update and asst. replies

Cori T.
on 8/28/04 7:00 am - Neah Bay, WA
Had my pre-op w/Dr. Weber and Steven's Hospital on Thu. Hey Rachel, I looked for you! Dr. Weber was running late so I ended up going back and forth to the hospital to talk w/surgical nurse, then back to Weber's office, then back to hospital to finish registering and then labwork. Hat, after your pain med/travel home issue I was glad they gave me the RX ahead of time, I'm getting that sucker filled on Mon. when we travel to Bothel for the night before surgery. Have to be at the hospital Tue. at 10am and they moved my surgery up to noon. Rachel, when is your surgery again? Thu? Feel free to stop by for a visit as you check in etc... Hat, congrats on your anniversary! and I'm glad your whole stricture mess is behind you. That's one of the things I discussed w/Dr. W. (Not you specifically but that type of post-op problem) {{{Calvin}}} Just 'cause Tomorrow starts my 2 days of liq. pre-op diet. NOT looking forward to that! can't believe I'm only a few days away.......nervous, excited etc.....!!!! We've been busy this weekend w/tons of company for Makah Days out here in Neah Bay. Tonight is my last summer. I'm enjoying some nice beer from Silver City in Silverdale (Rachel and Derek!) and we're bbq-ing a prime rib!
on 8/28/04 9:18 am - NM
"Hat, congrats on your anniversary! and I'm glad your whole stricture mess is behind you. That's one of the things I discussed w/Dr. W. (Not you specifically but that type of post-op problem)" What did he have to say about strictures and such? I wish we would have talked about it. I am glad you got that prescription early. Hopefully your recovery will be so darn easy you won't need it. Sending good vibes your way, Hat
Cori T.
on 8/29/04 2:16 am - Neah Bay, WA
>>What did he have to say about strictures and such? I wish we would have talked about it.
Cori T.
on 8/29/04 2:21 am - Neah Bay, WA
weird, my posts seem to have a life of their own. Anyway Hat, Dr. W said that they only happend 5% of the time and that patients need to make sure what they're eating is soupy thin. (there's that "hint" of patient blame again.) ;-/
on 8/29/04 4:41 am - NM
Interesting. I guess that since I am one of the 5% I am very special. As for the soup thin patient blame, Dr. W has one of the most conservative post-op diets. From reading the boards, a lot of people are on table foods early on. I suspect that if it was all about what your eatting, then all of those people would have strictures. BTW, I have been eating like I am supposed to. And, I am still losing meals. Nothing I ate Friday stayed down. Finally last night, I was able to keep two meals down. Its not another stricture. Just a cranky pouch. Oh well. Different docs, diifferent opinions. The stricture doc said it happens for some people and not for others. There is no way to predict who will have the problem. BTW, I talked to TriWest the other day. I have approval to have 10 more strictures fixed as long as I have them before Nov. 15. I doubt I will even call Dr. W if I have another. I'll just call the stricture guy. ~~Hat~~
on 8/28/04 11:38 am
Best of luck to you Cori for an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery! ~Vanessa
Rachael E.
on 8/28/04 12:25 pm
I went back and forth as well...I looked for you too! Oh well, I know we can be walking buddies this week. My surgery is Thursday- I have to be there @ 5:30 am. YIKES! Silver City is my absoulute favorite restraunt!!!!!!! What beer did you have Clear creeak pale, Fat ******* I love em all, they're so refreshing. I am excited we are going to be doing this at the same time....Are you nervous??? I am... See you Thursday! ~Rachael
Cori T.
on 8/29/04 2:19 am - Neah Bay, WA
>>My surgery is Thursday- I have to be there @ 5:30 am. YIKES! Silver City is my absoulute favorite restraunt!!!!!!! What beer did you have Clear creeak pale, Fat ******* I love em all, they're so refreshing. I am excited we are going to be doing this at the same time....Are you nervous??? ----------------------------------------------------------- I'm excited as well! Our Silver City favorite is Whoop Pass. Hehehe I'm much rather be there at 5:30 than noon. I'll have all morning of nothing to eat/drink. Blech! SEE you soon!
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