Oh brother...

on 8/10/04 12:16 am - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
so, is it just me, or did anyone else get sick right before surgery?? i swear, if it's not one thing, it's another... but then again, i was always the one who always go their period for any kind of holiday or special occasion. one christmas morning i woke up and went to my parents bed and said, mom, dad, i dont feel right, and passed out on the floor. my dad laughed at me and says, well, that sure beats the usual merry christmas lol it started out with food poisioning sunday night, and now i have a head cold. now do you see why everyone calls me their favorite problem child ok, i am going to take myself back to bed, way too early for me. talk soon!
on 8/10/04 12:46 am - Spanaway, WA
Hi Renee, I was thinking about going back to bed but I talk my self into staying up. Do you think they will postpone the surgery because of the head cold? I know they don't like to do surgery if your sick. Either way I hope that you get over the head cold before your big day! Do you have allergies? Sister in wl, Tee
on 8/10/04 1:03 am - Edmonds, WA
Poor thing! I'm sorry you are not feeling well -- I will pray that you feel better SOON! I'm the same way - my period rears its ugly head at every inopportune moment! All holidays, whenever I am hosting an event, whenever I need to be on my feet a lot (I have varicose veins which like to celebrate menses with a concert of throbbing pain and leg aches!) My period doesn't just arrive early in response to the stress of the occasion, I **SWEAR** it waits in stealth and shows up late just to make a not-so-timely entry! It's just WRONG!! Keep looking to HIM! Blessings, Nan
Rachael E.
on 8/10/04 1:39 am
Me too!I have a sore throat, ear ache, and now I am starting to cough.........it all started about 4 days ago....I had the worst sore throat and nw I feel like I can cough my lungs up. I hate feeling like this. I think it may be stress and my body is telling me to slow down. We have a busy month here at the Elliott farm. I hope you get well! Rachael
on 8/11/04 2:13 am - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
i am fully convinced now that it is my husbands fault... when he goes to bed he puts the fan on high and it touches the foot of our bed, and blows on both of us, then when i get up i cant breathe and my mouth is super dry from having to breathe through it. i talked to him about it this morning, and he said from now on he will sleep with his head at the foot of the bed and the fan blowing only on him.... i hope he was joking, do you know how hard it is to snuggle up to feet???? not the same.....
on 8/10/04 2:15 am
- ohhhhhhhhh Girl, I hope you can fight thru this.. what a bad time for such a thing to happen, me personally I was parinoid so i took white blood cell increasing herbal pills just to be safe! but post op I did get a little cold but now its over. - Good luck, try to be strong and dont let the rain let you down, cause when it rains it pours girl.
Tanja Y
on 8/10/04 3:37 am - Wahiawa, HI
I was so worried that right before my surgery I'd get a cold or some strange disease........or fall and break a bone. I have always been the person in our family that gets sick on vacation, sick on holidays and for years I always had a cold on my birthday. But this time I totally lucked out. I was shocked! The only thing out of sync was I started my period a week and a half early and that was no biggie. I hope you start feeling better! You've had lots of hassle trying to get your surgery, hate to see it postponed now due to a head cold. Remind me when it is, and I'll hop out to Madigan and check on you! Visitors always cheer me up when I'm in the hospital. ~Tanja
on 8/11/04 2:41 am - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
i think i saw you the other day when i was at my pre-op appointment. i was coming out of the clinic, and 2 ladies were going into it, and i thought maybe it was you, because dr. e was telling me that he just saw you and your sister. he was telling me how well you were doing, and at first i was like, i have no idea who you are talking about, and then i asked if your last name started with a y and he said yes, so i kinda assumed it was you. i told him i knew you from here. he had a lot of good things to say that day. the only thing i can say, is we need to take some of our weight and put on him because he is wayyyyyy too thin!!
Kimanne B
on 8/10/04 5:21 am - Near The Emerald City, wa
Reneeeeeeeeee (hugs) Oh girl, seems like I haven't talked to you in forever! Sorry to hear that you're sick I know you'll hate to hear this, ( i would too) but if you're sick, you don't wanna have surgery just yet. There is already a chance as you know, of complications. This is just my opinion... but I think they'd rather be safe then sorry~ ya know? But if its just a little headcold, who knows what they'll do. So other then being sick, how are you?? Keeping busy and stuff I bet with the upcoming surgery date. Did you go to Seafair? I absolutely love my Seafair weekend! I have vowed that I am going next year and I"m going to wear a bikini!! LOL just playin'... shorts and a tank top would be nice. I'm taking off to go to the lake now, so I will talk to ya later sweetie, you take care and I'll keep prayin' for ya'!! As you would say hehehe (((SUPER BIG WEB HUGS))) lol. XoXo Kimanne
on 8/11/04 2:51 am - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
you know what is funny is, only in the morning do i feel crappy, it's like once the afternoon hits, i am good as gold, and feeling great. kinda weird if you ask me. i didn't go to seafair, i have never heard of it. we did go to woodland park zoo though. i have been so busy lately, especially yesterday. i am the frg leader for my DH's company and with 2 change of commands and now deployment, it has been crazy. i do not work outside of the home. i couldn't handle coming home to a babysitter telling me all about how my daughter was walking and talking and such. i wanted to experience motherhood for myself, so when me and mark got married, we decided i would no longer work outside of the home. kinda old fashioned, but i can not complain. if he wants to fight dragons and demons all day so he can bring home the bacon, the least i can do is cook the bacon and have a clean plate to put it on, right? lol anyways... how are you doing? if you want me to, i will email you my messenger user names that way we can keep in contact more than just here. we are all one big happy family on here, and sometimes we need to talk to someone and not just have a delayed answer, ya know? (and that goes for anyone else reading this, just shoot me an email and i will send you my contact info)
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