The stricture and my surgeon

on 8/21/04 4:32 pm - NM
Someone asked what Dr. Weber said during the middle of my stricture thing and someone else asked if he called to see how I am doing. Now, I love Dr. Weber and he did a good job on my surgery. But, I am disappointed over this whole stricture thing. When I was scared and really sick, I never spoke to him. First they took about 5 hours to call me back. I had called them twice. They had forwarded my message to his nurse. According to her answering machine, she doesn't deal with problems. She is there to answer general questions about the surgery. Then when she calls me back, I had to wait until she called Dr. W to see what to do. His office called me back, said they would do one thing and didn't another resulting in my having to wait an additional day to get treatment. Since I was scoped, I haven't heard from the office at all. Now I know they are busy. I know you guys have needs too. But, it would have ment the world to me have heard his voice at least once. Anyway, I am not going to dwell on it. But, if anything else goes wrong, I won't worry about bothering them during the weekend. This was the only time I wished I would have had my surgery at Madigan. ~~Hat~~
Kimanne B
on 8/21/04 5:22 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Hey Hat, I'm sorry you're having such a tough time I've heard that a lot of Doctors in our area are good, but that the aftercare kinda sucks. I was wondering how your scope went, but I read that you haven't heard from them. Geesh.... they really need to get on the ball. Not to scare you, but God forbid it was life threatening. Keep your chin up girl, I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers Let us know what happens. Kimanne
on 8/23/04 1:14 am - Edmonds, WA
I feel awful for all you've had to endure! I'm fairly upset that Dr W did not call or help you as we would have expected. I think all of us Dr W patients have the impression that his follow up care is good. It's a bit worrisome that there aren't better standards in place on how to follow up with post-op issues. I am sooo glad that you post the details of your experiences. I very much want to know how *you* are! Have you heard back yet? Many prayers, Nan
on 8/23/04 9:51 am - Gig Harbor, WA
Hat, So sorry to hear that Weber does not follow-up with his patients. I'm waiting to get my call from TriWest for approval for surgery then will get the call from Weber's gal with a surgery date..........probably for next month some time. I chose Weber because he is one of the best in the state. I'm still on Madigan's surgery waiting list. I've been on their high priority list AND their on-call list because of the diabetes and retinopathy........have been for almost 8 months now and they have not called me once. If that's their priority thank you. I have not heard great things about Madigan either.... especially that you do not have a choice on the surgeon you get and that the residents do most of the work. Also that you are just a number and there is no after-care. I was hoping that Weber would be different. Maybe he's not. I think there are just SO many people getting this surgery done now that the surgeons have more than they can handle and that means no time for the personal touch. It's really sad, though, that he can't at least call you or have his office/nurse call you with a follow-up to see how you're doing. That's scary and makes me feel less confident. If I were you, Hat, I'd be writing him a letter stating your disappointment and how scared you were and that it makes the world of difference to a patient to at least hear from their surgeon or office staff. You also have to worry about being treated by someone else and having TriWest cover it. That's what I'll be dealing with, too. Hat, I'm curious as to WHY you had the stricture? Did anyone ever tell you how or why it happened to you? You have been through enough. Now it's time for some answers. You deserve that much. Good luck and let us know IF and WHEN you hear from him. Can you tell how disgruntled I am??? Sue
on 8/23/04 11:51 am - Everett, WA
Hi, Hat, I am so sorry you're going through the stricture problem, plus no response from your surgeon's office. Do you have his pager number? I think this situation deserves a paging call. If they dont answer a page, then you might need to make a complaint to the hospital. It is a bummer that many of us do not have the follow-up we need. Thank goodness for these boards and communicating with each other; that helps. Sue, I am sorry if this whole thing with Hat worries you, too. This surgery is a big step in our lives and we really do not need these extra worries. Know that you're not alone and I hope that helps. Lauren
on 8/23/04 2:37 pm - NM
Sue, I don't want to discourage you from Dr. Weber. He is a very good surgeon. And, when you see him in his office at an appointment, he is very warm and caring. But, I had to tell it like it was. I should mention though that he operates in the mornings. So, that is why he didn't personally get to me. I just wish his staff had taken my condition a lot more seriously. His nurse made me feel like it was all my fault. She didn't even mention that it could be a stricture. After asking what I had been eating, I told her that all of my foods have been through the blender and, yes, could be sucked through a straw. She then went on to tell me that I had probably clogged up my pouch. So, basically it was my fault. I could feel where the food stopped, so I knew that wasn't the case. She said that I should take caster oil to try and clear it out, but then decided to check with Dr W to see what he wanted to do. As far as I know, this was the first time he heard of my condition. And, there is no telling what they told him of my condition. I do know that the doc that did my scope was in touch with Dr. Weber about me though. As for why I got a stricture, it is just something that happens to some people. There is no way to predict. As I healed, my opening was trying to heal closed. The doc today said that I might not have another. But, if I do, it will happen within the first year. 3 weeks 6 days down, 48 weeks 1 day to go.
on 8/24/04 4:28 pm - Gig Harbor, WA
Thanks for your responses to my email, Lauren and Hat. I'm not really discouraged at all with Dr Weber. I know he can't be everywhere all the time. His staff could've handled their end better for sure. Funny, how everything always works out in the end, eh? Hat, I'm glad this is all behind you now. It was not a good experience at all. At least you like the Dr and nurse from today. That makes it easier. Boy, you sure had a time of it..........even today! Now you can get on with living! Yippeeeeeee!!! Continue your journey!! Sue
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