will order and review my labwork and other standard postop care. I do plan on communicating with DrW and staff about my experience. I choose to wait til the one year timeframe so I can be thorough. I think your suggestion is good and I second it. We all should let the good Dr know of our experiences. I'm sure it comes as no surprise to you or Derek that women do tend to bond and build relationships that are mutually supportive. I think that this is a strength, not a weakness. Reading the boards, you see shared experiences and support to get thru the more difficult times. No different than anything else in life. Why is this so irritating to you both? Perhaps Derek should obsess less with "people who devote their life to this surgery and can't focus on anything else." "Not standing" people takes energy -- he could exert that energy in much healthier ways. What's worse than "people who devote their life to this surgery and can't focus on anything else"? People who "can't stand" them. I like to share my experiences (good and bad) with those reading boards. OH profiles and the online discussions were very helpful to me while I was pursuing and recovering from WLS. I figure I'd return the favor. These boards are meant for sharing, for encouragement and direction, for inquiry, for the pre and post op. If it's boring - just stop reading. There have been postoperative days when my recovery or transition was far harder than I expected. It's so great to come here, seek and get encouragement from those who have been there. It's also a great pleasure to come here and do the same for others. You are right - the complaints (whether DrW's patients or not) are the same - I can't take another day of the full fluids; I can't stop throwing up; I am tired and have no energy; my hair is falling out; I hate those chalky tablets. How great is it to come here and hear - you can do it!; we care! call your doctor; your energy will pick up here in a few weeks, hang on; it'll grow back; take 'em anyway, have you tried this other brand?! You post so infrequently, Rachael. There's a shocking contrast between that bright, pretty, smiling face and your antagonistic and negative post. I'm with you I'd rather throw up every day and not be fat. So, to you pre-ops out there, you might be signing up for a long bout or a lifetime of vomiting. And your chances of that outcome are a little higher if you select DrW. Smile, everyone! Nancy
on 1/8/05 1:28 pm - Bonney Lake, WA
I do not know Dr. Weber, as he was not my surgeon. He sounds like he is a very qualified surgeon. HOWEVER, there is such a thing as "after care". I have been in the medical profession for 17 years. Most and I say MOST because not ALL physicians provide good after care. If you cannot get a call back from your physician and you are having "issue", then there is a problem with that physician. Their job is to take care of you at ALL times, not just on the operating table. Physicians can and WILL be found neglegent if they let a patient get very sick and possibly even die after they have performed surgery on them. Being a "good surgeon" and being a "good physician" are two different things. A good surgeon takes care of you during surgery and does a good job at whatever it is they are operating on. A good "physician" takes care of you before, during and after surgery until you are well. After all of the posts I have read on this website (and other websites) regarding Dr. Weber, I would definitely think twice about having him do ANY surgery on me. I want someone that is willing to take care of me AFTER the fact, not just during. As always, even with physicians, it is a "buyer beware" world. Everyone needs to research, research, research, and then make an educated decision before chosing their sureon! Like I said, I'm sure he is very "qualified", that does not mean that he is the right surgeon for everyone! Hat, I hope you feel better soon, and that you can eventually find out what is causing all of your problems! Laura P.S. This is a public forum, and people have the right to express all opinions, whether one agrees with them or not!!!!
on 1/8/05 2:04 pm - NM
"Everyone needs to research, research, research, and then make an educated decision before chosing their sureon!" Hey Laura and anyone else who cares to jump in here. I was thinking about the research part of picking a doc. It seems there are two main souces of information. What the doctor tells you (such his death rate and the people he brings in to the orientation to tell you how happy they are) would be the first. The second would be what you have heard from other people through places such as OH. As for the first, docs can tell you anything they want. And, of course they are only going to bring in patients that have good things to say about them. And, with the second, you really need to talk to a lot of people. I think it is safe to say that every doc has at least one ex-patient that hates them. So, the more you can talk to, the better. Are there other ways to research a doc that I am missing? This is on my mind because I hope to have PS sometime. And, as bad as this might sound, I am more worried about picking a plastic surgeon than I was picking a WLS. I only had two choices with the WLS. But, I have many more with the PS since I will probably be paying for it myself. BTW, with WL surgeons, are there any sites that compile info such as death rates, complications rates, success rates and such? Oh and I would like to know what other websites you have read that mention Dr. Weber. Email me privately please so you don't get grumped at for putting links on OH. Hat
on 1/8/05 2:27 pm - Bonney Lake, WA
Hat, Unfortunately, WLS is becoming a huge "business venture". I mean, many surgeons now have prior patients doing their orientation meetings, etc. It's almost a sales pitch from what I have noticed. Of course, they are not going to bring in the patients who have had problems with the surgery, only the ones who are at goal, and have had zero complications. I think, the best way to research is by word of mouth. Finding other patients who have used a surgeon. The other way, trust me on this one, is to be able to talk to a FORMER employee of the surgeon. Or a nurse who has worked with them in the past, etc. People who work with docs, get to see ALL sides of them, and can generally give you a fairly good idea of what they are like. I do believe that you can contact the State Medical Board and find out information about them. I am not sure if they can give you instances of death, but they can give you information on law suits pending and settled. You would need to do a little research on line and see if there are places to look up that information. You can find almost anything you want to on the web these days....LOL Plastic surgery is scary. I agree with you, more scary than WLS. I have not decided if I will do any plastics yet. I still have another approximately 40 to goal, and am only a little over 3 months out, so figure I will see how my skin looks in a year or so. I'm going to buy every skin tightening cream out there...LOLOLOL I REALLY do not want to go through another surgery, but suppose I will due to vanity! I'll email you the other info! Laura
on 1/9/05 2:10 am - bellevue, WA
Hat, there are other ways to check what qualifications a doc has but they too are wonky. I checked with the American Board of Surgeons, the Washington State Board of Surgeons and the American Medical Association and still ended up with medical issues post-op. What I was told, by my attorney, is that if a litigation is reached out of court, it will not be listed on a surgeons or physicians record. If there have been previous issues with a certain doc the records could be sealed, due to patient confidentiality, and purged within 7 yeras. So the public may NEVER have an accurate record of a surgeons incompetence. There are akso instances, which many of you know, where the patient is not allowed to mention certain things due to litigation in process.
Holly M.
on 1/8/05 4:48 pm
Derek, People in this forum need to be able to talk share their experiences openly. I think its wrong to discourage anyone from leaving their input. Everyones experiences will be different and its great that we can communicate them to one another. Please don't discourage the process.
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