TTNT Homework Assignment!

Susan O.
on 5/28/10 12:14 pm - Tacoma, WA
RNY on 06/27/07 with

Hi  Everyone!

We missed all who weren't able to attend the TTNT meeting last Monday.  We talked about "Spring Cleaning". Cleaning and clearing out all the bad habits and lazy ways we may have accumulated over the winter. This even includes cleaning out, or adding boundaries with certain people in your life. Re-dedicate yourself to your surgery! You had this surgery or lost this weight for a reason. Remember and embrace that reason and get back on the road to health!
As I promised, HOMEWORK has been assigned! Your assignement, should you choose to accept it, is to plan a menu for a summer gathering (a cook-out, salad night, dessert night,  potluck, wedding, whatever you want to choose). The menu should include WLS-friendly foods (according to your personal surgery), but be versatile enought that non-WLS folks can enjoy and not even realize they're eating "healthy"! Let's see how creative we can be! Please bring a recipe for at least one of the dishes you feature on your menu, and if you desire, bring us a taste! Next meeting is June 28th!
Big Hugs to Everyone!

For more info, please click on the link by my signature.



RNY 6/2007   120 pounds lost - GOAL!!


on 6/2/10 9:56 am - Tacoma, WA
is the june meeting the last monday in june at 7pm?

6/25/09: 232.2
Susan O.
on 6/11/10 6:54 am - Tacoma, WA
RNY on 06/27/07 with
Half right! It's Monday, June 28th from 5:30-7:30. Sure would love to see you again!



RNY 6/2007   120 pounds lost - GOAL!!


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