First Week Post OP - It Is Work

Bill E.
on 12/7/04 10:48 am - Hermiston, OR
My date was Dec 2 with surgery by Adrian Heap MD at Kennewick General Hospital. Check in went well due to friendly, helpful staff. I checked in at 315 pounds. I was concerned about the spinal since I'd never had one. The anesthesiologist put my concerns to rest with his explanation. Surgery was like all surgery is to me; I go to sleep and I wake up. And, isn't that neat? Spent the first afternoon and night in ICU. Not much sleep. Too much light and too much noise. Pain was okay and manageable. Next day, I was moved to the general care area. There I met the nicest lady, Shirley, who just happened to be a business client of mine. She is so caring, professional and knowlegeable. She, and the others too, took wonderful care of me. I guess she didn't want to lose her insurance guy . She also did my checkout and gave me so much really good help
on 12/7/04 11:39 am - Athena, OR
Hi Bill! This is Joanie Cherry in Hermiston also. I will be having surgery on the 10th with Dr. Heap. So you are doing well? Did you wake up with that tube down your throat? When did Dr. Heap take out the drainage tube? Also, after you got out of ICU, were you in a private room? And, why did you have a spinal? I know...questions questions! I will be going to my preop appointment on Thursday...I'm excited but nervous too. Hope you are doing well! Joanie
Bill E.
on 12/8/04 3:01 am - Hermiston, OR
Joanie, its going a lot better today. Congratulations on your approaching surgery. I went into the hospital on Dec 2 at 315 lbs. I left on Dec 6 at 295. Wow, down 20 pounds already. And, I know, it has been dropping every day; even I can see the loss. There is still a little pain but nothing that can't be dealt with easily with the demoral that they sent me home with. It is a little odd being on a liquid only diet this week but that, too, isn't terrible and I know it would make me so sick to eat anything. My stomach just isn't ready. It will be nice to get back onto some regular food even though I know what and how I eat will be changed forever. Now, to your questions. The spinal is given in prep. It blocks any and all pain to the lower body for the first day or so. It is really no big deal and it is really a good thing to have the pain blocked. They deaden the area with a local and then shoot anesthetic next to the spinal cord. I was worried about it but no real reason. Like everything with this surgery, I just figured that if others can tolerate it, I can too. The only tube I recall down my throat was the NG tube which has to be there for a few days to remove whatever the stomach generates. I know that I also had a ventilator tube but it was gone by the time I awoke. Don't make my mistake. When Dr. Heap came to see me the second day after surgery, I asked when the NG (nasal-gastric) tube would be removed. He said he could take it out right then so with my agreement did. A couple of hours later, my stomach swelled (bloated) up so bad and it started to hurt plenty too. Shirley (hope you get her - she lives in Hermiston too. Mention my name and tell her you're from Hermiston and you'll get along famously.) suggested we put the tube back in. Trying hurt my nose so bad and gagged me so much that we aborted the effort. A couple of hours later, it was so bad we had to do it regardless. I gagged and puked with them putting it in but relief was near immediate. So, don't be in a real big hurry to have it out. It is only a little uncomfortable having it in; it is a whole bunch uncomfortable having to have it reinserted. We finally took it out the day I went home as they were stripping away all my IV connections and stuff. But it was okay. Dr. Heap had me in a private room as soon as I was moved out of ICU. You'll spend at least one night in ICU. Don't know why it was a private room, it just was. My best suggestion is to view the whole thing as I do. I admit to being a whimp when it comes to pain and things but, by darn, if others have done it and made it through then I can too! Every day is a new day. Right now I'm battling an episode of gout. It is another thing that should go away with weight loss. Don't know why it chose now to hit but it did so we deal with it. Oh, one other thing. Dr. Heap will give you his personal cell phone number. Don't hesitate to use it. He wants to be there for you. Good luck with the surgery and enjoy the new you. Call or come see me when you're done and we'll compare notes. By all means, let me know if you have any additional questions. Okay? Bill
on 12/8/04 6:02 am - Athena, OR
Thank you so much, Bill for all the advice and info! This has really prepared me. I think I would like the spinal too...I had one with my c-section. I'm glad that ventilator tube will be taken out before I wake up...bleck! I'm glad you told me about the NG tube...I don't think I would like it put back in after the fact...that sounds awful! When did Dr. Heap take out the drainage tube? Did you stay in a hotel or the hospital til you got home? How long was your hospital stay? Sorry for all the questions..hehehe I went to Walmart today to get a few items like those Brush-ups, the pads to put down so I don't leak all over, the milk of magnesia, and some other things. I just wi**** was all overwith and I was on the loosing side...but I'll be there soon! I will write when I get home and let ya know how it all went...I'm so glad you doing so well! and YAY on the loosing the pounds! Talk soon and take care! Joanie
Bill E.
