Crossing My Fingers

Andrea W.
on 10/13/04 8:24 am - Kent, WA
Well, it has been nothing but torture waiting and waiting to find out if I have been approved or denied... I have tried to be patient, but finally I couldn't take it so I called my insurance. And what do I find out........they have no record of my pre-cert. GREAT Now I won't torture you with the detailed story, but in the end it turned out that my paperwork ended up in Kentucky instead of California, and after working with Janelle at the Weight Loss Center (who, by the way, has been soooooo helpful and great) the paperwork is in the right location being reviewed by the right person!!! Now here is the problem - they of course want a weight history for the last five years. No problem....been overweight forever!! Trouble is I don't have anything that documents it past 2001. I hardly ever get sick and hardly ever go to the doctor. Who would have thought that being healthy would be bad I even called Jenny Craig, of course being fat I joined once years ago in a futile effort. Come to find out it was 1995. And the very nice lady was going to look to see if they still had my chart, but beings it was so long ago, I doubt that she will come up with it! So now here I sit not knowing what to do..... It is so upsetting to me and I have no one to blame but myself...... Should have started my 'yearly' appointments at 21 instead of 28, should have gone to the doctor more instead of dreading it because they weigh me...... Shoulda woulda coulda....... I still am crossing my fingers though........ Crossing, hoping, crossing, hoping!!!
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