Rachael Elliott

on 6/22/04 6:29 pm - NM
Rachael, now that you have been on the support side of surgery, do you have any advice that we can pass on to those that will be supporting us? Assuming I am approved, my son, age almost 11, will be staying with me in the hospital. Well, he will assuming that Dr. W says that it is ok. They will meet at my next appointment. But, with our discription, Dr. W said he thought my son would be o****il now, the youngest that was allowed to stay was 12. I don't see it as being a problem, but I do want to prepare him. And, I am sure that my DH would appreciate any advice you have for dealing with all that goes into watching your mate go through this. Thanks
Derek E.
on 6/23/04 3:19 pm - Bremerton, WA
Hat, Well, tha only advice I guess I would have it....be prepared. Be prepared for bad, if you get good then that's pleasent. We have had a very diffult past week. Derek is back in Madigan again tonight... It's so hard when things get rough. Not everyone has the same experience, but this one has been bad. For all of us who don't have to go to Madigan for our surgeries we are so so so LUCKY! If you could only have seen what has gone on this past week, you probably wouldn't be considering this surgery anymore. I am still doing it, thank God for Dr. Weber and his wonderful staff who are so helpful and encouraging to BOTH Derek and myself. I don't know what I would have done today with out the help of his wonderful staff. As for preparing your son....I hope your DH will be there during your surgery, it's pretty nerve wrecking. As long as your little man know that Mom is going to be in a lot of pain and that he's well reversed with what you're going to be having done, then I don't see why it would be a problem. PLEASE take extra time and explain to him everything that will be taking place- it can be a bit jarring to those who love and concern over you. I know my oldest is far younger then 11, but he's still having a hard time knowing Daddy is in pain and he is very upset that Daddy isn't home with us tonight. Good luck to you all who are supporters out there....you are so needed...I can't say I have stayed strong enough for my lovely Derek...I have been quite emotional and very stressed and worried.....through it all I have had to work extra overtime with the family, take care of the house and three kids, and take care of D...so it's not like I have anything to stress over....oh and our cat Max is having to be at the vet over night tonight.....too much to keep track of.....I think I will just go to bed....
Rachael E.
on 6/23/04 3:20 pm
ok so that wasn't Derek who wrote that it was me....I know you know that though.
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