Ok, so here we go...

Rachael E.
on 9/6/04 12:25 pm
Thurs. AM bright and early I got to the hospital at about 5:10 am....no body was there....not even a mouse....so we waited....waited..ya know..then a gal showed up ( a nurse) and opened up the waiting roon for us. So we waited some more......a cranky lady then came and got us and checked me in...then a nice old guy nurse came and took me to my pre-op roon. I then slipped on my sexy new gown and hopped into bed. I recieved my life line (IV) and then was taken off...away from my love.......he got pretty choked up and I left him with a huge smile on my face. My MIL and my Mom were both there to make hubby comfy. I got down into my "waiting slot"....and waited....I told them I wanted to talk to Dr. W before I had any drugs...they didn't have a problem with that. I was then wheeled into the OR or should I say...dance party OR....they had some loud fun music on and everyone was dancing...NO I hadn't had drugs yet either....LOL. I met his assistant, nice gal. They counted all the parts and pieces so they wouldn't leave any inside me. YIKES! This on lady was so cute....I'm not sure what race she was, but she was adorable! She kept giving me big hugs! LOL...she was just so cute. anyway...when the doc got there I just made sure he knew what he was doing...LOL. Then they said goodnight....they put the mask over my face...I tried to breath some of that nice hospital air....but I couldn't.....I couldn't breath for some reason....I kept trying...I finally said.....I CAN"T BREATH...the hugging lady took the mask off looked at it and said.......she CAN'T breath.this is not working.....then I fell asleep....I was a little scared. I woke up to them pulling a tube out of my throat...and I was choking on it.......... then I remember them asking how much pain are you in? I don't remember answering...LOL I think I just said.....where's my family? then the next thing I knew...I was getting out of the elevator. sp? OK so.......I remember a few things from there on out.I was pretty messed up....in, out, in, out.....then I said. I had to go potty....thanks for the trick HAT! Guess what.I waited two hours to go potty.......then I pushed my nursed button......and waited 20 more minutes....then I just said.....anyone who can help me get up please let me go potty.......or I will pee the bed... I was a little pissy by this time....so......he he. They got someone to help and .I sat up and said I can't get up........LOL...she said why? I said blah.......................................................(pretend you hear that dry heave noise)..........more.............more.....tears running down my face...........drooling......lOL....it wasn't very fun.....so about 6 tries later I went potty. I walked about half way down the hall and started heaving again..........and it hurt. I got up at about 2am........and then about every 2-3 hours after to walk. When they took out my NG tube on the 3rd day..Sat AM...I was so so so HAPPY!!! I kept asking them to take it out..hoping and pleeing.My nurse finally said she would make me a deal......when I saw it was getting a little bit light outside she said to ring my bell and she would run to my room with joyful noises to remove it. LOL I didn't have to wait to see light...she came anyway...and it did hurt, more like a burn...but man it was nice to get that stupid helpful thingy out. I wasn't thirsty at all.......I had a dry mouth, but chapstick seemed to do a glorious job. Once my lips got wet it helped a lot. I was scared to try h2o....I was scared it would hurt...I did well...it took me about an hour and some change to get 30 cc's down.... I didn't get much drinking in that day, but I did have a little apple juice....it was SO SWEET...I didn't like it...so I did...3/4 h2o and a 1/4 juice...much much better. I guess my toungue is a little rusty. Cori was so nice to check in with me...I went down and checked on her....her room was the opposite side of the ward. We chit chatted a few good times and it was nice to meet up with her. My first shower was Sat. and it was enjoyable, but I was exhausted after that.... Derek was there the entire time and he took very very good care of me. He tucked me in just like he know I need and made sure I walked and was GREAT! Sonya came out ALL the way from Lakewood on Saturday! How nice of her! She brought me this beautiful basket of flowers and we had a good visit and went for a stroll. Oh yeah....My friend Gail came all the way from Silverdale to see me and brought me some pretty yellow lillies....we had a great visit too. Everyone has made my time go so fast with all the loves and prayers and flowers and hugs and thoughts.....Man oh man....It really shows how many of you really are thinking about me and concerned. It feels good. THANK YOU!!!! I got a total of.....6 flower/plants/baskets.....one very cute puppy (stuffed) from my LOVE. and lots of get well cards...especially from my 4 year old...I am tired now so....I am going to have some h2o and rest a bit then I will pick up next time.
Cori T.
on 9/7/04 4:33 am - Neah Bay, WA
I'm amazed at how much you remember in the OR compared to me. LOL
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