getting scraed/nervous

Rachael E.
on 8/11/04 3:39 am
Lisa from Dr. W's office phoned me last evening (7:45 pm)- I didn't know she worked that late. She went over everything with me for my pre-op appointment. When she started talking about the liquid diet I have to be on 2 days prior to surgery.....I got a little nervous. It really started kickin' in. My heart started skiping a few beats and a lump grew in my throat. It's really real...WOW. She also gave me my surgery time- Sept. 2nd, @ 7:30am....I have to be there at 5:30am, so I think Derek and I will spend the night at a hotel the night before. I have a feeling I won't want to though....I will want to sleep in my own bed (if I can sleep) and I will want to tell my 3 babies I love them before I go....GO****'s getting hard for me to think about them and my surgery in the same phrase. I start feeling selfish. I have started preparing our 4 year old, he knows a lot more than anyone would expect. When Derek had his surgery it was a bit hard for him- Daddy is his playmate and they are very active together. I am his Mommy though....I do a LOT for him...he worries about people..and it hurts me to know he will be worried about me. Does anyone have anyone have any tips? Lucas ( our 4 year old) is very well educated so I don't have to talk to him like he's 4. He understands most everything Derek and I talk about- except taxes, house payments, ect...We often spell things out ( I know you all do it/have done it) and he's starting to recognize what we are spelling out...he's too smart. I think I just need help telling him that everything is going to be ok...not to worry about me, and that I love him and his baby brothers more than anything....I don't want to start worring him by having a "talk" with him....I want it to be very casual. If I say we need to talk about what's going to happen then he will start to worry. He's very sensitive, yet he's understanding...HELP! How do you guys do this???? The babies are easy....they'll never know...they'll miss me, but they'll get over that when I get home. Thanks for any input you guys have for myself and Derek. Oh by the way.......My Mom is taking care of the boys while I am in the hospital and Derek will be staying with me the entire time. My Mom will bring the boys out a few times though. Thanks again! Rachael
on 8/11/04 4:04 am - Spanaway, WA
Hi Rachael, I'm so very excited for you and I know you will come through with flying color's! Did you ever wonder where that saying came from? lol What a loving family you have and I think you have done the right thing's with your babies. They know that mommy and daddy love them with all their heart's, so I don't know if I would go into to detail with the older guy. He know's you are going to be away for a few day's having surgery, he is no doubt feeling you anxiety. I think I would try to make it as normal as possible around the house, easier said then done. You could alway's write them a love letter! I hope that this help's some and keep it simple with the little one's. SIWL, Tee
Rachael E.
on 8/11/04 7:30 am
By the way----only 20 more days and counting..........YIKES~!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 8/11/04 10:08 am - My hometown, WA
Rachael, We all go through that nervous stage. You're very lucky that you've got Derek and your parents to help you through the surgery. I'm glad to hear Derek will be with you the entire time. You'll be on the loosing side of life soon. Keep us updated and congratulations in advance. Calvin
Rachael E.
on 8/11/04 2:26 pm
ok so I meant to write getting scared/nervous.......I mess up with my spelling a LOT because I type fast and I never proof read what I type......OOOPS!
on 8/11/04 4:07 pm - NM
No worries. I read typo. I am the worst speller. And, I don't type all that well. I reread something I wrote the other day and had a typo. It took me a while to figure out what I was talking about when I wrote it. I am amazed that any of you ever know what I am talking about. I tell everyone I married my husband because he can spell. Luckily, my sons can too. So, as long as they are around, I get more right than wrong. Anyway, I didn't even notice you spelled scared wrong.
on 8/12/04 3:26 am - Edmonds, WA
I didn't notice either! I bet you all have seen this before, but it's worth reading it again: Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Hvae a graet Thrusady, erveynoe! Nan
Rachael E.
on 8/12/04 3:36 am
That was GREAT! I laughed so hard! I can read it all.........ha ha funny! Thanks for the good laugh Nan! Rachael
on 8/12/04 4:07 am - Edmonds, WA
It's funny isn't it! Glad you liked!
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