I met my ANGEL tonight!

Kimanne B
on 8/11/04 5:40 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Hey Everyone! I just wanted to let yall know that I met my angel tonight! My angel is (we're not supposed to name names on the board, her name is on my surgery page tho)... I just met her since we've been on this website. We hit it off from the very beginning. Talked almost everynight, shared our fears, joys, confusions etc... Well, tonight we had our seminar to go too. Since we just live about 5 miles apart we decided to ride together. Oh my gosh.. she is so beautiful! Not only is she physically beautiful, but she is one of the most sweetest people I have ever met~ she has that internal beauty that just radiates from her. When I first saw her I gave her a big hug, thats how comfortable I was. We started talking and didn't shut up until about 3.5 hours later when she dropped me back off at my car! We had a about a half hour drive both ways and we talked all the way there and back. We stopped and had dinner at an icky teriyaki place (teriYUCKI in this case lol ) and just talked and talked. We shared so much about ourselves, it was so incredibly nice. We have so mu*****ommon, we started our jouney at the same time, our doctors are in the same clinic, we'll be in the same hospital, we even have the same weird scar on our legs. Forgive me if I'm going on and on... but I don't have a DH or boyfriend, and no family close, so its so nice to have someone to share this journey with. I guess this is one case where being obese was a good thing, otherwise I would have never met her. In closing, I hope that everyone going through this journey finds someone to share it with, it makes it tremendously easier. God Bless each of you, you're all in my prayers. And a big thanks for listening to me ramble! Love God, Kimanne
on 8/11/04 6:24 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
i am so glad you found someone you can be close to! i know it can get lonely, believe me, i am a stay home mom and when the DH gets home he usually naps until time to get up and go again, so i don't really get much adult conversation in. that is one of the main reasons i like OH so much. i refuse to go into chat rooms, the only thing they are good for is to hear a bunch of people fighting and to hook up with someone to get laid. i should know this one, i met my DH in a chat room 4 years ago lol our 4 year together anniversary is also my surgery date lol but it's not the same anymore, everyone is so filled with hate and lack of respect not only for others but for themselves as well, that i just refuse to even entertain the thought of entering one. DH and I made a promise to each other, since we met in a chat room, never to go back to one. and we haven't... i like OH though, because we all seem to be going through the same ups and downs and we can all relate in one way or another, and everyone is always so nice and polite, i have never seen anyone get rude... not to say they dont, but i havent seen it. i feel comfortable here, and thats all i have to say about that lol
Kimanne B
on 8/11/04 6:42 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
lol you're so funny thanks for the kind words my dear! Oh my, i could tell you a story about a guy I met on the internet once LMAO, but I think they would pull the post wink*wink* So I'll have to tell ya someday. I do like OH too, I had one person get snippie with me, but oh well. There's one in every bunch! The majority of folks I meet here are wonderful people. And you're right, we all can relate to someone here in one way or the other. Eeek aren't you so excited for your surgery??? The Doc tonight said I'd have to wait til end of Sept early Oct.. WHAT??? I can't wait that long lol... I need help, i'm seriously obsessed with wls. Have a great night girlie, it was good to hear from ya! Keep us posted on your surgery Mwuahhhhhhhhxoxo lol Kimanne
on 8/11/04 6:51 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
ok, i apologize, i got way off topic, and let my mouth overload... I am so happy for you!!! and even though you have an angel, if you ever need anyone to talk to, please feel free to contact me. i can rattle on for a while, but i am trying to not get off topic again here.... i know things get hard and get lonely, and sometimes you really just need someone who you can call on for whatever reason. everyone needs friends, it doesnt matter what their shape size color religions, etc, and i try to be everyones friend, because you never know... you could be saving someones life and not even realizing it, a small conversation can literally change someone, just because they know that yes, someone does care about them, and i have always been the one who is there for everyone. i'm a softie, i cant help it lol so anyways, now that i am off topic once again and rambling on again, i am going to bed before i start writing a novel up in here, i think tomarrow i will drink less tea and more water lol take care, and remember, i am always here... congrats again!
Kimanne B
on 8/11/04 6:55 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Renee ((HUGS)) you are such a sweetie too! I'm so blessed to have met all of you here. You are totally right... a small conversation can make a HUGE impact on someone, and we might not even know it. I think thats one thing a lot of us have in common here, we're all softies Nothing wrong with that tho! Thank you for being there, you are always so fun and inspiring to talk too! I'm here for you as well I think I'm gonna go to bed early too lol its 2am, thats early for me. Sweetie Dreams my friend and I'll talk to ya soon!
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