Lack of support from family

Elisabeth C.
on 10/14/03 12:02 am - Federal Way, WA
Hi everyone! I've been reading this site for awhile and hope one of you will have some words of wisdom for me. I've been overweight all my life (my mom took me to a nutritionist when I was 9 because she was concerned) and have been researching this surgery for over 2 years. I am now preparing my insurance appeal letter and asked my mother for a letter from her to send along with mine. She hasn't said much about the surgery (never brings it up) and first said she would write a letter (I told her that she didn't have to say she thought this was a good idea, just that she was concerned about my weight, etc). I got an email from her this morning saying she "couldn't in good conscience" write me a letter and that she thinks there are alternatives to the surgery that I need to explore. I've asked what the alternatives are (like most of you I've tried everything!) and she doesn't know but tells me I should "try harder" to lose weight. My husband is pretty much the same. He says he supports me but never asks any questions or talks to me about it. When I asked last night if he wanted to read my appeal letter he said "no, I'm sure it's fine". His main concern is the money, if we end up having to pay for this. (we would be tight but could do it) I'm so irritated and frustrated with all of them that I want to take my son and move out of the state! It's so difficult because the insurance company is fighting me and now I feel like I have no support from my family. What do I do???
Carla A.
on 10/14/03 9:53 am - Burlington, WA
Elisabeth... You might find alittle information to help you construct an appeal letter at this site: Or do alittle research from other members site. I have seen several that have copies of their appeal letters on their profile pages. You can also go to and they can assist you in appealing your case. You can also talk to other members that weren't able to get covered by their insurance either who have gone down to Mexico to have their surgery . There is a reputable surgeon just across the border. Go to the main message board and post a message inquiring about it. You are not alone in getting the lack of support from family or friends. Many members experience the same thing. That's why this site is so important. Its a wonderful place to go when you feel alone and need a few shoulders to cry on or cheer for you when things go fantastic. Don't give up on your desire to have WLS, it may take you awhile but, I think with alittle persistance you will fulfill your dream to a better and healthier you. I will be cheering for you ~~ Carla
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