My appointment

on 8/3/04 5:15 pm - NM
My appointment was fast. But, I can't complain. There really wasn't anything much to talk about. Dr. Weber wasn't rushed. He would have made as much time for me as I needed. The coolest thing happened at the appointment First, let me remind you that I am used to military hospitals where children are considered germ carrying little disruptions. I have and continue to be amazed at how well kids are treated in the civilian world. I went to have my staples removed today. I had something like 15. The plan was to remove 2/3 of them. Since the Dr. is an hour away, he said we could remove the rest of them at home later in the week. I asked my 10 yo and my 8 yo if they would like to remove a staple when we take the final ones out. Just asking turned my oldest green again. S2 (the 8yo) was interested. Of all of my kids, he is the most likely to become a doctor. OK so today at the office, they called me back. Because of S1's green tendency, I knew they couldn't all go back with me. So, I invited S2. When we got back, the doc laid me out and had removed two staples before I even realized what he was doing. Granted, it is hard to see over the "girls" to see what he was doing. I called S2 over. The doc asked him if he would like to try and take one out. S2 did a great job and then had the job of removing the rest of the staples. I am healing so well that they removed them all. Then S2 placed the little tape things on my belly. He did so well. And, I was so proud of him. Dr. W ended our appointment with a big hug. Then he went out and said the nicest things about me to DH while I was setting up my next appointment. Oh, BTW, my weight at my pre-op appt was 256. My weight on the day of surgery after not eatting for 2 days was 250. Today's weight was 248. After the appointment, I went over to the hospital to see the woman that visited me last week. I thought she would have been in the room for at least two hours by the time I got there. She had only been in the room for 20. I almost started crying for her when I saw how much pain she was in. I took her a pillow and some tea for when she got home. I was in the room for about 2 minutes because I didn't want to make her feel any worse with a visitor. The nurses were surprised to see me. I got to have a mini visit with all of them except with the one that was tending to my friend. I tried to get them to hook me back up to the morphine drip for old times sake, but they wouldn't. The kids were welcomed with open arms there too. I can't say enough nice things about the staff. They made me feel so good and I know they were the reason that my recovery went so well. ~Hat
on 8/3/04 11:44 pm - Tacoma, WA
Good morning Hat, I'm glad to hear your appt went well. Your kids sound so cute. That's great that your son jumped in and took over. Did you get a discount?The story about that sweet lady that came to see you just melts my heart. Were you in a lot of pain after surgery?I'll keep you in my prayers
on 8/4/04 3:33 am - NM
When I first woke up after surgery, I was in the worst pain in my life. Thankfully, they drugged me up really well. I couldn't say if they gave me more or less drugs than others. But, it was enough to make me comfortable. 30 minutes later, I was transported to my new room. Now that I think of this, the strangest thing happened. Since waking, two thoughts were in my mind. D@mn this hurts and I need to get out of this bed. After being in the room for about 15 minutes, I remember standing and looking at my bed. Looking back now, I realized that I wasn't actually standing looking at the bed. I didn't have to change beds when I got to my room. I was delivered in the same bed that I would continue my stay in. I was in the bed. But, I have a memory of seeing the empty bed and thinking I had to find a way to not have to go back to that bed. So, I started telling anyone that would listen that I had to potty. They got me up as quickly as they could. I tried the bathroom and then went for my first walk. Now granted, I was heavily drugged. So my mind is probably foggy. But, it is the memory that I have. Since I have a moment and I was going to post anyway, I talk about the drugs I was on. When I got to my room, they gave me a mophine drip on demand. (I don't remembe what it is called other than good. ) Later that day the itching started. I was also on two mega doses of antibiotics. The morphine was wonderful stuff and allowed me to stay out of the bed and walking enough that twice my IV battery ran down and the nurses made me go back to bed to plug in. So, even as the itching got worse, I decided that it was better to itch and have pain meds that worked rather than chance being changed to something that didn't work as well. I was very afraid of the pain. It was then that a yeast infection set it. I thought it was just itching from the drip. By the end of the second day, my whole body itched. I couldn't stop scratching and eventually watching me started to drive all those who had to talk to me for very long crazy. So, they