Questions to wake up the ...

on 7/31/04 5:41 am - Elk, WA
Questions to wake up the Board. We have questions almost every day on the over fifty board and we have gotten to know each other very well this way. So how about I write the first ones and then anyone else can join in as they wish. 1. What was the hardest part of making the decision to have WLS ? 2. What was the easiest part? 3. If someone says to you after the surgery, "My goodness, you have lost so much weight, you look great" will you tell them you had WLS? Why or why not? 4. What are you hoping WLS surgery will change for you? 5. Has anyone tried to talk you out of WLS?
on 7/31/04 5:51 am - Elk, WA
1. I don't have insurance and it was hard to commit myself to saving for the surgery when there is so much that could be done with that money. 2. Getting information about WLS. I was surprised how much information there is out there and AMOS has been wonderful! 3. Yes, I already tell people, if it comes up, that I am having the surgery. I think we need to take the silence and shame out of obesity and start to work on a solution as a culture. Our health as a society, is in great jeopardy if we don't take control of our eating habits, one way or another. 4. I want to be able to just walk around with my legs and knees not hurting. I can hardly go to the store to pick up a carton of milk. 5. Oh yes, many but then as I start to educate them, they quickly realize I know what I'm talking about and have a lot more knowledge than they do. See how easy this is????? Suzie
on 7/31/04 7:03 am - Spanaway, WA
1. I have Medicare and I didn't think it would be so easy to get the wls. I'm pre-op but it seem's to be moving quickly, one of the reason is Medicare holder's don't have to be pre-approve. 2. Once I started thinking about wls I got right on the pc and found this site. I have spent many hrs here, reading, writing and getting to know other's. This site is awsome! 3. What has really made me freak out is that every one (except for one small sister) has tried to discourage me from going on with the wls. My honey was supportive, until he talk to a hypnotist and the guy told him the surgery is the worst thing I could do for my self! He also put in that the celebs have the finist doctor's and money to buy the other stuff needed after the surgery! Tell you what, I don't want to say another peep about the wls, think I'll sneek off when it's time to have surgery. 4. I have fibromyalgia, hypertension, 44DD along with back problems and so on! I would like to feel better not only physically but to have a good out look on the life a head of me. 5. 90% of the people I have talk to have had some horrible story to tell me, not just about one person but many! I didn't relize that every one out there is a genius about Gastric bypass surgery, except for me! I was even told that every one that has this surgery, is paid to say it's a wonderful thing, I'm not joking! WOW WEEEEE.
on 7/31/04 7:45 am - Elk, WA
#5. Hey, maybe we could turn this into a money - making venture! Who is paying all this money? I want to sign up!!!! Suzie
Dan G.
on 7/31/04 11:21 am - spokane, wa
1 Money hoping the insurance would pay for it 2 easy part???? 3 Yes I would tell them maybe it might help someone else 4. would be nice to enjoy life again. 5. Not yet most of my freinds respect my desisions
on 7/31/04 12:55 pm
- 1 The idea of being so young and never really enjoying food again. 2 Easiest part is eating, Such little food and lots of protein and not really a part of my life anymore just nutrition. 3 Nope dont tell people i got WLS 4 I am hoping to be stronger faster more productive in life. 5 nope my own decision *gollum Voice* my own my precious
on 7/31/04 2:45 pm - Oak Grove, KY
1. The hardest part of making the decision to have WLS was to admit to myself that I can not lose this weight on my own, I need help. I sometimes feel like a failure, like I am weak or have no control over my life. 2. The easiest part about my decision to have this surgery is finding out all of the information necessary to educate myself. 3. Yes I will because I want others to know that there is something out there to help them if they have been struggling all their lives with their weight and they are at their wits end. 4. I hope that WLS surgery will change my behavior with food and give me back some control with my eatting habits. I hope to be more physically active and for my self-esteem to increase. 5. Friends have tried to talk me out of the surgery, but my family has been supportive as far as if this is what you want to do. No one has really gone out of the way to really learn about the surgery and how my life will be change afterwards. I would call them semi-supportive.