on 12/8/04 11:09 am - Hermiston, OR
Joanie, I was going to suggest you buy the cherry flavored milk of magnesia. It was really pretty pleasant going down. Don"t know what the brush ups and drainage is about. I dropped a few spots of blood in the hospital room but all that was done by the time I left. The drainage tube came out at the same time I was being prepared to go home. What a strange sensation as he pulled it out! He said it would hurt a little but it was mostly just a weird feeling. I went to the hospital last Thursday, December 2 and checked out on Monday, December 6 so I was there four nights. Didn't need a motel and my wife is available to take me back to Kennewick if needed so we went straight home. It will be history for you soon and you'll be on your way! Here's praying for a smooth procedure for you. I know that it will be. Bill
on 12/8/04 2:51 pm - Athena, OR
Hi Bill I did get the cherry flavored..hehehe..Joletta told me that they had a patient that just had surgery and swore on it. It must've been YOU! LOL The brush ups are for brushing up your teeth and breath...I thought that would be good in between brushing...and the pads are for leaking out of the drainage tube. It was a suggestion from other patients that it may leak. I had a drainage tube in my knee when I had knee surgery and it was a weird sensation when they pulled that out...ick! Thanks so much! Take care of yourself too! Joanie
on 12/27/06 3:20 am - Tacoma, WA
Hi Joanie and Bill, I thought I would post a message for you to give you some hope of what is to come. I had my surgery with Dr. Heap in July 2005. I weighed 330 pounds when I went into surgery. It was difficult the first 5 months as I wasn't able to sleep in my own bed due to incision and I had to re-learn to eat again. Today I have lost a total of 150 pounds. I have stayed the same weight for the past 7 months. I eat anything I want just smaller portions. After the first of the year I am going to start cutting back on the sugar and breads so I can try and lose another 30 pounds. I am happy and very healthy. I have lots and lots of energy and I feel absolutely wonderful. Dr. Heap saved my life. You won't be sorry you had this surgery. It is the best thing I ever did for myself. I will be a hard road the first year but well worth it. I didn't have a lot of energy that first year and I lost weight very quickly (note: don't buy alot of clothes as you won't stay in that same size for very long). I went from a size 30/32 and I now wear a size 16. I did lose alot of hair after about 5 months. My hair came out in clumps but my doctor said it happens because of the shock your body is going through. It is growing back in now. A small price to pay in my opinion. The only thing I have to worry at this point is that I can't wait to eat for long periods of time. If I wait until I am really hungry I eat too fast and it kind of feels like it gets stuck around the ring and my chest hurts. I end up vomiting everything up then. I have only had a few of these episodes. I just make sure I eat something small every 2 hours or so. Start with foods like cottage cheese, yogurts, sugar free jellos and puddings. Do drink your protein drinks and lots of them. It is really important you get as much protein as you can stand. This will help you to get your energy back and recover faster. I switched to differnt types. There are the powdered protein drinks from GNC and Costco that aren't too bad. I mixed with water at first because the milk was too heavy and filled me up too fast. Once I could mix with milk I did because it gave me more protein. Atkins and slim fast also have protein drinks that are good. I am happy for the both of you and you have so much to look forward to. A new life for you. You won't even know yourself in a year from now. Have a wonderful new year as I know you will. Vicki Stephenson
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