
on 8/9/04 4:13 pm - Spanaway, WA
To start off some thing is wrong with my Hotmail they say I'm over storage, heck I emptied every thing out and it says I'm over. Don't they under stand this has been my life line!!!! I think Hotmail is trying to sell storage to make some dollors! Ok, I have been waiting all day for my honey to come home and check out the pc, I couldn't get on line and I needed my angel and all of you. I recieved a call from my docs office today and they ask if I wanted to have wls this month, Oh my gosh! I didn't know what to say,yes no yes no maybe! There has been a cancellation and they could get me in, I would see the surgeon friday and the nutritionist next week. I just started this journey a few month's ago. Having Medicare you don't have to jump through all the hoop's like you do with other insurance. Is it expensive to get started, with the protien shakes ect. Help me out what do you all think? My self is telling me to do it (lol) but the sudden call for surgery was unexpected! Maybe I will say yes see the doc and the nutritionist and go from there, I can alway's postpone the wls. Tee
on 8/9/04 4:29 pm - Maple Valley, WA
Even after you emptied the trash folder, too? Something is wrong with that. You can always get the ball rolling and get in to see the doc. I heard there is a protein at Fred Meyer that isn't too expensive. You'll know when you're ready. But, personally, I would jump on it since this is taking me so long. Good luck.
Paula W.
on 8/9/04 4:40 pm - Des Moines, WA
You can always get another email free from hotmail or yahoo. Transfer all your important messages to the new to leave your main open. I have 3 accounts just for that purpose.
on 8/9/04 4:53 pm - Spanaway, WA
Thank's Paula for the tip! Your awsome! Tee
Kimanne B
on 8/9/04 5:27 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Terry, you still on? I sent you an email yesterday with my phone number...
Kimanne B
on 8/9/04 5:35 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Aww man, I bet you went to bed. I sent you an email yesterday w/ my phone number so we could talk that way since we've been missing each other here. So Dr Hunter's office called and they can do it sooner? Girl, you know I support you either way! But if you aren't ready, don't let time push you. If you think you need a lil' bit more time to get things in order,, so be it. As I recall he's not that booked out, maybe a month or so. But on the other hand, if you are ready, then go for it! I know you have been praying about this.. maybe this is one way God is opening the door for you! This is a very personal decision, only you can decide when the time is right hun. I wish you were on so we could talk Just know that I'm praying for you girlie! I'm going to 5 Mile Lake tomorrow about 1pmn. I will check and see if you are on around noon or so. Our Seminar is day after tomorrow! Whooo Hoooo! Can you wait until after the seminar to make a decision or are they pressuring you for one right now???? Love ya sweetie, talk to you soon I hope,\ Kim
on 8/9/04 6:58 pm
- Get yahoo, Yahoo is where its at... hotmail email storage is too small!
Kimanne B
on 8/9/04 7:26 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Terry, I'm wondering if you emptied the trash after you deleted what you need to?? And ya Richard, I love my yahoo fer sher' lol.
on 8/10/04 12:09 am - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
maybe i am just spoiled... i get 50 MB of storage with my army email account, so storage is never a problem for me. i do have yahoo and hotmail, but i only use the accounts for messenger... as for your surgery, i agree with kimanne, if you are ready, go for it. i told my surgeons if i could do it today, i would... i'd be scared to death, but i would still do it. what ever you decide, we are praying for you, and supporting you all the way. best of luck!
on 8/10/04 12:46 am - Edmonds, WA
Man, Terry! I think I would feel very much the same. It took me nearly a year to decide to really push through and go for the surgery. I *don't* think there is a magical waiting/deciding time. Opportunity is knocking, yes, but opportunity will knock again. Don't ru****hink your idea is good - go explore and you'll be better able to decide. Do you know what kind of surgery you are interested in? Leilani has such a great profile. She has lots of helpful information in her profile. Her questions for surgeon section might be helpful as you prepare to go see doc. Blessings! Nan
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