Active Duty - WLS?

Erin O.
on 10/11/04 8:57 am - Hinton, WV
Hi all- I'm sorry to repost this request, but I seem to be striking out left and right trying to find an answer... I am looking for anyone who is active duty military and has had WLS...this can also include reservists, I would assume. I am in desperate need of help...please email me or post here if you would be willing to talk about your experience. Thanks! Erin [email protected]
on 10/11/04 2:42 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
are you wanting spouses or actual service members???
Erin O.
on 10/12/04 1:08 am - Hinton, WV
Hi! I need to speak with active duty service members...I am trying to appeal my waiver denial to the Armed Forces. They initially denied me BECAUSE of my gastric bypass surgery. Which doesn't make any sense. I am trying to find someone that is active duty, which is nearly impossible...that has had WLS, so that I can help prove my case that the surgery should not be an automatic PDQ. Getting a reference from someone who is currently serving and had the surgery would be HUGE for me and my appeal. It very well could change everything... Thanks !!!! Erin
on 10/12/04 1:20 am - NM
Which of the Armed Forces are you trying to join? That can make a big difference. For instance, the air force tries to get rid of members with asthma. But, the army doesn't view it as any big deal. Also, the AF is downsizing. But, the army is expanding. Have you thought about contacting the military hospital in your area, or other areas, that does the surgery and asking for their help? They would be the experts and know how many AD members have had the surgery and be able to provide long term statistics for complications. I laughed when you said "doesn't make any sense." Welcome to the military world. LOL
on 10/12/04 1:20 am - NM
Which of the Armed Forces are you trying to join? That can make a big difference. For instance, the air force tries to get rid of members with asthma. But, the army doesn't view it as any big deal. Also, the AF is downsizing. But, the army is expanding. Have you thought about contacting the military hospital in your area, or other areas, that does the surgery and asking for their help? They would be the experts and know how many AD members have had the surgery and be able to provide long term statistics for complications. I laughed when you said "doesn't make any sense." Welcome to the military world. LOL
Erin O.
on 10/12/04 1:40 am - Hinton, WV
Hey there! "Doesnt make any sense" is just about all I can use to describe this experience. *lol* I had my surgery 3 years ago in order to lose the fulfill my dream of military service. Now a year after I had the surgery, NAVMED/BUMED, the end-all,be-all for physicals added an addendum that stated "gastrointestinal surgery for control of obesity or stomach stapeling" was a permanent disqualifier (PDQ). Nice. I'm trying to enlist in the Marine Corps...and my recruiter...God Bless Him...doesn't know what to do with me. *lol* I have to have an age waiver (I'm 30, cut off is 29) which is really not a big deal....and a medical waiver for my surgery. He said the guys at MEPS, which is where all military guys and gals go for their physicals...said they never heard of anyone coming into the military with WLS before and they didn't know what to do with it. So Im sortof a pioneer here I guess you could say. *L* I appealed my case to my local and state representatives, and currently Sen. Jay Rockefeller (WV) has graciously agreed to help me. He wrote me a wonderful letter and said that if I would send him any and all supporting letters, records, etc., along with anything else that could plead my case to prove my guts wont fall out during Boot...then he would personally appeal my case to the Corps. This really is my dream...and I just can't put it down until I know that I've exhausted every avenue to make it happen. WLS was the very best thing I could have done in my life, and I would never regret it. Now, I just have to prove that with the surgery I am able to handle it! If you know of anyone that could help me out..even if it's a Reservist...or a physician that does the surgery on active duties....please let me know. I am willing to wait to send my materials to Sen. Rockefeller until I have a kick butt file. ;) Love your guts! E
Erin O.
on 10/12/04 1:04 am - Hinton, WV
Hey Sonya- I actually tried emailing Derek several times through this site, but have been unable to reach him...I haven't seen anyone else on here that's active duty with the surgery, which is what I need for my enlistment appeal... Thanks so much...I figured if I posted the request on the Washington forum I might have better luck finding somebody in the military ;) Erin
Rachael E.
on 10/12/04 3:12 am
Hi Erin.....I am Derek's wife...he's been meaning to get back to you, but he's been busy busy. I would definately try the navy....they give it to their actice duty and they support it...I have heard that the other branches do not give it to their actice duty members, and it' much harder for the others dependents than it is for the navy dependants.....seems as though they are ran through the ringer. If you e-mail me I can give you my phone number and you can talk with Derek and myself about it all........ Rachael
on 10/12/04 3:39 am - Edmonds, WA
Try this link... At the top of the list of people and on the left there is a link to military message boards. Above that there is a list of subcategories (marines) which also has a message board. Neither board seems too active, but there's a list of members for each. Hope all goes well! Nan
Maggie M.
on 10/16/04 6:22 pm - Puyallup, WA
Hi Erin, When I was on the list at Madigan, Fort Lewis I was 93 at one time and then they bumped me back to 96.. I asked why they said for active duty.. Ihave there number if you want to call and ask questions.. Maggie
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