No Date for surgery/Starting over

on 7/31/04 3:13 pm - Oak Grove, KY
Well I went to see Dr. Carter at Madigan Army Hospital on Friday to see if he would schedule me for surgery, but no go. He feels that it would be too short of a time from the time that I will leave Washington. He is a compassionate doctor about this surgery so I respect his decision, but I can't help feeling anger, frustation, and a little let down. My family is PCS(moving) to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, so that means that I have to start all over on a list to have surgery which means that I could be looking at another one to two years before having surgery, if I go with the army hospital there. If I am able to go to a civilian doctor I will because the army hospital puts you through too much drama and I have enough of that in my own household, let along deal with them. Nothing in life has ever come easy for me and I wouldn't expect anything different with this surgery. I have heard of people going into this surgery with blindfolds on(meaning they did no research and do not know what to expect) but I have researched for months and know all that there is to know and learning more each-and-every-day, and it is so frustrating for my life to be in other people hands. I will continue to pray and hope for the best in the next few months. I move from Washington in mid-September to Ft. Campbell, Ky, but I will continue to check in on my Washington family as I continue on this long rough journey.
Kimanne B
on 7/31/04 3:19 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Awww Gloria (((big hugs))) I'm so sorry to hear that. I do feel however that your physician only has your best interest at heart. I can only imagine how frustrating it is, especially at the thought of having to start over. Maybe you could have your Dr. here write a letter saying you have been thru all the pre-requisites, along with medical documentation, and send it with you so that you won't be put thru much of the same process you've been thru over there. Just a thought~ I am very sorry to hear of your news ~ I wish you luck in your move and will keep you in my prayers for your WLS. Keep us posted please Kimanne
on 8/1/04 1:51 am - Oak Grove, KY
In our group consult at madigan army medical center they told us that if we move before having the surgery that we would start over on the list or we can come back to madigan and have the surgery which I know will not be happening because of time and money.
on 7/31/04 5:36 pm - NM
Gloria, that is heart breaking. All week long I missed my computer for many reasons. But, mostly because I had such high hopes for you and was hoping for the best out come for you. I am so sorry. I wish there were something we could do. ~~Hat
on 8/1/04 1:55 am - Oak Grove, KY
I know Hat, but what can I say? I tried, but I guess I don't have that magic touch like some. I am a strong woman and always have been so I will not give up. This only makes me want to fight hard. This time I know to go civilian instead of waiting on the army doctors.
Kimanne B
on 8/1/04 10:10 am - Near The Emerald City, wa
Ugh... sorry to hear that... Maybe the new Doctors will be more accomodating It just doesn't make sense to go thru all the tests and everything all over again... DARNIT! I will keep you in my prayers. Let us know how it goes! Kimanne
on 7/31/04 9:23 pm - Everett, WA
Hi, I am so sorry you have to start over. Maybe you won't have to. If you have complete documentation of what you've done already, then perhaps you won't have to start over completely in the new location. I sure hope it won't take a long time. I remember fearing, a few months ago, that mine might take a few years and I was afraid I'd be gone by then. Hang in there. LM
on 8/1/04 2:01 am - Oak Grove, KY
My biggest fear is having a stroke or heart attack because of weight, as long as I have my health I will continue with the surgery. I have to start over on the list because it is the army medical center policy. I will check into going with a civilian doctor this time.
Rachael E.
on 8/1/04 3:23 am
Gloria, Yeah I know exactly what you mean when you say nothing in life has come easy for you....I feel I am the same way. I have had the run through with Triwest and I don't see and end to it...It's been over a month since Pam sibmitted to Triwest and they still have nothing...I know what you mean when you say some people just walk into it blindfolded and it seems they just get it handed to them. This is one of the most frusterating things I have delt with in a long time. I am all out of luck and patients. I'm tired and worn out from the highs and lows....I give up. I don't think I will get an answer. I have been let down yet again and it's very painful. I am right along with you in your frusteration and depression. My husband is getting skinny while his wife is staying fat. He hardly eats, so it's hard for me to eat. I am happy for Derek, but I am jelous and it's hard for me to be as supportive as I want to be. I am almost 24 years old.....I have no idea what it's like to feel young and energetic. People critisize me for wanting to have weight loss surgery.....they say I am so pretty and I don't need it....that hurts me even more. That just means they don't understand me, or they're just saying it to be "nice". I gave in yesterday and went to Bon Macy's and went shopping........nice shopping....all their Tommy stuff is on big big sale. I did buy a pair of Tommy jeans that weren't on sale, but it felt good to buy something expensive for myself. Derek knew it would help me feel better so he encouraged me to buy cooler's been hot and I didn't have any summer clothing. It's going to be warm here until at least early I got plenty of clothes to keep me cool. I haven't gone shopping for new clothes in a LONG time....last summer I was either pregnant or just had I was wearing maternity clothes or nursing clothes. My nusing attire has just been babies started biting.... I am excited to go out today and walk around the mall or something....I look so much better with new clothes....My husband is so good to me. I feel you Gloria and I am so sorry you have to feel like this and go through this! If you ever wanna talk I am here for you. Rachael
on 8/1/04 5:10 pm - Oak Grove, KY
Thank you Rachael for understanding and we must be on the same plane because I went shopping today to catch the JC Penneys sale at the mall. I went shopping for my three girls school clothes. My 15 yr. old always ask why I never by anything for myself. I do sometimes get an outfit here or there. I love to see her try on outfits, she is a size 3. We left the store like bandits in the night. Of course before my husband went off to school in SC he told us not to do a lot of shopping because we are moving so, but we couldn't help it. You know Rachael, for all of the sacrifice that is given to the U.S., we get the worst treatment, the bottom of the barrel medical and dental insurance and the questionable housing for our family, and you wonder why most of the wives are over weight or become over weight. I hope that there is a change coming for the military with this election year.
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