switched me to another drug. It worked just as well and we soon became the best of friends. Also on the second day, I started to get fever blisters on my lips. I had warned the doctor that this would happen, so they were very quick to get me the perscription I needed. That was the best planning I did because I was able to stop the blisters before they fully formed. On the last morning, they started talking about taking my drip away and having me go on oral meds. I confessed to them that I was still scared of the pain. We agreed to let me keep the drip until 11 so I could get a few more hours of sleep. I had been awake for most of the night. Around noon, we decided that I should take a dose of oral pain meds so that the pain didn't set in too strong before we had a chance to treat it. Plus, they needed to make sure that I could take the oral pain meds. About an hour before I left the hospital, I realized that I had a raging yeast infection. I decided to wait and buy the meds when I got home. I now really wish I would have realized what it was sooner and started treatment sooner. I mention this as a warning for something to watch out for. It was about 2 when we left from Seattle. Usually the ride takes about an hour. But, because of traffic, it took us 2 1/2 hours. They had called my prescription into a pharmacy near our base. I never thought I wouldn't get to the pharmacy before the pain meds wore off. But, I was in a lot of pain when we got back to Tacoma. We went directly to the pharmacy. I handed my ID card to the pharmacy and they pulled out my prescription. I was hurting so bad I didn't even think I could speak. The tech told me the price and asked if I had insurance. Yes, I do and the hospital gave them all of that information. I nodded. The tech said he would need to see my card. So, I shoved my card which was sitting on the counter right in front of his face, so I shoved it even closer to him. He picked it up and said he would be back in about 15 minutes. I found my voice. I told him I was in a lot of pain and needed a dose NOW. He said that was something the pharmacist would have to decide. Now pissed and in pain, I started yelling for him to get a pharmacist NOW. Suddenly, the pharmacist appeared. I was shouting and begging and told them I would write a check on the spot for that one dose and then they could take the bottle and charge my insurance for the rest of it. But, I needed help now. The pharmacist grabbed everything and said he would be right back. I realized that they weren't going to give me a little dose cup, so I sent DH to the van. Before he was back, they had my meds and were ringing them up. I grabbed the bottle and was pouring my dose (which took me 5 minutes to get all of it down). I realize now that I may have looked like a drug addict in need of a fix. But, my dad is a pharmacist and I know he would never had treated someone in pain like this. There was no reason for it. I mention this because I want to remind everyone to make sure you have enough meds in your system before you leave the hospital to last you even if it takes you longer than expected to get to the pharmacy. Now, a week later, I am almost out of my pain meds. I have been trying to get off of them. Yesterday I went all day without them. But, by last night I hurt. I tried to do without until DH insisted that I take a dose. Now 14 hours later, I still feel fine. So, yes, I am a big baby. But, the drugs were enough to control the pain. I don't think I am capable of a short answer to any question.
on 8/4/04 4:32 am - Edmonds, WA
For those of us facing the table soon your story is ***sooo*** helpful, Hat!!! I'm keeping a mental check list of things be braced for, watch for, and bring to the hosptial. My brain is starting to fill up and (true to form) leak! Nan
Kimanne B
on 8/4/04 7:00 am - Near The Emerald City, wa
LOL I agree Nancy, I read Hats posts and have notebook right next me with questions, demands and things I need to take to the hospital lol. I also love Hats posts because she paints such a good picture I feel like I'm right there with her. And since I can't be in surgery right this instant, its like I'm living vicariously through Hat! Or perhaps I'm just a weirdo lol
on 8/4/04 1:29 am - Edmonds, WA
Hat, THANK YOU for posting such greeeeat updates! Keep 'em coming. It's simply wonderful to know the details of your journey thru recovery. You sound fabulous! I love the story about your kids. I'm glad you went to visit your friend. I have no doubt that it helped and encouraged her. Congrats on your shed pounds!! YEAH!!! I am thrilled for you!! Blessings everyone! Nan
on 8/4/04 3:12 am - Oak Grove, KY
You are amazing Hat! I told you, you have a heart of gold. Say! get that kid some chemistry sets, I think you have a doctor on your hands.
on 8/4/04 9:45 am - Tacoma, WA
hat, Thank you soo much for the info. Your posts always make me smile. I will keep notes for my upcoming surgery...give me drugs(lol) I'll keep you in my prayers
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