once again i have gotten ...

on 8/20/04 8:44 am - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
once again i have gotten very close to something, set my heart and hopes up, only to be pushed away... they changed my surgery date... now it is 25 october. they said there was a scheduling problem because they are short staffed. so now, i am screwed because my husband already put in his leave, my mother in law has been here since 1 august, and my husband will be gone because of pldc. so now what....... i hate this... just like when i wanted another baby, everyone around me was pregnant or just had a baby... everyone always get to have the one thing i want, and seems i cant have...
on 8/20/04 9:06 am - Edmonds, WA
RENEE!! I am sooo sorry. It takes soo much planning to coordinate everything and top that off with the nerves in the waiting! You poor girl. I am so sorry that your date was moved to so far. I know you know this, but if you can... try to trust God and know that everything happens for a reason even when we don't know exactly why. It could be to avoid disaster or maybe so you're home at some inportant moment to come. Still I wish I could change things for you! I am sad for and with you. Nan
on 8/20/04 10:00 am - Lakewood, WA
Renee I am so sorry to hear that they have pushed your date ahead. All the planning and building up your nerves and now this. Well perhaps you don't know it now or can't see it but there may be a reason for the delay. Continue to think positive. I will keep you in my prayers.
Kimanne B
on 8/20/04 1:14 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Oh Renee, hun, I'm so sorry I don't mean to sound cliche', but everything happens for a reason. Things will work out, they always do! You are a tough military wife, so you are used to lots of change! *lol* You'll have to change things around, reschedule, move this here and there, but things WILL work out! We love you here on the board, so don't freak out girl, things will be o****ep us posted and I will keep ya' in my prayers (((((((( hugs ))))))))) Kimanne
on 8/21/04 4:39 pm - NM
((Renee)) That is just so mean. I know you are strong in your faith. And, your just going to have to put this in His hands. It will come. You know these things happen for a reason. And, you will probably never know why. But, even as upsetting as it is, you will still get there. If nothing else, you will be in even better shape for your surgery when the date finally gets here. Hugs again, ~~Hat~~
on 8/22/04 3:07 pm - Everett, WA
Hi, I am sorry they keep changing your date after you have your heart set on it. Is there another dr. who could get you in sooner? One strange thing, though. I was so in a hurry to get my surgery date that I worked myself into a stew, and other peoples' dates got put ahead of mine and I thought mine would never come. Now that I am 8 weeks out all of that really doesn't matter as much as it did. I remember feeling frantic about getting my date and now I am feeling kind of frantic about being hungry until I take a bite, or being thirsty until I take a sip, and I feel like I have allowed myself to substitute one frantic thing for another. Thing is, my date would have come around just the same, whether I'd been frantic about it or not. And now, feeling disappointed when things don't taste right is just part of what I need to deal with and my feeling frantic about it won't make things taste any better or go down better. In fact, the anxiety could be making things more difficult. I guess what I am saying is that though you feel disappointed right now, a while out, how you feel right now will probably not seem nearly as drastic as it feels now. I am certainly not saying I wish I hadn't had the surgery; not at all; just that I have a whole new set of stuff to think about and work on and it worked out okay that my date was in June instead of January or something. It's almost now like my feeling frantic about my surgery date being set was a way long time ago, though June 23rd really was only about a couple months ago. But it's almost like I'm in a different place now. I hope this helps in some way. I am sorry about your plans being messed up again and stuff like that. I sure can understand your feelings. LM
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