How are you today Hat???

Kimanne B
on 8/16/04 9:05 am - Near The Emerald City, wa
Hey Hat, just wondering what the Doc W said and how you're doing today! I'm praying for ya' XoXo Kimanne
on 8/16/04 5:34 pm - NM
I woke up this morning bright and early and called Dr. Weber's office. It took them until 1 pm to decide what to do with me. They wanted me to go to Steven's ER. I forget now who I talked to on the phone, but she said she would call ahead and give them orders on what to do with me when I got there. After waiting 6 hours just to be seen, I found out that Dr. W's office just called and told them I was coming. The only orders were to figure out what was wrong and treat me. The doc I saw there didn't know what to do with me. He had a hard time getting it through is skull that I didn't have the flu. He finally said he would page Dr. Weber and see what they were supposed to do. In the end, they decided to send me back home after getting some IV fluids and have me return tomorrow morning at 7:30 to scope me. I just got home about an hour ago. My kids are scattered around with friends. And, nothing was done today to help me except for the fluids. If I go to bed right now, I am going to get about 4 hours sleep. So, I guess that is what I should do. I am tired, cranky and really want a Diet Coke. I hope tomorrow I can get something done about the first two. I'll post tomorrow again with hopefully better news. Oh and here is the funny thing. The ER doc told me to not drink anything after midnight. Well, duh. If I could, I wouldn't need to be there. Dork. Thanks for asking, ~Hat
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