Hardest Thing Ever

on 11/9/03 2:46 am - MD
Hi All, I just need to vent to my family if you do not mind. Going into this surgery I knew that it would not be easy. I did lots of research and went to support groups and read articles and looked at TV shows that talked about it. In doing all of this and knowing the risk and the life altering change I still felt the need to have this surgery, this was something I wanted to do without fail. However although I do not regret having the surgery nor can I yet say I would do this again, I just need to keep it real when I say that having this surgery was the hardest thing I have ever had to do and maintain in my life. Without the sole support of my new best friend Lisa Cohen and my longtime friendship with Lisa Dunlap, I have no idea what I would do. Lisa Cohen and I had our surgeries about 2 weeks apart so the things I am going through now she is so helpful with, my day does not feel complete unless I talk to her. Lisa Dunlap is almost a year out and she gives me that energy and the reassurance that things will definately get better. I said all of that to say this when you are going through this, it is so important to have someone to support you. My husband and my best friend Lea and my sister Rochelle are all having this surgery and I am so glad that I am the Guinea Pig of the circle, because when they have surrgery they will have all of me. I will have already worked the kinks out for them, I will be there to help them from day one, I will be able to encourage them when they go through the depression and the battles of what to eat and what not to eat.. This is a remarkeable journey that all of the post ops have began and all of the pre ops are thinking of taking, it requires hard work and determination and most of all support from someone who understands and is willing to be there for you when you need them. This message board is such a great place to come and read and get advice, sometimes it can be a little intimidating on the main board because people will just beat you down and make you feel bad about your questions. Just thought that I would let all of you know that we are all in this together, weither i know you or not I plan to be an advocate and a great support person for anyone that needs me, I call people on a daily basis, i send numerous emails daily and I call my Lisa C. daily to see how her day is, this surgery is life altering for me and i intend to be as supportive as i can to anyone that just wants to talk. You can email me directly at [email protected] and I will take your number and give you mine and just know that I am here for you all, anytime of the day and night, because i do not want anyone to feel they are alone. This is a winning battle, not one without a strong and hard fight. I just want you all to know that support is the key to success. I hope that i have not offended anyone with what i have said, it was never meant to come out that way. i also want you all to look for regular post from me, because anytime I learn anything new that is helpful I will be on here sharing it. Thanks for listening and good luck to US ALL!!!!!
Carla A.
on 11/9/03 8:53 am - Burlington, WA
Adrienne ..What a beautiful message from the heart. And even though it is meant for so many of us, I want to thank you personally for your thoughtfulness. My surgery is one month from today and like so many others I am as scared as I am happy. Not only from the actual surgery but, learning to eat all over again. This site is definitely a God sent and knowing it is here gives me the confidence that I can have WLS successfully. I do not feel alone and know there are others always within reach for moral support. Good luck on your journey, I know you will do wonderfully!! ~~ Carla
on 11/9/03 10:51 am - MD
Hi Carla, I am so glad you are having the wls and I am here for you at anytime, please stay int touch with me as I will do the same for you. Do not hesitate to call me because I am sure you will have lots of questions before surgery. Email me your number and i will definately keep in touch with you.
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