I ran

on 8/10/04 3:03 pm - NM
I stood around chatting with Renee after our support meeting today. She told me that she did a walk jog combo workout. After that I felt kind of lazy for just walking. I haven't even tried to job for 2 years. My kids tore me up pretty bad and now I have bladder issues. But, I am on meds for that. So, I didn't really know if I could use that for an excuss or not. Come to find out, I can't. Only two of my boys went with me. So we were making pretty good time. The first 3/4 of the mile, I kept thinking about Renee. So, I told my oldest we were going to try jogging. I made it last 1/4 of a mile with only one walking period. If you guys had known me for a long time, you would know that is a big deal for me. Now for the down side. Tomorrow I will have to do the same or push myself a little longer. I figure one of two things is going to happen. Either I am going to turn into a jogger or I am going to need medical attention one of these nights. Either way, I am going to blame Renee for giving me the push even if she didn't know she was pushing me. Hey look, a short post from me. Now that is rare. ~Hat
on 8/10/04 3:18 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
yeayyyyy!! you go girl!! i didn't really know how to respond to this one, because i didn't mean at all to make you feel lazy, but i am glad i got you going! i had not jogged since high school and barely then, i always faked a charlie horse or something. but my husband challenged me one night, kind of how i did you, and i decided if he could run the laps i was walking, i could push myself to do more too. he was kinda leery about it at first, i think he was waiting for me to keel over and croak on him, but then he kept encouraging me, and i knew i couldnt stop. and any time you want to go together, just give me a buzz, and i will make you feel a lot better, because you are a lot less in weight than i am, and it is not a pretty sight to see a 400 pound woman try to run lol keep up the awesome work!!
on 8/10/04 5:08 pm - NM
Hey, if we were together and one of us fell out, who would be able to run for help? Like your husband, my son, while running laps around me, encouraged me. I just had to tell him to do it. But, after I did, he was really helpful. Funny you should mention what a sight it would be. We didn't go out until after dark tonight. I got sick again at diner and spent some time with my face in the trash can. That in itself was kind of funny. I started in the kitchen. DH was afraid the kids would get scared or something, so he kept them out. Then I ended up in the living room with a trash can. I heaved (sp?) for a good 10 minutes. The kids walked through and didn't give me a second thought until I came up for air. Then one by one, they checked on me. Anyway, one of the reasons that running is so bad is that with each step, I feel my butt jiggle up and down. It is like having a fat suit on or something. It doesn't feel like it could be a part of me. I can't wait until that is gone. On a kind of related note, my son the football player thought that a pat on the rear would help me along. Then his brother picked it up too. Finally I told them that my rear was numb so patting me on the rear wasn't anything more that just plain weird.
on 8/10/04 4:31 pm - Oak Grove, KY
Keep up the good work! After talking with one of the providers at the ob/gyn today. She really push for exercising more as we get older because our immune system goes down. So there you go, something else to think about and she also said it was great that I am going to have WLS to improve my health. What a breath of fresh air
on 8/10/04 4:59 pm - NM
I know it is true. But, I keep having this vision of men standing over my body and someone yelling CLEAR!
Chanise D.
on 8/10/04 5:06 pm - Lakewood, WA
OKAY...Now, you are truly my hero.... You are one strong lady, Hat... Thanks for the info you gave me last week...I have my first appt (group) on WED the 18 at 0930....I am going to be there by 0800..... Thank you again ...all those years in the millitary, I do not understand the way Tricare works on the other side......THANKS again...I just need to know what happens after the group thing.......
on 8/10/04 5:15 pm - NM
Go ahead and make an appointment with your PCP. You have a whole list of pre-op stuff to do. If you check my profile, you will see a list. Mostly your going to spend your time waiting. Wait for this and wait for that. One word of advice is that when you make your nutrition appointment, make sure they give you the right one. You need the group meeting for people planning on having WLS. If your PCP just puts you in for a nutritional consult, you will end up with the regular people and the appointment will be a waste of time. I would even suggest calling the nutrition clinic after you get your appointment to make sure it is the right one. Email me directly if there is anything I can do to help. ~~Hat
Kimanne B
on 8/10/04 5:42 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
You go girl!!!!!!!!!! Oh and Hat, I love your posts, so post as long has you want
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