baby or surgery?? THAT is my question....

on 4/15/04 7:02 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
ok guys... here's the scoop. i need this surgery, desperately, i am 24 with a 2 yr. old girl. i need to be there for her!!!! here's my dilema... i want another baby so bad i can't hardly stand it!!!!! but i was told i would have to wait 2-3 yrs post op. yuck!! my hubby says he doesn't want another one until he makes e-5, and with his mos, it's gonna be a while.... but, he is also re-enlisting to go to korea for his hardship tour. so even if i had the surgery, it's not like he could be here to help me. i would have to ship my mom in or something. so my 2 yr old is gonna be like 6 or 7 before she gets someone to beat up and bully around. that's too far out there!! i dunno.... someone tell me what to do so i will quick stressing!! ughhh i should have been a nun!!!
on 4/15/04 7:11 pm - Everett, WA
Hi, Another option is to adopt. LM
on 4/16/04 4:23 am - NM
I can't tell you what to do. All I can do is tell you about me. I have four kids. To have kids, I had to go off of some meds that I really needed. For 11 years, I suffered so I could have kids and nurse them. It was just this last year that I got my body back and started feeling better. So, you can see that for me, having kids was really important. But, different than with you, my husband didn't really have much to say when it came time to make a baby. He came from a big family. But, he didn't care if we had one or six. I do most of the care and am a SAHM. And, probably most important, he wanted me to be happy. Is there any chance you can change your husbands mind about waiting? If not, then it seems the choice is made. :-/ Good luck deciding. At least this is one of those choices where you win either way. You either get a wonderful little baby. Or you get more healthy and thinner. Win-win.
on 4/16/04 4:14 pm - Oak Grove, KY
If you really want to have another baby, this is a good time with your daughter being 2yrs old. I have a 14, 10, and 7yr old; my oldest child does not have very much to do with the younger ones. My 10 and 7yr old get along just fine. I think age differences makes a differents in childrens relationship with each other. Gloria
on 4/19/04 7:18 am - Greater Seattle, WA
I have siblings that are 10-15 and 20 years my SENIOR.. yes I am the baby of the family ....we are very close...not trying to give you advice but you asked so here goes YOU ARE VERY YOUNG! YOU HAVE PLENTY OF TIME! If I had to choose right now baby or surgery I would choose surgery ... your quality of time will be better spent if you can move around with them and do fun things....
Mary B.
on 4/20/04 6:15 pm - wa
Have the lap-band. It can be adjusted for pregancy, and you will lose weight slowly and naturally.
on 4/21/04 3:54 am - Oak Grove, KY
Renee, I went to the consult at Madigan, and the lady said if you plan on having children after the surgery, you must make sure that you are taking all of your vitamins and supplements, (B-12,iron, calcium etc.) that you need after surgery because the baby can end up with deficiencies if you are lacking anything within your body. I would wait until after having babies because they take so much out of your body as is. After children you can focus more on your body and what you need to do after surgery and for the rest of your life. It is really up to your husband and you. God bless, Gloria
on 4/23/04 10:03 am - South Sound, WA
Renee, If you still want to have children, please check in to having the Lap-Band...You lose the weight so much more safely, and is so much more healthy for the fetus.... Bettye G. pre-op Lap-Band
on 4/24/04 2:46 pm - Bothell, WA
I see a couple other people suggested the Lap-band & I just wanted to add my two cents. One of the many reasons I chose the lap-band is because it's adjustable. You can adjust it for pregnancy & breastfeeding to make sure you have the ability to get all the nutrients & calories you need in those times. I'm not sure how long you have to wait after having it done, but I'm guessing since there is not cutting or rearranging of your organs it's not as long as with bypass. Good luck with your decision. It's s tough one. Gen
on 4/26/04 12:54 pm - YAKIMA, WA
my name is stephanie and i just started looking into the wieght loss surgerys this last month. i am only 19 and want to have children some day not soon but in the future. how does this work with surgery can i not have children if i get cut or do you have to have the lap-band.. how does this lap band work any how don't you lose weight alot slower when you go that route. but i also heard it is not as costy. someone please help i am confused?
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