on 12/20/04 5:43 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
Okay... I am stressed to my gills, guys! I can't take this mess anymore! *Sigh* I have so much going on right now, especially with Mark leaving, it's so hard on me emotionally. I am scared to death, but I have to be strong and suck it up so he doesn't see me be weak. I don't want to be weak, I want to be strong! So, with this is mind, he has been packing, and spoiling himself eating out practically once a day, if not more, and has been doing this since we went on leave, on Thanksgiving! This is not good for me. I should not be even looking at fast food. I did really good with Thanksgiving, I ate ham and turkey for my meals and my snacks, I had a massive hankering, like you would not believe. Since his sister worked, I cooked the meals, which I didn't change a thing, and nobody noticed stuff was fat free and low carb, etc... I ate my weight in meats and stock piled protien. I had enough protien bars packed, I still have some left over. It's hard for me, too, since they can eat tons of food at one sitting, and not eat for hours on end, I feel like a pig when my body starts telling me to eat every two or three hours. I have been drinking more too. I am a tea fanatic! I got me some awesome apple cinnamon lipton tea, and boy I tell ya what!!! I got my weight down to 316, a total of 63 pounds gone. And that's it.... I stopped. Shut'er down! Anyways, back to the fast food saga.... Since we have been eating out so much, and running around like crazy, I forget my vitamins. I have also been getting bad headaches too. Sucks... I hate headaches, and all I have is ibuprofen, and I can't take it, coz its bad for the pouch. I am very forgetful lately, and I get side tracked easily. And hair?? Whoa, I am loosing hair for days! My friends have all noticed how thin my hair is now. You can actually see my scalp people! This isnt normal!!!! So I figured, if it gets too bad, I know a few friends who know how to do extentions... I can and will... don't force me! lol Oh yeah.... and I am short fused. I get over emotional a lot. And I get mad a lot. And I cry... a lot. *Sigh* WHATS WRONG WITH ME!?!?!?!?!? No, I'm not pregnant, and nope, I'm not pms'in... I guess I just have a bad case of my husbands leaving me for a year blues? Who knows... So... I am kicking the carbs out of my house after he leaves, and I am so in that gym! When he's gone, I am gonna just pitch a tent in the gym. I am not staying like this! I can't! I am gonna find me some happy pills and some protien and my happy apple tea (which you gotta try, by the way) and that's that! By the way... he leaves the 28th... (our anniversary) *Sigh*
on 12/20/04 11:43 pm - Spanaway, WA
Hi there honey, Well at one time I was a Navy wife and I know what your going through. I would suggest you take a minute some where quite and write down everything that is going on in your life right now. I'm sure that when you see it on paper you will realize why you are so emotional. Its sounds like you have so many things on your plate right now. Honey lighten up and do something nice for yourself. I don't remember when your surgery was but I'm sure you could eat small amounts of fast foods,that is if its been awhile sense your wls. If I get very hungry when I'm out, I will pull in and order something to eat. It will be 4 chicken nuggets but hey I'm satisfied! I also go out and have lunch or dinner with friends. I have a new out look on food...I respect food now as before I really didn't think about it and just ate and ate. As far as your hair falling out, ask your nutritiousness if all your vitamins are strong enough. I'm sorry that your hubby is leaving and I know that is very hard for you guys. Take care and remember to take care of you too. ...Tee
on 12/21/04 12:56 am - bellevue, WA
In feel for ya hon. My DH is going out on patrol again on the 4th of Jan. It never gets any easier, I've been a military wife for 22 years! I know it sucks having to miss Birthdays, Anniversaries and all of those special occassions together, but I am sure you are a strong woman and will get through this. Try to keep away from the cafeine and really boost your protein. I know when I feel kinda blue it's usually time to boost the protein to 90g a day and that kick starts me pretty good, as for the hair, I have bald patches, so again, I feel your pain, especially after having long, think , curly hair all my life, I am now reduced to nothing. It sounds like maybe you are scared of part of your support system being gone for such a long time. That's what we are all here to do for you, be your extra support system. Post us every day, email us, and we will be right there for you. .
Kimanne B
on 12/21/04 6:17 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
((((((((((((((((((((((((SUPER BIG HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))) Hey Chickie babe, I'm here for ya! I haven't talked to you in foreverrrrrrrrr!! If you still have my number, call me please! (I can't find yours ) I know, I'm bad I'm so sorry you're going through all this... You'll be in my prayers sweetie! XoXo~ Kimanne
Maggie M.
on 12/21/04 6:39 pm - Puyallup, WA
I am a military spouse and I live near Puyallup do you know anything about the swimming for WLS patients if they have a class there or any water exercise's. Where is the gym located? Maggie
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