Visit with the nutritionist

on 11/2/04 10:23 am - NM
I went to see the nutritionist today. After looking over my food diary for the last week, she said that she is surprised I haven't stalled out in my weight loss. Two days last week, I tossed everything except my protein shake. I am still throwing up at least onces a day. My main worries are that I am getting close to goal. I am 2/3 of the way there. What if I can't stop losing when I get there since I can't eat anything now? Also, I really am tired of not being able to eat anything without having to sit next to the trash for the next hour. She is worried that I am or will be soon losing muscle. Also, I am not getting enough carbs to feed my brain. Ms. Direct said that I am showing signs of a deprived brain. LOL If only she knew. She is also concerned that the puking isn't good for me and that not being able to eat is wearing on my nerves and me mentally. She was happy that I am going in to be scoped. I worry that there isn't a stricture and they won't be able to help me. The plan is for me to go back on a liquid diet for a week. I really don't want to and hate most of the liquid "food." I asked if I could double my protein drink instead. She wants more than the 5 carbs that my protein drinks provide. We discussed several liquid "foods" I could eat. We finally agreed that I would have two SlimFast a day and one protein drink. Since nuts are working for me if I haven't pissed off my pouch, she is allowing a small amount of nuts. I had to beg for that. I bought a huge jug of cashews at Costco and really enjoy them. I also went for lab work. They drew 7 or 8 vials of blood. They were amazed at all that she was looking for. But, both of us expect my levels to be way out of whack. I have to call her next week for the results. We will see how my pouch is doing and go from there. Finally, she said she doesn't like it when people lose more than 4 pounds a week. That is what I am averaging for the last month or so. I miss those big loss weeks, but I guess healthy is better. And, I want to lose the fat, not the muscle. Hat 257/185/150 Open RNY 7/27/04
on 11/2/04 10:56 am - Spanaway, WA
Hi Hat, Your weightloss is so awesome!!!!!! Which nutritionist did you see at Sweedish or Madigan? I've missed you at the support group meetings lately. Arlene
on 11/2/04 5:58 pm - NM
I guess there was one going on at the clinic today when I was there. I saw some of the regulars show up. But, after my appointmen, Heidi sent me off to have blood drawn. They took 8 vials. I might be there next week. It depends on how busy life is. And, it might be my last. We find out next Tuesday what they are going to do to DH's career. Hat
on 11/2/04 6:05 pm - NM
I forgot to mention that Heidi also asked me about my workouts. I was honest with her and told her that I was still doing some walking, but I had stopped going to the gym. She told me she absolutely does NOT want me in the gym. She said I could keep walk, but to do no more. She says she thinks it would stress my body too much. I bet Dr. W would die if he heard her say that. Well, I am going to bed. I have been out with the girls. But, I have had a close eye on the TV on this exciting election day. Let's just hope this doesn't drag out for weeks. Hat
on 11/3/04 1:20 am - Spanaway, WA
Hi Hat, I hope the doctor can fix what ever is making you . I feel so bad when I hear stories like your's. Hat try to eat as many nuts as you can because they are high in carbs and protien, right? You are now down to 150? Wow that is a lot of weight loss in a very short time. Why haven't they scoped you a while back? Take care Hat and my prayers go out to you. xoxox Tee
on 11/3/04 3:16 am - NM
This morning I was 184.5. This has been a big lose week for me. I kind of stalled out with only a 2 pound lose the previous week. The last seven days, I have lost 6 pounds. I can't help but to like it. But, it would drive Heidi nuts. As of this morning, I am down 70.5 pounds in 3 months one week. The big difference in my diet was that when I could keep food down, it was nuts. I wonder how much better my weight loss would be if I had been able to eat more calories. According to, 1 oz of peanuts has 165 kcal, 14 fat, 5 carbs and 7 protein. I mentioned to Heidi that I was a little worried about the cal and fat, but she said it really isn't an issue for me now. Hat 257/164.5/150 Starting weight/today's weight/goal
Tanja Y
on 11/4/04 12:08 am - Wahiawa, HI
I got the speech from Heidi too at my last visit. I'm losing too much too fast and not eating enough carbs/veggies/fruits. She said I'm focusing too much on protein and even went so far as to tell me to cut back on my protein drinks which shocked me a bit. I don't go to the gym, but now that dh is back from Iraq I plan on starting. But she said my walking everyday was good enough at that time. She's concerned since I've lost 100 pounds since July 23 that I'm losing muscle mass instead of just fat. And my iron is down which she wasnt happy about, but everything else is great. Good thing.....I hate how much blood they draw to do her labs. Sounds like you and I pretty much had the same visit, just at different times........LOL. ~Tanja
Chrissy P.
on 11/4/04 4:39 am - Federal Way, WA
Hi Hat, Just wanted to let you know that you have been in my prayers for a while now. I am so glad that you went to the nutritionist. Please, please, please take good care of yourself and realize that this is all about your health, not just about losing weight. I am so sorry about the pain that you have been through. I pray that you will have resolution and relief very soon. Your weight loss is so inspiring, but I want you to be able to ENJOY it and be HEALTHY, too! -Chris
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