Hello all, been a long time!!

Amanda P.
on 11/7/04 12:31 am - Wa
I havent been on in about a month, due to puter problems. I really missed the boards and keeping up on everyone. SO first off, a great big CONGRATS, to all of you have become post-ops over the last month. I hope you are all recovering and doing well. And for everyone, I hope you are all doing great, and things are going well for you all. As for me, things have gone really well, I have had no problems of any kind. Im finding the hardest thing post-op is not drinking with meals. I use to drink like 3 cans of pop with meals I dont miss pop at all and have not craved it, so Im lucky there. I have only lost 10lb this month and was REALLY REALLY bummed, I felt and still kinda feel like a failure. Im trying to get passed that, but its not easy. Ive had nightmares, that this surgery didnt work for me, and that I couldnt lose any more weight. I'm sure its not the case and I will lose more. I just have to keep telling myself to "think positive" Anyway, Im soooooo happy to be able to get back to the boards, it really sucked not having my life line here. Take care all, warmest wishes to you all.........Amanda
on 11/7/04 12:36 am - Renton, WA
Welcome back!! I too share some of your nightmares...I had a nightmare the other evening that in addition to losing weight I was also really really losing height, which I can't afford to do as I'm not real tall anyway!! I dreamt I went into my kitchen and everything was ssssoooooo much taller than it had been the day before EXCEPT I was really lotsssssss shorter!! Our minds play weird games sometimes, don't they? I am sure my dream is a hold back of some of my weight loss becoming invisible stuff like that fears!! I am really enjoying losing weight this way and this time but apparently am also afraid I'll be less powerful, less noticed, less visible!! Where is Freud when we need him? Anyway, welcome back and keep posting. It's great to keep this website going for all of us pre- post- and inbetweeners!! Karen Thompson 09-15-2004 down 45+ pounds
Chrissy P.
on 11/7/04 4:43 am - Federal Way, WA
Hi! The day after I got home from surgery, I dreamt that I went back to work and forgot that I had the surgery. In my dream, I had McDonalds for breakfast, Wendy's for lunch, and pizza for dinner. Then I suddenly remembered that I had the surgery, and I was so stressed out and felt like such a failure!! Funny, in my dream, I was able to eat all that stuff with no pain. I was happy to wake up and learn that it wasn't true! I think we all have to take this one day at a time and keep praying. This is the farthest thing from the "easy way out." Best wishes to you all, Chris
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