Pre-op visits today!

Carol K.
on 12/29/03 2:13 am - Lynnwood, WA
Well, gang... I'm going in for my pre-op appointment this afternoon. Seven days and a wake-up until surgery. I have all my protein and vitamins in place and I'm ready to start. Wish me luck. ~Carol~
Margie M.
on 12/29/03 4:01 am - Everett, WA
Dear Carol, My thoughts and prayers are with you!! I too will be seeing my surgeon on Jan 15th....I know everything will go great!! We deserve to be happy and healthy! Know that you are not alone.... Sincerely, Margie Miller [email protected]
Carol K.
on 12/29/03 1:19 pm - Lynnwood, WA
Margie!!!! We are on our way!! I just know the time will fly and we will barely remember all this stuff... it will just be a blurr... {Of course, the drugs don't hurt that aspect of things!!} It took much longer to get there and back than the appointments were. Mostly went over things that, (thanks to these sites), I already knew. But it was good to be reminded. You are not alone, either, Margie! We'll get through this together! ~Carol~
Carla A.
on 12/29/03 8:28 am - Burlington, WA
Carol... The next week will just fly by for you, believe me!! I hope that it goes by fast for you. Did Dr Oh put you on clear liquids for the next week? I will be so glad once I can get off that more week and I will be able to at least move onto puried foods. Be prepared to tell your family that you may be in surgery for about 6 hours if you are having Lap done. Dr Oh is very thorough in that respect. Which of course is a good thing. The hospital stay should be a piece of cake. The fun part is once you get home and try to figure how much you will be able to take in. My best advice is to stop eating before you fill full..Thats been my challenge. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. And give a yell if there is anything I can help you with. ~~Carla
Carol K.
on 12/29/03 1:25 pm - Lynnwood, WA
Carla... so glad that you are getting your onery self back!! There's hope for me, yet! Dr. Oh put me on a high protein, no carb diet for this week. I was all prepared for the all liquid thing... but, dang! I'll eat if he wants me too! Hee Hee! Just a liquid diet the day before and nothing after midnight. I'm having it open. I'm going for the Medial so they have to do it open. I really wanted the lap... but that's the way the cookie crumbles. SEE! I can't keep my mind off carbs! LOL! Take care. The next week will fly by and you'll be livin' it up on runny mashed potatoes!! WoooooHoooo! ~Carol~ (haven't lost my onery self.... yet)
Dani B.
on 12/30/03 4:48 am - WA
I had my pre-op yesterday with Dr. Oh and he put me on the one week of liquid diet. I almost even cancelled my surgery. He told me I was High Risk and it scared me. He said because of my weight and height that I will be more of a risk. I called and spoke to Sherri and Autumn today and they made me feel better about the whole thing. I am still on track for now unless I get scared again. My husband and mom arent to happy with me though, they dont want me to have it, and after last night telling they I wasnt going to do it they were really relieved. I pray all goes well from here on out.
Carol K.
on 12/31/03 6:49 am - Lynnwood, WA
Dani, Do what your heart says to do. No one can make this decision for you. All we can do is consider our loved ones, but do what you feel will be in EVERYONE's best interest... including yourself. But just because you may feel "outnumbered" doesn't mean that you are out-voted. All I'm saying is, ultimately, you must do what is the best thing for you. All surgery is a scary thing. Dr. Oh MUST tell us the things we may not want to think about but the things we must acknowlege. I have no doubts whatsoever. But my 24 year old daughter was here today and she seemed distant and almost angry at me. She asked her dad how he felt about me going into surgery and he told her he has mixed emotions but is behind whatever I want. I think she wanted him to side with her. The closer it gets, the more they start thinking about the "what ifs". All I can do is to go into this with a positive attitude and realize that if I'm to lead my life out with dignity, self-confidence, self-esteem and integrity... I need to go for it. Yesterday I sat down and wrote a three page letter to myself outlining all the things that are bad about being morbidly obese AND all the benefits I will receive from getting back to "normal." I know I will have times that I kick myself for doing this while I am recovering. This letter will remind me of WHY I'm taking the drastic step. My husband says... make sure to take it to the hospital!! You take care and let us know what you decide. We're all still here for you regardless if you go for surgery or not. You are one of us. ~Carol~
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