Kimanne B
on 7/31/04 2:53 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Hi, I'm supposed to be camping LOL but here I sit. So I will answer these great questions! 1. Being a single mom, the hardest part was the risks involved with this surgery and the fact that I would leave my daughter mother-less in the world. I have gotten thru that by turning it over to God. I believe that if it is his will for me to have the surgery, all the correct doors will be opened. So far its been pretty smooth, so I believe I'm on the correct path. I also believe that when God calls you home, no matter where you are, you're outta here lol. So.. whether i'm here at home or in surgery or on a bus somewhere.. when its time its TIME! 2. Easiest Part, hmmm. The information and resources available. The amount of information that is available on this website is incredible! I could write a book about WLS just from what I've learned here! 3. Yes, I would tell them I had WLS. Why? Because its going to be what worked for me. Just like people at work talk about the Atkins diet? Well, this is what worked for me. The statistics prove there is no other effective way for morbidly obese patients to lose the weight. To each their own as long as I'm happy, yee hawwwwww!!!!!! LOl 4. The biggest thing I'm hoping WLS will change for me is my quality of life. I want to be able to walk to the mailbox without being winded, have my butt fit in a swing at the park, shop in the regular size clothing, not have people pay any attention at all to me, to just blend in... but most of all to be able to actually "live" and do things with my daughter. If I happen to look good along the way, thats just a bonus, I want my health back please 5. Hex yeah! How about my dad, my mom, my daughter, my friends! My daughter even called me selfish! (only because she'd be alone in the world if anything happened to me) .. she does want me to lose weight... but doesn't understand I'm too big to move, it hurts to exercise so thats NOT an option. She wants me to lose weight like the rest of society says. Eat less, exercise, bleh bleah lol This was fun! Thanks Suzie! Kimanne
Rachael E.
on 7/31/04 3:01 pm
1. The hardest part is- it's such and invasive surgery and there are a lot of risks...I just want to make sur eI am not going to leave my kids without a Mommy who loves them more than anything. 2. Loving my kids as much as I can before my surgery. They're so easy to could I not. Other than that I don't think there's anything easy about making this decision. 3. Depends on who I am talking to..if it's someone *****ally knows me or is interested in the surgery yes, if it's someone who I am just briefly talking to...probably not. I am open to telling anyone...I am not ashamed. I just want to make sure it's not someone who is going to judge me...ya know what I mean???? 4. I am hoping for a new life...I want to have the energy to do things with my family. I do a lot now, but I want to be very active...I want to be able to jog 5 miles a day instead of 1, I want to be able to go to VS (victoria secret) to get some fancy bra and panty set, I want to walk into Nordstroms and not feel intimidated, I want to buy clothes off the rack, I want to look like the sexy woman I feel like, so many things will change...... 5. Yes, mainly my close family.....My Mom, brother, but once I mentioned to them that they have never known what it's like to be overweight and they will never know what it's like....they softened up. I think it's opened up a lot of understanding between myslef and some of my family. I have always been very close to my family, but now they have a better understanding of my pain. I hate being fat, I still feel very happy, sexy, and successful....I just know I will feel even more happy, sexy, and determined when I fit in with society. It so amazes me that God has given man the talent to learn and gain knowledge of this amazing surgery that give people a second chance at losing weight. Once you get so overweight where you just can't possibly lose it on your own there's still hope...I can be normal someday and it's not too far off. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!! I know it's a long hard road and I know it's a struggle- it's not as easy as it seems....I know this because I see the daily struggle with my LOVE Derek, and I have seen it through his Mom and my's rough, but it's so rewarding. I can't be talked out of it. Thanks to Suzie and good luck to you!!!!!! Rachael
on 7/31/04 3:28 pm - Tacoma, WA
#1 The hardest part about making the decision to have WLS was making sure I really felt in my heart that I had tried all other options before taking such a big step. #2 The easiest part was thinking about how great I'm going to look and feel when it's done #3 I will definetly tell people I had WLS! I already tell everyone about my decision. I want to let others know they have options and don't have to die from problems related to obesity. #4 I am hoping that WLS will change the way I look and feel about myself. I have been obese since about 9 yrs old and I'm 34 now.I have always hated my fat. I am looking forward to being active, feeling good,also living longer and not feeling like I'm dying. #5 My "darling" mother has really tried hard to talk me out of having WLS. She keeps telling me that sooo many people die every year from WLS.I don't think my mom understand that I'm already dying from my severe obesity and this surgery is going to save my life!!!
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