Emotions a WRECK

on 9/22/04 6:25 am - Bonney Lake, WA
Okay, so I am very new to this website and message board..so be patient with me until I learn the ropes. Anyway, I'll introduce myself. My name is Laura. I'm 34-years-old, married with 4 biological children and 4 steps. I am scheduled to have MGBP with Dr. Oh on October 7. Anyway, here is my question. My emotions have been COMPLETELY whacked out lately. I think it is probably just nerves and stress, but geeze, my kids are about ready to boot me outta the house :P The other night, I was laughing hysterically at something and within seconds the laughing turned to tears, and I could not stop crying. Has anyone else dealt with problems like this? I have not suffered from depression or anything like that, ever...but geeze this emotional rollercoaster needs to come to a halt before my family exiles me from home!!! Any suggestions?
on 9/22/04 7:10 am - CO
You are behaving just like most of us do. You need to find a quiet time for yourself everyday just to unwind. Pray, meditate, file your nails, anything that is just for you. It is a big first step on your journey and is normal to be scared or nervous.
Cori T.
on 9/22/04 11:28 am - Neah Bay, WA
Wow, sounds like you're emotions really are reaking havoc w/you. Maybe your DR. can perscribe something short term for you, leading up to surgery? Just an idea, bet it would help alot.
Chrissy P.
on 9/23/04 9:37 am - Federal Way, WA
I am so there!! I am driving everyone around me crazy. But on the other hand, this is one of the biggest deals of our lives, so don't we have the right to bug out a little? Take that time for yourself, tell your family that we are all going through this in similar ways, so you know it is TEMPORARY, and they'll still love you.
Hilda R.
on 9/23/04 11:12 pm - Bucoda, WA
Laura, It's completely normal to feel like that. For me, the last 2-3 wks before surgery was such an emotional roalercoaster. Up, down, right, left, yes, no........ This is a huge decision you've made to have WLS, but believe me, it's all worth it. Hang in there, and just know you're not alone. And it's true alot of us are depressed, you may want to discuss your feelings with your Dr. I have been on Paxel for 2 yrs. for depression, and I can't imagine not having it through this journey. Also, this site is a godsend for support and encouragement through this, It helped me just knowing I wasn't going crazy, there were others, many, going through the same emotions prior to surgery. And to have 8 kids to worry about too, you deserve to be whacked out alittle. Take some time for yourself, lock the bathroom door, run yourself a hot bubble bath, light some candles, and sip a glass of wine. Shut the world off for a while. This helped me center myself in the roughest time just before surgery. And congratulations on your upcoming date. The ride is well worth the bumps in the road. Hilda
on 9/24/04 1:04 am - Bonney Lake, WA
Thanks for the encouraging words!!! I'm doing better since my first post (maybe was PMSing)...who knows! LOL I am still nervous and have questioned myself 1000 times in my mind if I am sure this is what I want, and it is. So, I know that with my faith, everything will be fine. My hubby told me last night he thought I was doing better, so that is good. I happen to be married to one of the most loving, caring men in the world. THANK GOD FOR THAT BLESSING!!! He has been to hell and back with me with childbirth, illness, and now this...he either loves me or is a massocist (no clue how to spell that)...okay glutton for punishment, that is better ;) Can spell all those words...HAHAHAHA Anyway, you all have a happy day. I have my nutrition class this morning, so I have to get 3 more kids off to school (I drive them, as they do not go to the school in our "district)...and then one little guy off to a friend's house who is babysitting him for me. Then I am free from children for a whole 2 hours...YIPPEEEEE!!!! Have a Good one! Laura
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